Adventure Time Come on, grab your friends We'll go to very distant lands With Jake the dog and Finn the human The fun will never end It's Adventure Time Oh, man! All right.
What's next? Let's see.
First, we visit Tree Trunks for apple pie, and then we go to Bubblegum's science music thing.
Wait -- what about the movie at the drive-in? That's after we make dream sandwiches.
Whoo! Let's go! Apple pie! Whoo! Tree Trunks! Huh? - T.
! - Tree Trunks! Oh, my, look who's here.
Yoo-hoo! Whoa! Oh.
yeah! Howdy, Jake.
Howdy, Finn.
What are you doing here? I never really left.
Pig's been so kind, helping me tend to my rose garden.
Cool, cool.
Cool, cool, cool.
Cool, cool, cool, cool.
Oh, you.
Where's the apple pie, Tree Trunks? Yeah, my stomach is jonesin' for it bad.
Oh, you all are so early that I haven't even started.
Ahh, ha.
I love her so much.
Whoa! You love her? What? No! You just said you love her.
You're crazy.
Dude, come on.
We heard you.
I think I am in love with her! But I don't know how to go about it.
Dude, you should just tell her how you feel.
What are you boys chatting about? Hmm? Uh-huh.
All right.
Miss Tree Trunks, ma'am, today I wish to speak my feelings.
Pig, what's going on? When I see you, my heart beats like a choo-choo train.
When you stand near me, I get so nervous, I cannot move Ohhh.
Mm, that's good.
I feel the same.
I have a feeling that this feeling is what others call "love.
" What should we do, then? We should hug.
Tree Trunks, you gonna bring some apple pie to Princess Bubblegum's thing? Uh, yeah, Jake, yeah.
Well, okay.
See ya later, then.
Bonk, beep, woomp, wowoow, bing-bong, shoo, da-be-dop-dop, ooh.
Where is she? You givin' me a back rub, Bro? What? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hmmmmmraa! Is that It's Tree Trunks! Pie! Pie! Lay it right here! Oh, Jake, I tried to bake an apple pie, but this cutie kept distracting me.
No apple pie?! This is making me uncomfortable.
They are snuggling too long.
What is happening? I forgot my glasses.
Huh? Oh, gross.
Hyah! Break it up! Break it up! Okay, the love show is over.
Princess, please continue.
This is too much! Aaaaah! Aaaah! It's driving me crazy! Cinnamon Bun, do something! Okay.
Hey, everyone! The concert is over! That's not what I -- The concert's over, Princess! Princess, how's about a slow song so me and my man can dance cheek-to-cheek? Humph! Humph! Err! Why is everybody givin' me the hairy eyeball? Y'all are too affectionate.
It makes people feel bothered when you and the pig flaunt your affection in public.
They don't want us to flaunt what we have? You two need to hide your love, Or else you'll end up making the whole world throw up.
We promise to keep our affection hidden.
Thank you.
Have you seen my other shoe? I think I saw it in the closet.
Aah! Under my shoe?! Outta here! This carriage is for babies! For babies! Nice stacks of sandwiches.
You shouldn't have bought so many flavors.
I had to make a sandwich for each flavor and for each flavor combination.
I'm making a cheese sandwich.
Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch! Mwah! Ugh.
Tree Trunks! Pig! Come on! We're trying to hide our love, but it's so difficult.
Try harder! Doesn't look like Tree Trunks and Pig are around.
Yeah, looks like the coast is clear.
Look at this cup! Now look at this cup! Look at this one! Oh, man! Just try to ignore it and watch the movie.
I can't ignore that! Stop! Tree Trunks, this has gone on long enough.
No more spending time with the Pig unless you do it inside your own home.
But, Finn, an unmarried couple living together under one roof -- that's indecent! Then why don't you two just get married? We don't want to rush things.
- Marriage is a big step.
- We need time to get to know each other.
Then I guess we only have one option.
All right.
You can't do this.
No! Stop! Take them away! Sweet meat! Little dove! Sorry, Tree Trunks.
So, where do you live? I'm homeless.
I guess I'll just go back to eating criminals.
Ugh! Guh! I miss her! I don't know what I'm gonna do without him, Finn.
Why don't you make apple pie to take your mind off of it? Dream of love ls it really over? Can I overcome these tears? I close my eyes Feel that he's still with me Still standing with me here Dream of love Are we truly parted? Must this pig forever walk alone? In my dreams, our love is just a dream to me But in my heart, it lives and breathes and grows And even though we ain't allowed to be together I cross my heart and promise to be true Well, I'm still loving you, girl From halfway 'cross this great big world! And in my dreams, I'm holdin' hands with yo-o-o-o-o-o-u Dream of love Dream of love It's only a dream of love Jâ Dream of love Dream of lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ve It's only a dream Of love I close my eyes and feel his arms around me In my dreams, he's not so far away Go to him.
I'm freaking out! You know what? I like it.
It's nice.
Apple pie, I've been waitin' to kiss you all day.
Mwah! Come along with me And the butterflies and bees We can wander through the forest And do so as we please Come along with me To a cliff under a tree This party is so crazy!
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