Oh, geez.
Oh, geez.
Ugh, come on.
Uh Come on.
Come on.
Finn, don't worry about it.
We've got bigger fish to fry right now.
But It's fine.
Pep But used to love being scattered all around.
- He used to tell me that.
- Lies! Those farmers won't keep this thing busy for long.
So it's up to the four of us to stop him.
Are you ready, Marceline? Marceline? Hey, what's wrong? Me, I guess.
- What? - Me.
I'm wrong.
This all of this! This is all my fault.
Even just fighting the vampires in the first place screwed everything up.
Sure screwed me up, anyway.
And, geez Louise, trying to fix it Trying to fix me Just made things a thousand times worse so why even try, you know? What's the point? What? Marceline, no.
Come on! We're always the underdogs, you and me, and we always pull through.
Like that one time, you remember? - The case of the Purloined Egg? - No! I told you, that's it.
I'm done.
All right people, this is our last stand! It's gonna take every one of us to see this thing through Me, Onion Man, Short Man, Terry whoa! Short-Stack, Good-Beard, Deshawn, Seedman, Sandwich Paul, Angry Susan - Muy Linda, Dr.
belstar - Help! Limbo Man, Quasar, Dogman, Tightwad, Raspberry Sam - Up here! - Deejay Fresh-Start, and my boy Big Trace.
You sure you're not coming, Marceline? We could really use your help.
Marceline? Okay, maybe later then.
Come on, Finn! Let me hear that war cry! Well, you finally did it, big guy.
You won.
Well played.
I just kind of wish you would gotten it over with a thousand years ago and saved us all some trouble.
Better late than never, I guess.
Smelled something bad Just a sec, now it's gone Was it there all along? Smelled like garbage and cheese Was it just on the breeze? Or was it me? - Was it reality? - Ice King: Was it reality? You remembered my song! Simon? W-what are you doing here? Well, I saw through my peeping scope that everything was going boom and exploding and monsters, and all my friends were in grave danger and horrible torment.
And you wanted to help? No! I felt left out.
I'm just a phone call away, you know.
I'm sorry, Simon.
Next time, for sure.
Anyway, you don't want in on this fight.
- This one's a loser.
- Oh, I see.
Sittin' this one out, huh? Yeah, I guess.
And don't try to talk me out of it.
What? No, no, I'm right there with you.
You and me We're survivors, right? Like cockroaches or rats.
Sure, you could fight and try to save the day, but what if you lose? Then what? You could die.
Better to run and hide like a rat, right, buddy?! Ugh! Did you just call me a cockroach, Simon?! What? No! No, no, no, no.
- Thanks, buddy.
- Yes.
Ahh, this is nice.
Getting a little warm for royal fineries, though.
Mm-hmm! Princess? It sounds pretty bad out there.
Perhaps you should protect your people.
Yeesh, it does sound bad! Hey, Banana Men, listen to your princess! In my kingdom, we look after our own me! You look after me.
Close the gates! Aah! S-she's beautiful.
You're preaching to the preacher, brother.
I'm beautiful.
Close the gate! No.
You're not beautiful.
We see you clearly now.
You're Earwax! You're Earwax! Aah! Huh?! And the power returns to Crunchy! Aah! But you love m-e-e-e-e! And instead of a wax idol, they shall have a true princess Wrought of Iron, with teeth of diamonds.
Her heart is ice! Her will is fire! Princess Crunchy, the unforgiving! Go fight that thing for me! Whoa! Finn, this ain't workin'.
It's just fart grabbin'.
Yeah, but what else can we do? Dudes, I don't know.
Look! Whoa! I'm gonna poop my pants if Finn kills this guy instead of me! Wha?! King? Vampire King? You still in here? Hello? Too bad.
Oh, boy! Ooh, I am famished! The beast weakens! Whoa-ho-ho.
Whoa! Marceline? Marceline? Marceline? Marceline? Marceline? Sorry, what? I was just saying we stocked your fridge with lipstick and stuff, so you'll have lots to eat.
Aww, thanks, dude.
Also, we got you crosswords, soo-doo-koos, and connect-the-dots.
Just take her easy, buddy.
Oh, hey, I was thinking So, once I usurp Crunchy, I'll have my castle back again, and there's plenty of room there if you don't want to be alone.
No, I think I need to ruminate a little Think about being a vampire again.
Are you, uh Do you feel bad? I don't want to say, like, "I'm sorry about who you are" or anything if you're feeling okay, but I don't know how bad news all of this is Right? Nah, I'm cool being a vampire again.
Being mortal was good.
At the same time, it was terrifying.
Now I'm a vampire with fresh mortal memories and I don't know More empathy or something More grown-up.
Bonnie, thank you for helping me grow up.
Now, I guess we get to hang out together forever.
- Take care! - See ya, Marci! Later, Vampire Queen! Your friends seem nice.
Um are you, like, in my head now, or what? For now.
Well, just don't get in my wa Let's go in the garden You'll find something waiting Right there where you left it, lying upside down When you finally find it You'll see how it's faded The underside is lighter When you turn it around Everything stays Right where you left it Everything stays But it still changes Ever so slightly Daily and nightly In little ways When everything stays
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