[MOUSE SQUEAKS] [PENGUINS WENK] [ALL CHEERING] [SCREECHES] Adventure time Come on, grab your friends We'll go to very distant lands With Jake the dog and Finn the human The fun will never end It's Adventure Time [SIZZLING] I blows] [SLURPING] Finn, lunch is ready! Oh! What are you cooking? It's good, man.
I learned it from Rainicorn.
I'm not eating that.
It smells funny.
Dude, this took me, like -- FINN: Let's go over to Tree Trunks' and get some apple pie.
[CHANTING] Apple pie! Apple pie! Apple pie! Let's go! Whoa! [GRUNTS] [KNOCK ON DOOR] FINN: Tree Trunks! Tree Tr-- [GASPS] Tree Trunks! Tree Trunks? [MUMBLING] Apples.
My apples.
Apples? You! You took my apples! Whoa! Whoa! Tree Trunks, it's us -- Finn and Jake.
Finn? And -- and Jake? It's okay, Tree Trunks.
We're here to help you.
Just tell us what happened.
They took them.
They took all of them.
All of what? Apples.
My apples that I raised with love -- from mere seedlings.
Without my special apples, I won't be able to bake any more apple pies.
BOTH: Noooooo! Don't you worry, Tree Trunks, we'll find those thieves and bring them to justice.
Let me show you the crime scene.
You see, boys, scads of apple trees but -- but no apples.
Is anything else missing, Tree Trunks? No, Finn.
They didn't touch my rocks or my birds or my flowers or -- or nothing.
Well, I don't see any footprints.
What you got, Jake? No ghost doodies.
Oh, wait.
Oh, no.
Tree Trunks, is there anyone you can think of who might want to krunk you up? Oh, no, Finn.
I take great care to assure that -- that I'm loved by even the most heinous JAKE: Hey, guys, I found something! Look! [GASPS] Oh, hey.
Hey, Finn.
[CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY] Oh, hey, Raggedy Princess.
Have you seen anything fishy going on? Um, no.
[CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY] I've been kind of down this hole for a long time.
[CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY] I got knocked down here by some Ne'er-do-wells.
It was terrible.
I was so scared.
Ne'er-do-wells? They stole my apples.
I'm gonna sass those boys up nasty! [CHUCKLES] Awesome.
Where do we find these guys? Oh, the Candy Tavern, man.
I used to hang out there back when I used to snatch old ladies' purses.
[DING!] Don't worry.
I stopped doing that a long time ago.
I didn't know it was wrong.
[DING!] Okay, you two, let's get going.
[CLATTERING] Uhh! [GASPS] Oh, my! [GRUNTING] Uh, does Princess Bubblegum know about this place? Be cool, man.
You're gonna queer the deal.
Oh, yeah.
Try not to act suspicious, Tree Trunks.
Okay, I won't.
ALL: Where -- Oh! Where's my dang apples? [CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY] Tree Trunks, you're so silly.
But -- but listen.
You wouldn't happen to have seen any -- I don't know -- apples around, have you? Seen any apples? You ask a lot of dumb-butt questions, almost like you're trying to solve something.
What? Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no.
Clean, too.
Almost like some do-gooders! Hold on.
We got to go potty.
They almost got us.
But I think we blend in pretty well now.
This -- this toilet paper's drying my -- my mouth all up.
Tree Trunks, don't eat that.
You got to watch your man.
Oh, I look just like an army brat.
What can I do for you? You know where a guy might maybe score some apples? [GLASS SHATTERS] Well, when you put it like that, a couple of buddies I know have some apples for sale.
I'll show you.
Hey, fellas, these folks been asking about your apples.
Okay- Show 'em the apples, Smudge.
Grab 'em! You go back, and you tell your boss to stop looking for those apples, 'cause they're ours now! W-what boss? Your boss -- Dr.
We don't know any Dr.
Liar! Ouch! Come on, Smudge.
Gonna take myapples.
What just happened? I guess these guys who stole Tree Trunks' apples also stole Dr.
's apples, and they thought we were working for him.
Finn, Finn.
Hmm? This could be dangerous.
And if you want to go back home, I understand.
But I need to do this.
Yeah, Tree Trunks.
Me too.
JAKE: Hey, Finn.
Hmm? What's that on your face, buddy? Oh, the guy bopped me one.
Must have had a ring on.
You know, I think I seen that symbol somewhere before.
Right next door to where I used to hock stolen bikes.
What?! I didn't know it was wrong.
Yeah, you see, that guy must work here or something.
Hello? Who's the heck happening? What? Uh, we're here about the apples.
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