[mouse squeaks] [penguins wenk] [all cheering] [ Screeches ] Adventure time Come on, grab your friends We'll go to very distant lands With Jake the dog and Finn the human The fun will never end It's Adventure Time Ugh! Where the turds is my demonic wishing eye?! Ugh! I've looked everywhere! Aw! [wenks] What is it, girl? [wenks] You know where it is? Lead the way! Oh, boy, this is just wonderful! Hmm.
Ah, you just want me to brush you! You know this brush is for Princesses only! [ Rustle! ] [sniffs deeply] Ahh, Princesses only -- no Gunthers! What are my options here? Hmmhmm, hmm.
Oh! Gunther! What is your damage today?! Ooh! Wizard Market! [humming] [ Keyboard clacking ] "WlZ" [grunts] [ Beeping ] [electronic music playing ] Hey! You're really peeving me off, Gunther! Go stand in the corner! [Squeaking ] I said stand in the corner.
Ugh, you make me sick.
[Whoosh! ] Try not to break anything while I'm gone! [Whoosh! ] [wind whistling ] [Squeaking ] [warbling ] Meow! [ Smooch! ] [beep] [warbling ] Gunther? Uh Jake, we gots penguins.
[snoring] Hmm, huh? Hmm? Oh, yeah.
Come on, you guys, get off me now.
Wah, wah! Grah! ALL: Wah, wah, grah! Jake? Huh? [grunts] Hey! Hyah! Now, shoo, you little creeps! Oh, this is unusual.
[gasps] [smacking ] [grunting ] Glib -- dringle! [ Grunts ] What's with these super penguins? I don't know.
I'm guessing it's the Ice King.
Well, where is he then? Ice King! [ Smack! ] [flapping ] ICE KING: Wizards rule.
[humming] [ Sighs ] Let's see.
That's the symbol for magic items, right? Hey, this is the Magic Items Shop, right? What's it look like, ya donk? I know that! I know! Why can't they write it on the sign, though? Why's it all got to be secret? Let's just put it all out there, huh?! Equal distribution of magic to the people! No more symbols! No more initiations! You feeling me, Huntress wizard? You trying to get killed, Ice King? Nah, I was just stepping to you, girl, with my intellectual wizard politics.
No, don't go.
Well, "Swing at every ball," -- That's what Jay T.
Dawgzone says.
Hello? WIZARD: So then he was telling me to beef in the eye of glob and stuff.
Whoa, did you do it? Heck yes, I did! Yo, I wouldn't do that.
Get over it, man.
Don't you want to reach the highest initiation of the secret schools? Of course, man -- "In shadow, we find the light.
" ALL: "Safely sealed in darkest night, so make sure y'all keep it tight, wizards only, fools.
" Keep what tight? A secret you never should have heard, Ice King! Yo, guys, chill.
I lost my demonic wishing eye.
Just give me a new one, and I'll jet.
I didn't hear nothing about no weird Secret Wizard Club that I want to be a part of.
Loose lips sink the ships, Ice King.
Sorry, man, nothing personal.
Oh, sliz Aah! You guys, Stop! Aah! [grunting ] Okay, I give up.
[warbling ] BOTH: Gunther? Nice Ice.
FINN: What's going on here, man? Call off your super bros! JAKE: Oh, that's great! Where's the Ice King, Gunther? [warbling ] Gunther! What? All right.
Whoa! BOTH: Wha?! Is this happening everywhere? I don't know.
Let me see.
Dang! What do you see? Hold on.
Oh, no! No! What, dude? Hold on, man, wait.
Oh, glob! This can't be happening! Tell me! Eh, it's over.
We've been conquered.
Who's been conquered? Everyone.
By the Ice King? No, dude -- by Gunther.
Holy shmow! Give me that! [gasps] [warbling ] Gunther's headed for the Candy Kingdom! We got to save them! Whoa! Okay! Hurry, Jake! Wait, I'm still in my pajayjays.
