[mouse squeaks ] [penguins chirp ] [all cheering ] [screeches ] Adventure time Come on, grab your friends We'll go to very distant lands with Jake the dog and Finn the human the fun will never end lt's Adventure Time JAKE: [grunting ] [sighs ] Hey, man.
[chuckling ] [video game beeping ] What's so funny? Oh, you know, just taking this garbage bag of butter [grunts] into the house.
[chuckling ] Dude, that's not that funny.
Agh! - [laughs ] Aw! Butter-pranked! l can't belleve l dldn't see that coming! Heh! Yeah, l'm a genius.
You have offended my honor, sir, and in so doing, you have awoken the pranking demon that sleeps in my pits! The demon is coming for you, mortal.
lt is going to prank you so hard! Whatever.
l'm gonna take a day-long nap.
[yawns ] That's right, sucka! Go nap it up! For when you awake, the pranking demon will be upon you! Aw, man! Nothing's better than throwing a big bag of butter at someone! [grunts ] Gotta think! What's a better prank than butter? Answer me, book.
What's better than butter? A unicorn a treasure hunter a battleship a pie a young girl in lo-- Wait! Book, rewind! That's it! l'll throw never-ending pies at Jake's face forever! [laughs evilly ] l'm gonna build me a pie-throwing robot that throws never-ending pi-i-i-es on Jake's ugly fa-a-a-ce and he won't know what hit him 'cause the pies are ne-ne-ne-never ne-ne-ne-never ne-ne-ne-never-ending lt's never-ending-pie-throwing time! Come on, dude! Turn on! Why isn't it working?! [breathing heavily ] l'll never make a prank better than Jake's garbage bag full of butter.
[thunder crashes ] ROBOT: Ouch! Holy stuff! lt talked! Wow cow chow! Greetings, Creator.
Oh, whoa! Hey, man! My name is NEPTR, which stands for ''never-ending-pie-throwing robot.
'' Oh, perfect.
You're exactly the kind of robot l was trying to make.
Creator, l am eager to commence the creation and propulsion of pies forever.
But my pie-hucking appendage is [grunts] malfunctioning.
And my oven lamp is cold.
And my tank treads do not roll! They only do skids! Why, Creator? - [gasps ] Does it please you to watch me struggle? NEPTR, don't say stuff like that.
Look, l know we just met, and you're probably going through a lot of personal stuff right now, but l really like you, NEPTR.
And l'm not gonna rest until you're working properly and throwing hot pie at my best friend's face.
Together, we're going to prank the poots out of Jake.
Ha ha.
l'll always love you, Creator.
l know you will, NEPTR.
Now, all we need is more lightning power so you can be operating at full capacity.
And l think l know just the dumb-hole who we can get some from.
NEPTR: Ooh! What beautiful piles of sugar! [chuckles ] No, NEPTR.
We call that ''snow.
'' [squeaking ] Did y'all smack me into that mountain on purpose? ALL: Yeah! Take note, NEPTR -- these guys are grade-A pranksters.
You guys hang out in case we need a daring escape.
Yeah, sure.
Daring escape, yeah.
We got your back.
l got his wallet.
[laughter ] Just got to sneak around until we find his lightning-bolt stash.
But, Creator, is not breaking and entering wrong? No, we're pranklng and entering, which is awesome.
Sneaking We're sneaking.
Shush, NEPTR! - Sneaking - Shh! Sneaking NEPTR, you're gonna get us caught! - Sneaking! - ls that you, honey? How was your day at work? [high-pitched ] Terrible! How could l possibly stand to be apart from you, the lce King? [normal voice ] You see, Gunter, that's how it would go if l actually had a wife.
- Quack! - Game time! Kill the frog! Kill the frog! Ah, come on! Oh, he's right in front of you! Lower! [grunts ] Stupid lady! Kill it! Creator, if we get caught, l want you to know that l will always love you.
Shh! You already told me that.
And we're not getting caught.
We're gonna get you working so we can prank Jake.
He could wake up from his nap at any second! [snoring ] l might wake up at any moment! Nah, l'm still asleep.
Oh, no! That frog is casting magic missiles on my babe! [grunts ] Quickly, while he's distracted.
Oh, come on! Get out of the-- [grunts] Move! Quack! Bah! This game cheats anyway! Huh?! Look what you did, Gunter! [squeaking ] We're home-free, NEPTR.
