Adventure Time Come on, grab your friends We'll go to very distant lands With Jake the dog and Finn the human The fun will never end It's Adventure Time _ Raaaah! Raaah! Come on! Get ready, toids! Raaah! I'm mean as a bus, and I'm mad as rocks! Gumball guardians! There's an enemy at the gates! I'm an all-you-can-eat maniac! Whoops! Aw, come on! Ooh, ooh, ooh! Whoopee! Thank you, little candies.
Thank you.
You warm the wax heart of this poor King of Ooo! Now, I hear you asking, "King of Ooo, how can you be so wise?" I'll tell you how.
Did you know that I am 8,000 years old? Could be.
It's true.
I'm that wonderful.
Now, Princess Bubblegum she says she hasn't gone rogue.
She says she's not a wild dog thirsty for blood.
She says she's not a literal baby masquerading as an adult woman.
She says a lot of things.
Princess Bubblegum, you don't make sense! This guy's really working on me.
Ennnh Yes, dear? Do you have something to say? Mm-hmm.
I'm James' mother, Mrs.
My son got turned into a mutant mass and was exiled to the Badlands by Princess Bubblegum.
Trehh! Boo.
Who isn't mad about their mutant children? What about Sweet P, King of Ooo? You threatened to burn down his mama's orchard.
I did.
That is true.
Sweet P, I was like a cornered animal.
"I knew no' what thy doone.
" I'm sorry, Sweet P.
Psst give me a kiss.
Do you hear us, Princess Bubblegum? Do you hear us?! Shhhhhhhhut up.
Princess, I'm sorry to disturb you, but I feel that you must campaign.
The candy people are real dumb.
I'm studying something that could be real important.
Dah! This dumb election.
It's not even I mean, it's barely even Barely even legal.
"A barely and yet fully legal election" That's what my campaign manager told me.
Let's hear it for him Mr.
X! Weird, right? And even being legal, I mean, I made everyone.
I made their homes.
The candy people are mercurial, but they're not dillweeds.
And this definitely legal election is in the jam-covered fingers of you, the people The candies.
So, go.
Vote with your hearts.
Vote with your minds.
Vote for the candidate who's not a teenage gum-golem.
I mean, they know that I love them.
And the votes are in.
King of Ooo is our new princess.
Hey, hey! What?! Whaaaaat?! You dillweeds! You're a dillweed, you're a dillweed's secretary, and you're probably some dillweed I've never met! You're three dillweeds being dillweeds, and you're going to dillweed this place into the ground! And you Princess! Princess! I don't know what a dillweed is.
Hey, PB, what's the plan? We pledged our allegiance to you.
Your allegiance is to the kingdom.
Dudes, I don't know.
I don't know when I'll be back in charge If I'll be back in charge.
I need you both to stick around here and make sure the candy people are safe, even if it means working for a wad.
"Auf wiedersehen, meine champions.
" Mwah.
There's a new golden and waxy mornin' Good times a-comin' You've got your warning There's cheap healthcare, the workcamp's there The general tone is laissez-faire I'm a princess, I'm a princess I'm a priiiinceeeess What's up, Peps? It's stuck.
Ho, no, no, no, no! It's okay, everyone.
It's okay.
Close your eyes and repeat your safety mantra Hoodie hoodie hoodup, hoodie hoodie hoodup, hoodie - Princess? - Huh? Oh.
Sorry, Peps.
I'm just so used to having my citizens around to protect.
This is gonna take some getting used to.
Permission to speak freely, ma'am? Granted.
This horrible dump does not meet the level of fancy to which I have become accustomed.
Also, FYI My uncle Gumbald built this cabin with his bare hands.
I spent my summers here when I was younger.
Anyway, it'll probably take a really long time for the candy people to realize a bad ruler is worse than a good ruler.
Plenty of time to spruce this place up.
Whew! Starchy thought life would be better under the King of Ooo, but now there's even more stuff to sweep.
Poor old Starchy.
Always getting the sweaty end of the lollipop.
Hey, Starchy.
What are you doing Sweeping? Oh, uh, yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
- Yeah.
- Mm.
Hey, is it me, or is getting purpler out here? Oh, yeah.
I think that's the catalyst comet.
Guess it's getting pretty close or whatever.
Getting close? Should we evacuate or What? No, no.
It's cool, I think.
It's just here to, like, shake things up, you know? It's okay.
We've got sort of a a relationship.
C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-comet?! Oh, Starchy don't feel good about this.
- Starch? - Eht.
Starchy's mind is burdened.
Oh, Mrs.
Gumdrop! He's coming.
The comet it's gonna snuff out all life as we know it.
What?! Oh, good Glob! Shouldn't we try and calm them down? Ehh, not after that whole "knock my tower over onto the castle" thing.
A lot of guys got smooshed.
They need to hear it from someone they really trust.
- King of Ooo! - King of Ooo! - King of Ooo? - King of Ooo? King of Ooo? Wait, are you saying "King of Ooo"? What are you saying? I thought it was "kinkoff goo.
" Hey.
You hear that? Downstairs.
King of Ooo? King of Ooo? King of Ooo! What the It's that guy from before.
He's mucking around with PB's ship Added all kinds of engines to it.
Hey! Hey, what do you think you're doing? PB don't let nobody touch her stuff Not even me, and I'm cool Least of all you, you sauce-tasting Brian-sniffer whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Yeeh! Yeeh! Whoa! Uhhh! No mercy, Jake.
Aaaaah! Hey, I'm back What the bing bong ping pong?! Gunther?! What the king kong sing song?! Whoaaaa oof! Sayonara, suckers! Uhh Ugh! Comet! Comet! Comet! Comet! Comet! Comet! Oww! Aaaaah! Toronto, I've been princess for four hours, and society has already totally collapsed.
Plus, now the sky is falling, I guess.
Is this possibly somehow my fault? Pbbt! No way! Okay, look.
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