[MOUSE SQUEAKS] [PENGUINS CHIRP] [ALL CHEERING] [SCREECHES] Adventure time come on, grab your friends we'll go to very distant lands with Jake the dog and finn the human the fun will never end it's adventure time FINN: [HUMMING] oh, it's just my luck oh, it's just my luck I went on a walk and I found a truck oh, it's just my luck oh, it's just my luck when I honk this horn I'll wake Jake up [HORN HONKS] Jake, wake up! I found a truck! JAKE: What? What's happening? JAKE: Whoa! Where did you get this baby? FINN: I found it in the woods.
I named itHot Daniel.
Anyway, I figure we can do some pretty sick stuff with it.
JAKE: Oh, yeah? Like what? FINN: Mm, I don't know.
Launch it off some ramps, maybe get it going 30 Miles per hour, crank the wheel into a gnar right-hander, spray dirt everywhere, like a big hirkin' dirt-wave.
JAKE: Yeah, buddy! Nice! Let's crank this beast up! FINN: Can't.
Engine's busted, I think.
JAKE: Nuts.
Bmo, you know anything about cars? [BEEPS] Nope.
FINN: Hmm.
Maybe Ice king, you know anything about cars?! ICE KING: Nope, not a car guy.
Too confusing.
Got better things to do with my life.
JAKE: Wait, I know someone who's good with mechanics.
Hey! Hey, guys! Hi! Hey! JAKE: Hey, banana man.
Wow! I haven't seen you fellas since you destroyed my home, my land, and my rocket.
FINN: Oh, geez, yeah.
Sorry, banana man.
Just sort of happened.
Don't worry about it.
I'm just excited you called me over.
We're neighbors.
We should help each other out.
I got the soda and the jams.
ALL: Cool! I see the problem.
The top of your engine is gone, specifically the cylinder head.
FINN: Hmm.
That word sounds cool.
But what does it mean? Let me explain.
The cylinder head is the top to the cylinder block.
Think of the cylinder head as an airtight lid to your engine that regulates air, fuel, and exhaust.
FINN: Okay, cool.
What is he pointing at? Now, this lid is important because it works to get fuel into your engine.
[CLEARS THROAT] You see, your engine has cylinders, and in these cylinders are pistons.
[CLEARS THROAT] When the piston in the cylinder moves down, it creates a vacuum, pulling in fuel from the intake.
You mean an air-fuel mixture? That's right, bmo.
Have a gold star, dear.
Yay! Bmo is so pretty and smart! Then the piston returns to the top, compressing the air-fuel mixture.
Then, a spark plug fires off, creating an explosion, driving the piston back down, powering the engine.
So where's the cylinder head, then? Hmm.
Well, sometimes people store parts they are working on in the car.
Ah! Bingo! Found it.
FINN: Yeah! Drive time! Well, not quite.
We don't know why they took the cylinder head off.
It could be cracked, the gasket head could be warped, the rod bearings could have damage from water.
You see, that's the cool thing about cars.
[CLEARS THROAT] One tiny little thing messes everything else up, so nothing works.
So it's up to us to figure it out! FINN: Cool.
JAKE: Yeah, all right.
fixing a truck with the neighbors not a better way to spend some time hoping to see if they like me using automotive savvy do a good job they'll give me props Bam! I'm asked to come back tomorrow a future I see with them and me, best buds hanging out forever board-game Friday nights hanging out forever best-friend pillow fights hanging out forever board-game Friday nights hanging out forever best-friend pillow fights JAKE: Whew! I'm bushed.
You guys want to pick this up again in the morning? FINN: Sure.
Sounds good.
Not bmo.
This grease monkey's torqued up on automotive science.
Yeah, boyee! FINN: Okay, bmo.
Good night, banana man.
Have a good evening, gents.
[TONE PLAYS] Time for the night shift.
It's 10 past the hour, and this is "graveyard shift," hosted by me, starchy the gravedigger, your weekly five-hour dose of all the strange haints, phantasmagoria, and phenomena I see workin' in the candy kingdom graveyard.
Hello, caller.
You're on the "graveyard shift.
" Wha-- am I -- oh, hi.
Um, long-time listener, first-time caller.
So, um, I think princess bubblegum has been replaced by, like, a lizard person.
A lizard? Yeah, a lizard.
I love your show! Oh, starchy's very interested in this topic.
What led you to this discovery, caller? Ha! They are wrong! You look more like a hippo than a lizard.
Well, um, my friend is a very highly placed official in the candy kingdom, and I've noticed -- hi, bmo.
Yow! Stay back, lizard! Oh, sorry, bmo.
I didn't mean to startle you.
I couldn't sleep.
I kept thinking about the truck.
And biodiesel! Oh! And I figured out what's wrong with the engine block.
So, what are you working on? Aerodynamics.
You know, it's been really nice hanging with you fellas and working on the car It gets a little lonely at my space-age banana dome.
You don't have a girlfriend? No.
I -- I don't want to be alone, but, uh I've gotten pretty good at it.
I putter around the house, keeping busy with my little projects.
But it would be nice to find someone.
Hold up.
Princess, is that you? [CLICKS] Oh, spooky.
FINN: Yo, bmo, coffee.
Thank you.
FINN: Car looks nice, bmo.
JAKE: Yeah.
[SNORING] Oh, aah! I fixed it! Are we best friends yet?! Oh.
Oh, hey.
I-I fixed it.
FINN: Ni-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-ce.
I discovered the cylinder head was warped, so I went to the junkyard and got a new one.
FINN: Whoo.
[BRAKES SQUEAL] She's beautiful.
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