[MOUSE SQUEAKS] [PENGUINS CHIRP] [ALL CHEERING] [SCREECHES] Adventure Time Come on, grab your friends We'll go to very distant lands With Cake the cat and Fionna the human The fun will never end It's Adventure Time Throw it, Cake! Heh! Hes-yang These Jelly Kinders aren't alive, are they? What? No.
They can't even talk.
Bloo bloo-bloo bloop -- Kick it! Thanks for helping me out, guys.
What are these boogers for, anyway? Oh, they're decorations for my Biennial Gumball Ball tonight! Sounds like it's gonna be large! Yes! So very large.
I'd like you to be there as my special guest.
You want me to go with you to the ball? Heck yes.
As my pal! Oh.
It starts at 7:00, so don't be late! [THUNDER RUMBLING] Fionna, we got trouble! My tail is totally frizzin' out.
I'll check it out.
[THUNDER CRASHES] [LAUGHS EVILLY] It's Ice Queen! The Prince shall be mine! Back inside! Out of my way, Tomboy! Ice Queen, why you always predatoring on dudes? Ha! You should talk, keeping all the babes to yourself, totally ice-blocking my game! Wh a? Notthis time! Gah! Slush beast! Cake! Morningstar mode! Hup! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo! You saved me from the Ice Queen! Oh, uh, yeah, I guess.
Is she gone? She must have fled.
Fionna, you're so strong and you look so beautiful in the snow.
What are you doing later? I was just going to go home Come with me.
Let's go out.
Go out? Yeah.
Let's go somewhere.
What? We'd love to! Great! Meet me in the castle gardens in an hour.
Yes! We'll be there! Oh, it's a date! No, it's not.
I'm sure when he said, "Go out," he meant "Go out," not "go out!" Shut up! He's into you! Come on! You heard what he said.
I'm like his guy friend.
Well, that could change tonight! If it's a date, why are you coming? I'm coming to help you.
Hold on.
I'm bringing my dulcimer.
Aw, man! It's a conversation starter.
[GRUNTS] Fine.
I'll do this, if only to prove you wrong.
Let's just bail.
I changed my mind.
No! No retreat, girl.
GUMBALL: Hello, Fionna.
And I see you brought Cake.
That's cool, right? Only if it's cool that I brought Lord Monochromicorn.
[THUNDER RUMBLES] How are you, gorgeous? Accept these tokens of our esteem.
Hey, you didn't have to, guy.
For you, Cake A satchel of Nepetalactone.
Mo-cro picked it himself.
Catnip! Sweet babies! And for you, M'lady a bouquet of posies.
Oh, uhthey're there's a surprise at the center.
Huh? A crystal sword! I'm all about swords! How did you know?! I pay attention to things I see you being all about.
Thanks, dude.
It's just -- wow.
For the wovviness has only just begun! Psst! Fi.
Tell Gumball that you think he's "Hawt.
" What? No! Guys like to hear that they're hot! Will you keep your voice down?! GUMBALL: Oh, Fionna! Hey! What's up? I thought we might have a little race -- a playful race -- to Marshmallovvy Mweadows.
But I'm gonna kick your butt.
Not that I'm thinking of butts Excellent.
Hyah! After him, Fionna! After your man! Whoooooo! [BOTH PANTING] Good race, Fionna.
Why are y'all breathless if we're the ones runnin'? [HUMMING] Hup! Gumball! Sorry.
I saw a pearl Pygmy skull in there.
It reminded me of you -- the way your eyes sparkle.
[GIGGLES] Fionna, there's something I want to tell you.
I feel like nothing was real Until I met you I feel like we connect and I really get you If I said "You're a beautiful girl," would it upset you? Because the way you look tonight Silhouetted I'll never forget it Oh, oh, Fionna Your fist has touched my heart Oh, oh, Fionna I won't let anything in this world keep us apart BOTH: I won't let anything in this world keep us apart [BOTH LAUGH] Oh, my gosh, dude.
That was, like, the stupidest thing ever.
See you back at the treehouse! [DING!] [BOTH LAUGH] Geez, I don't know.
I've thought about it, but I think you could wear your pants as a shirt, if you really needed to.
[LAUGHING] Okay, okay.
Now you ask me something.
Oh, uh is this a date'? [CHUCKLING] Fionna come to the ball with me.
As yourchum? No.
As my girlfriend [DOOR CLOSES] FIONNA: It was a date! There was singing and junk! I know! I was there for that part! Cake, he wants me to go to the bail was his girlfriend! Oh, my goodness! It's almost 7:00! You need something to wear! Oh, hold on, honey.
I'm gonna make this happen! How am I supposed to fit my weapons in this? It's a ball! You don't need weapons! I'll take my retractable sword.
Okay! Let's go, go, go! [INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS, LAUGHTER] Lovely, lovely.
[MUTTERING] Yes, I designed it myself.
[GASPS] I've been looking for you.
Well, here I am.
Ha ha! Hey, I want to show you something.
Whoo! Okay, girl! See you later! What? Hey, is this your bedroom? Fionna [CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY] Whoa.
What?! [LAUGHING] [HIGH-PITCHED LAUGHING] This was so much easier than I thought it would be! This is really messed up, Ice Queen! What is your problem with me?! You're what stands between me and my Gumball! I can't believe I fell for this trash! You got me to show up with that dress and a pur-- my purse! My Sword! [LAUGHS EVILLY] [SHING!] [LAUGHS] Aah! You like my ice sword? FIONNA: [GRUNTING] Get it off me! Fionna? [LAUGHING CONTINUES] [GRUNTING] Yaaaaaaah! Oh, my goodness! What's going on in he- Aaaaah! Don't you touch her! Aaah! Shh! It's okay, it's okay! It was the Ice Queen.
Paws off my Prince! Aaaaaah! [LAUGHS EVILLY] Donk! Unh! [MOANING] My magic tiara! My Powers! And this is for yankin' my heart guts! Ha ha! I'm a Queen! No.
You might catch her crazy.
Wow, Fionnayou're you're just really incredible.
Maybe we should meet up for a date! No way, man.
Not interested.
[SIGHS] I think the reason I got all these guy friends and no boyfriend is because I don't really want to date any of 'em.
I don't need to feel like I'm waiting to be noticed.
I know who I am, and I'll know what I want if and when it ever comes along.
But there is one guy I'd do anything to date The Ice King! What? Me, too.
Ice King's the real deal.
[RUMBLING] Ice King is the hottest hottie, and I can't wait to marry him! ICE KING: said Fionna.
Then she turned to Prince Gumball and said, "I hope Ice King will sweep me off my feet and take me to the farthest corner of Ooo, where we will do nothing but kiss and eat a whole bunch until we get fat and die!" The end.
So, what did you think of the fan-fiction I wrote about you guys? Uhh Tell me you thought it was good! Uh, it's good! It's good! It's -- it's really good, dude! It was amazing! Come along with me And the butterflies and bees We can wander through the forest And do so as we please Come along with me To a cliff under a tree
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