[quacking ] What are you on about? [quacking ] You're starting to infuriate me.
Quack! Quack! lt's almost like you're trying to alert me, warn me about -- l don't know -- an intruder or something.
Perhaps he's lurking in this very room, just outside my field of vision.
- [quacking ] - Well, knock it off! What do we do, Creator? We're gonna prank him, NEPTR -- hard-core.
[whistles ] You're looking kind of fat, Gunter.
Look at these arms -- fat, fat, fat.
Daddy's little fatty.
Oh, you'll never get a prom date with all that tub on your face, you know.
Oh! Cold! Blast these melty ceilings! [laughs ] Creator, you have shown me the joys of pranking.
l cannot wait to throw pies infinitely at Jake's face.
[grunts ] The ceiling really ls melty.
Whoa! - Quack! Quack! What was that? Aaaaaaah! [grunting ] BOTH: Alarm! Alarm! Alarm! Alarm! Figs! - Alarm! Alarm! - Huh? lntruder! Maybe a beautiful princess, like in my poems.
Whoa! We got to find that lightning as fast as -- Creator! Lightning! lt's a lightning-shaped door! And we're gonna smash right into it! Hold on, NEPTR.
l got a plan.
Whoa! That was a great plan.
Nah, that wasn't my plan.
We got lucky.
Are those my tickets to the gun show, Creator? FlNN: Mm-hmm.
You're gonna be fully functional, just like l promised.
[rumbling ] Whoa, ice-o-pede! Ohh! Finn?! Ugh! Why can't you ever be a princess?! lce-o-pede, attack! lce-o-pede, no! Aah! Let's grab some lightning and get out of here! [cackles ] Finish him off, my semi-loyal pet! Wah! Aah! Look -- an innocent bystander! Zap! - NEPTR, n-o-o-o-o-o-o! [screaming ] NEPTR is fully functional! Yay! Ha ha ha! NEPTR! Yeah! Crush him! Crush him like you crushed me! Creator? NEPTR, the pies! Pies! Oh, right.
[treads screech ] Aw, come on! What was in those pies? Just boysenberries.
[chuckles ] And also polson.
[chuckles evllly ] [thinking ] NEPTR is acting different.
ALL: Quick, Finn! Jump! [grunts ] Wah! - [laughter ] [chuckles ] You guys got me.
Something about that robot l tried to kill fills me with deep longing.
Thanks, guys.
Your blood oath is fulfilled.
ALL: Yay! To the mesosphere! Finally, we can die! l am troubled, Creator -- troubled by a sudden urge to collect princesses.
NEPTR, that's a heavy unsettling thing to say.
But pull yourself together! We're about to prank Jake! Uh-huh.
One two Three! - Run, NEPTR! - Ooooh! Hah! Hah! Hah! - Zap! - Aw, man.
l've come to take my son.
- Your son?! - Come to pappy, son.
l won't attack you, unless provoked.
He's not your son! lf anything, he's my son! lt was my power that activated his full potential.
Bzzz! Ooh! When you were struck with my lightning, you also became infused with my private particles.
He wants to be with me, Finn! No way! NEPTR wants to help me prank Jake! l am torn.
l am processing a love for both princesses and pranking.
Don't worry, son.
l'll show you the life you deserve.
[wind whistles ] No! NEPTR! Now that we've entered my imagination zone, allow me to tantalize you with thls! [snaps fingers ] Princesses! As my son, you will carry on the tradition of capturing ladies.
Tell me more, pappy.
No, NEPTR! l want a son who can do better than l, one who can succeed where l.
have failed.
You can mate with robot princesses! Can l still prank with Finn after? No! l'll show you what will happen if you hang out with Finn! [both farting ] BOTH: Yeah! Pootin' on NEPTR to the max! Ha ha.
Yeah, l love Finn's pranks! Who do you choose?! Come on, NEPTR.
Choose me, buddy.
Choose pranks.
l uh, l choose lce King! What?! You've got to be flippin' kidding me! He made his choice.
Get over it, crybaby.
l'm not finished.
l choose lce King to prank -- hard-core! What?! Agh! My face! [both laugh ] l birthed you, and l can unblrth you! - Never! - Unh! Sleep well, pappy, in your imagination zone full of beautiful princesses.
You want to prank Jake? lt's why l was created.
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