It's too late, buddy.
It's out of our hands.
Skronk that! I'm gonna use these hands to sock him in the chops! In the chops! Hey! Dinglord! In the name of The universe, stop that! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Grass sword.
Raaa! Huh? Yah-ta-ta-ta-ta! Whoa.
I didn't open this door.
Finn, do you remember? Oh.
Yeah, I-i think so.
A long time ago, I was you, sort of.
And I crashed on earth and became a butterfly or some biz.
And I guess it was just some random absurd thing, just a joke I've been playing out for centuries.
Who's creating the joke? Are you? And if so, then are you my creator? Uh, maybe.
I don't know.
Probably not.
Probably not, but who knows? I've been around forever and experienced so much impossible junk.
I've embodied all that is good and evil.
And now we're here.
It's unprecedented.
And I give you a choice Come with me to the end and the beginning or struggle here awhile like a beautiful autumn leaf.
What's that bell sound? Cool, man.
This is your crisis.
As you stand on the edge of freedom from love Hate Friendship Isolation Jealousy Secrets Violence Video games Ice-cream waffles Sadness Madness Power Honor Loyalty Saucy Mothers Fathers Scoundrels.
How long are you gonna list stuff? It's a long list.
You're telling me to abandon all this stuff, but you're not really making it sound bad.
It's not bad.
I'm just giving you the choice of a new mode of existence.
I feel like I put a lot of work into this meat reality.
I'd like to see it through.
Fair enough.
Hey, how about I get a new mode? Are you seriously trying to bail out again?! What? This deal sounds pretty good.
I know that look.
When you fled the scene like a ding-dong-ditcher in the night Listen, Finn.
No answer I give you will be satisfying.
Besides, it was like 40 years ago.
I'm 16! I don't have a star to revolve around to track time.
Well, why do you always run from everything? You burn enough Bridges, the only direction to move is forward.
Well, there ain't no changing you, I guess.
Well, I'm glad we finally understand each other.
Start the engine, comet boy! Prepare to discorporate.
Goodbye, son! Bye, dad.
I should have asked for a lift home.
Unh! Jake! I thought I had lost You.
Noooooo! - You okay, Finn? - What?! Jake! Banana man?! How? I was just floating around, and I drifted into B-man's flight path.
Pretty random, right? I-I-it wasn't random.
I did it.
Let's get the jazz out of here.
Nooooo! There we go.
See? Problem took care of itself.
You think Finn and Jake are all right? I'd say it's about a 50/50 chance.
That's pretty much everything in life, isn't it? Yeah.
Whoa! What's that?! Hey, PB.
We took care of it.
Good job, guys.
Mm, I'm gonna croak out here.
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