, remember?
That's how we roll.
May, I've got one.
No joke.
[Tablet beeping]
My gut tells me Malick will
have a presence there
someone in his pocket
trying to influence the delegates
while getting
information on any inhumans.
Sounds like you.
- Yeah.
- [Vehicle alarm beeps]
But we're the good guys.
I know it's none of my business,
but I hope you and Carla work
things out for your son
George, right?
What is he 11 now?
He's 12.
- A good age.
- Yeah.
Good night, General.
May: Coulson, 6:00.
Get out of there now!
- Get in.
- Hey.
- What are you doing?
- [Vehicle beeps]
May, they got Carl Creel.
I need backup.
Lincoln, forget what I
Rush in and use your powers.
Lincoln: I'm on it.
[Breathes sharply]
Hey, michelin man.
Let's finish this.
[Electricity crackling]
Lincoln, enough!
Coulson: Stand down.
That's an order!
[Crackling stops]
[Vehicle beeps, lock disengages]
What the hell do you
think you're doing?!
It's Creel.
He was trying to assassinate you.
Assassinate me?
He's here to protect me.
His absorbing powers don't
seem so impressive now,
not with all the inhumans around.
[Intercom beeps]
I'd like to ask you a few questions,
if you don't mind.
Do you know how you got your powers?
An experiment.
Something went wrong.
Something went right.
You're the only human
who survived contact
with a terrigen obelisk.
What was that like?
It hurt.
Well, by all accounts,
you should be dead.
Only inhumans can
touch them and survive.
Do you know how that was possible?
Beats me.
[Intercom beeps]
I still have a sample of his DNA.
Yeah, perhaps we
should reopen our study,
now we know more about the inhumans.
Do you know how long we'll
be keeping him here?
I don't know.
There's still a lot of bad blood.
He killed my friends, Izzy and Idaho.
I watched them die.
He was brainwashed by Hydra.
He didn't know what he was doing.
It took us months to
undo their dirty work.
- He's a good kid.
- He's a murderer.
And he had a criminal record
long before Hydra got
their hands on him.
He's from the streets.
He made some mistakes.
He's reformed.
I believe everyone
deserves a second chance,
but taking him with
us on a covert mission
doesn't seem like the place to test it.
It's a crazy world out
there, full of powered people.
I finally have one of my own.
I don't leave home without him.
What are you saying?
He doesn't go, I don't go.
We'll go without you.
We don't need him.
Actually, we do.
If the acting head of our
own ATCU doesn't show up,
it sends a bad message
not to mention it will
embarrass the president
and destroy any hope of an
international coalition.
What are you saying?
He goes.
You can't be seri
This debate is over.
I'm taking a big leap of faith.
You better be right.
I trust him with my life.
If he steps out of line in any way,
Lincoln and I will take him
down so hard, he'll never get up.
Agent May,
will you escort General
Talbot down to see Creel?
Excuse me.
I'm not kidding I will hurt him.
You're not on this op.
What do you mean?
I should be there.
I agree, but there are
two rules for the symposium.
The first is, no aliens.
The delegates want to
be able to speak freely
without fear of offending anyone.
Yeah, well, it's too late for that.
And what's the second rule?
No weapons.
And what are we supposed to do
if someone else decides not
to play by those rules?
That's why having Creel
there might not be such a bad idea.
He's not inhuman,
so he'll pass any DNA screenings
they may have,
and if he is truly
reformed, could be an asset.
You can't take the bad out of a bad man.
[Sighs] May I have a word?
Your body isn't improving.
Maybe a new host, one not so damaged.
I know you're not offering yourself.
The host must be dead.
[Chuckles] Oh, no.
I'm afraid this old body wouldn't
be the right choice.
Perhaps Giyera an inhuman.
I cannot inhabit inhumans.
We cannot feed on our own kind.
Well, I'm sure I could find a volunteer.
Grant Ward will serve my
needs until we're ready.
[Sighs] Very well, then.
I can assure you
there won't be any more setbacks.
We like to hear that.
Briefing's about to start.
I'm tempted to throw
him off the plane right now.
We made a deal with
the devil once before,
and we all know how that worked out.
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