[ Beeping, dialing ] Yo, Finn, are you seeing these penguins? Yeah, it's Gunther! He's taking over the whole thing! Well, he'll have to beat my Banana guards and my Gumball guardians.
That's not gonna work! What did he say? He says your plan is bunk.
Well, what's your plan? i I got a plan! You do? When we get there, I'll do my plan in addition to your plan -- two plans! Laters! Uhall right.
So you're not gonna tell me y-- I'm outties! You're not gonna tell her the plan? No, I got to be mysterious.
What?! I thought you weren't into Bubblegum anymore.
I'm not, but this is how I act now with all the ladies, you see.
I keep 'em in a state of confusion.
That way, I've always got options in case Flame Princess doesn't work out.
Oh, my gosh! Where is this coming from? It's called "Future farming.
" I read it in that book you have by Jay T.
Jay T.
Daw-- Aww, dude! Don't read that book! It's gonna mess up your brain! I keep that book around for laughs.
It's all really bad advice.
Oh, okay, I'll stop it then.
No, well you can still be mysterious.
That's fine.
What? Now I'm confused.
Never mind! I didn't say nothing.
Hey, P Bubs.
Are you ready? Yes! The cavalry is standing by.
I'm gonna rally some citizens and do this other plan.
Okay, but what -- Good luck! Jake, what's with all the mystery? Uhoh, snap, look out! Banana guards, defend! [screaming ] [clanking ] Aw.
geez! Evil presence detected! MustdefendCandyKing-- Aah! [wenking ] You'll never get past these walls! I think! [warbling ] [ Meowing ] [warbling ] [coughs] This is my plan! I got the Candy Kingdom underground to help me collect all the bottles in the land! [ Bottles smashing ] Breaking news -- That mystery plan of yours is a smash hit! [ Chuckles ] Because of the glass.
I guess all they care about is bottles, huh? But what'll happen when they run out of bottles? I won't let that happen, Prubbs.
[smashing stops] [wenks] [all wenking] Stay back! [shing! ] [wenking continues] [shing! ] Wait a minute! Put away your weapons, and we'll get you more bottles! Peeb, there aren't any bottles left.
I have a third plan.
Sowe make them new bottles, then the Gunthers break the bottles, and then we pick up the glass and make new bottles again? Yep.
What, like, forever? Yes.
Bubb, your plan bunks.
[ laughs] Yeah.
I like it.
I got a rhythm going! Dink-dink, da-dink-dink, tink-tink-ta-tink, ta-ta-tink, ta-da-da-dink, dink-tink, tink-ta-tink, ta-ta-tink-tink, dink-da-da-dink, da-da-da-da-da, da-dink! [wenks] What? What do you want? I don't -- He wants to smash the Gumball guardian's head! We're going to make more bottles.
Just wait, okay? [warbling ] ALL: No!! Goodbye, Princess.
[ Crack! ] ICE KING: Hey! What's going on here? Why's this place all crazy? I was just flying by and -- [ gasps ] Gunther! You took my stuff! [wenks] That's bad! You know what you get now? [wenks] That's right! You get the squirty-squirts.
Bad! Bad! Now take off my demonic wishing eye! [Warble! ] [pop!] All right, Gunther, now go home! [wenks] That's right! Walk! While you're walking home you think about what you did! [sighs] It's getting worse and worse with him.
He just -- he hates it when I leave the castle.
I'm sorry, guys.
Uh, dude, where have you been?! Yeah, and why are you all jacked-up? [ laughs ] Well, I got into some crazy wiz-biz over at Wizard City.
Honestly, I don't even know how I survived.
Basically, it was the craziest showdown ever.
I -- I wish I could tell you all about it, but, you know, "Wizards only, fools -- keep it tight.
" Come along with me And the butterflies and bees We can wander through the forest And do so as we please Come along with me To a cliff under a tree This party is so crazy!
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