[Mouse squeaks] [Penguins wenk] [All cheering] [Screeches] Adventure Time Come on, grab your friends We'll go to very distant lands With Jake the Dog and Finn the Human The fun will never end It's Adventure Time JAKE: Beep! Beep! Look out.
Beep! Beep! Pillow delivery.
Beep! Beep! Look out, buddy! Ugh! - BMO: Ugh! - Come on, Jake.
Sorry, buddy.
I'm just trying to cheer you up some.
I mean, here you are chilling with history's coolest friends, building an actual pillow fort, but you just sit there sulking.
I'm like, "what gives?" [Sighs] I guess I'm just thinking about Flame Princess.
I told her a joke the other day, and she didn't even laugh or anything.
Guess it's over between us.
That's it? A joke? Maybe she just didn't get it yet.
Yeah, right, BMO.
More like she used up all her laughs at some other guy's jokes, probably.
Man, having a girlfriend is hard.
No, being crazy is hard.
You're getting all hung up all hung up on imaginary problems.
You got to focus on what's real, man.
You see this cup? This is literally my favorite cup.
Hunh! Now it's gone forever, so it's not real, and I don't care about it anymore.
[Gasps] Oh, no! My favorite window! I don't even know what you guys are talking about.
I think I just need some alone time.
Gotta let my mind fester a bit, you know? I'll be back in a little while.
Finn, festering's always bad, man! There's no good kind of festering! Finn!! Man.
This looks small from the outside.
What's this, now? What the? Jake, what's in here? [Grunting] Jake? Ugh! Oh, whoa.
[Birds chirping] Did Jake build this part, too? That guy needs some more girlfriends or something.
Hey, Jake? You need more girlf What the? Door's gone? Hmmmmmm.
Maybe there's another door in yonder pillow town.
I don't get this at all.
Aah! Dragon! Run! - Huh? - Oof! Hey, mister! You better get running! Blanket dragon! [Roaring] Now, this, I understand.
Bwaah! [Roars] [Screaming] Oh.
That's it? Wow! [Villagers cheering] Hey, uh how's it going? Hoy, there! I am Quilton, son of Pillowford.
And you have saved our village! You and your sharp pillow.
[Chuckles] It's nothing.
I kill things all the time.
Oh, nonsense! This calls for a celepillobration! Oh! [laughs] [Up-tempo music plays, indistinct conversations] [Sighs] There you are, Finn the Human.
Hey there.
Um you can just call me Finn, if you want.
All right, Finn.
My name is Roselinen, daughter of Quilton.
You have to call me the whole thing.
Oh! U-Uhh [chuckling] Just kidding.
[Laughs nervously] Oh! Uh, your dad seems fun.
[Laughing] Oh, my! Puhzah! [Chuckling] Yeah.
Um you want to dance? Oh! Well I have a girlfriend.
[Chirps] [Laughs] Dummy, it's a dance, not marriage.
[Laughs nervously] Yeah.
This place is weird.
Are you telling me that birds in your world don't poo little pillowcases? Nah just regular poo.
Hey like this.
[Clears throat] Yeah, i-it's really cool.
Where I come from, I live with my best friend, who's my brother.
And he's a dog.
[Chuckles] We fight stuff.
It's cool.
It's really different than here.
Um, where I'm from, blankets and pillows are used for bedding.
[Chuckles] Well, they're used for that here, too.
[Laughs nervously] Oh.
[Giggles] Pillightful! Aw, man.
It's been nice, Roselinen, but I got to get back to my home.
Quilton, I need your help to find the portal to my home world.
Of course we will do our best to help you, Finn the Flesh Pillow, but you're not making a fold of sense.
Please share our food.
You need nourishment.
[Chomping] [Muffled] It tastes like a pillow.
I'll give your compliments to the pillow.
[Thunder rumbles] Oh.
There you are.
You found your mug.
I thought you said you didn't care.
[Sips] That mug is empty.
I wonder what Finn's up to.
Roar! I'm the blanket dragon! Well, I'm daddy! Sha-pow! Jay, Bonnie, I bet your daddy is just about finished chopping wool.
You guys want to bring him his lunch? BOTH: Yes! [Grunting] [Laughing in deep voice] Alphanumeric! Pillow Sheep, you have more fluff than sense.
Mwah! BOTH: Daddy! Daddy! [Laughs] What is this a pack of fearsome pillow goblins? [Laughing] Daddy! We're your kids! Psst! Finn! They've brought you lunch.
Oh, they have, have they? Tiny pillows.
Mmm! [Chuckles] Darling, you've outdone yourself.
Honk! Honk! BOTH: Grandpillow! What's my father doing here? Pbht! Oh, Puhoy! BOTH: Grandpillow! Grandpillow! Oh! Come here! But I've come to speak with your father.
What is it, Quilton? When you first arrived here, you told us of a mysterious door that led you to our world.
Of course.
Archeologists found this in the pillow catacombs the Pillownomicon.
Oh, my glob.
There is no information about the door, save for the fact it shows up periodically and then disappears.
Quilton, I need to find that door.
Uhh hey, BMO, I-I gotta snag my mug from you.
Really? Hey, don't sweat it.
I'll make us some hot chocolate.
Jake, you drive a hard burger.
Hello? Ah, yes.
Come in.
Are these the great Abba-cadabra Mountains? And are you Rasheeta, the great Oracle, dweller of said mountains? Yes.
And you must be Finn, the Human Man, seeker of the wandering portal.
Yes, I-I've searched for decades.
How did you know? I read it in the tea leaves.
This newspaper I found from the future.
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