- She was also crazy.
- Not about this.
There is a balance that
has to be maintained.
Things are getting way out of whack.
A-a vaccine [chuckling]
might not be a bad thing.
Do you even hear what you're saying?
You sound like one of those hate groups
that's been trolling the Internet
the the watchdogs or
whatever they're calling themselves.
"Kill the aliens and
take back the planet.
That's not what this is about.
It's about giving people a choice.
It's a birthright.
It is not a choice.
And maybe things
are getting out of whack
because it's our time.
Do you think it was lash's time?
Was it his birthright?
Don't you think Dr.
would have liked to have had a choice?
All I know is that if the government
got their hands on a
vaccine, it won't be a choice.
They will wipe us out.
We do not have a disease, Lincoln.
[Chuckles] Technically, it is a disease.
I studied this.
Any disturbance of structure
or function of the body
Oh, boy, someone went to med school,
so, everyone, shut up and listen.
Yeah, I wasn't hacking
my way through life.
Some of you know me.
You know that I served on
the world security council.
You know the good works
that my foundations do.
Some of you don't
know me yet, but you will.
We'll work together to
do good for the world.
But what do you know of Phil Coulson,
a man who claims
to feel compassionately
about these inhumans?
Let's peel away some of the layers
and see what's inside.
[All gasp]
[Breathes deeply]
Phil Coulson is no
friend to the inhumans
in fact, he'd like to exterminate them,
which is why he was trying
to manipulate this group
into putting them all in one place.
He's lying.
That's not what I want
that's what he wants.
You're all welcome to believe him,
but my reputation speaks for itself.
This is a gel-matrix tank.
Coulson developed the technology
to keep the inhumans in
suspended animation,
but, in fact, with a
mere flick of a switch,
from any remote location,
he can shut them off,
killing them instantly.
I think we've had enough of Mr.
Let's lock him up until
the officials arrive.
What did he do?
Who does he have?
Giyera: These are the
healthiest we could find.
Lucio has frozen them in place for you.
I hope they're acceptable.
Well done.
One will be your host?
I have a better use for them.
Yes, they are innocents
But they will serve the greater good.
You gentlemen
interested in changing jobs?
Good guys are hiring.
You don't get to kill
people in cold blood,
but we got a really
good retirement plan.
Where's your boss?
Didn't have the guts to do this himself?
But I also have money
to pay people to do my menial jobs.
All right, I kept my
end of the bargain
I delivered Coulson.
All the delegates are on your side.
Now give me back my son.
Malick, you son of a bitch.
I'm sorry.
I can't do that.
We had a deal!
Yes, but, unfortunately,
you must all be
sacrificed to the greater good.
Why go to all this trouble?
I'm building an army.
And another army will
stand to fight them.
You won't be able to convert them all.
I won't have to.
Kill them.
Do me a favor and shoot him first.
I'd like one moment
of peace before I go.
You didn't know he was
gonna double-cross you?
He is Hydra just sayin'.
I knew he was do you think I don't
know? Do you think I'm stupid?
Then what are you doing in here?
Doesn't seem like a very smart plan.
I have an inside man.
Like I said, I trust him with my life.
Where's my son?
He's still with Hydra.
Hunter found him, but
he almost blew my cover.
- [Keys clack]
- I had to hurt him A little.
Come on.
Open this thing up.
Bust these cuffs off us.
- Go on! Get out of here!
- Give me a hand!
- Got it!
- Let's go!
What do you want to do with this hand?
It's kind of freaking me out.
Stop, stop.
Give me that.
Why didn't you tell
me Malick had George?
I couldn't.
He took him as soon as I
was appointed to the ATCU.
Told me he'd kill him with the
push of a button if I told anybody.
He's the kind of guy who
would do exactly that.
- And Carla?
- She knows.
She blames me.
I sent her someplace safe.
Come on.
We're gonna fix
We're gonna fix everything.
Were we the only ones
that got the "no weapons" memo?
I'm bored of this.
Cover me.
[Gong clangs]
We're in the conference room.
No sign of Coulson or tal
- [Grunts]
- [Body thuds]
That doesn't make us even.
Where's my son?
Where's my son?!
I don't know.
[Body thuds]
I need you to find Malick.
There's only one road between
here and the airfield,
so there's a chance he hasn't left.
If you find him, stay with him.
I want to know where he's going.
The rest of us will focus on
trying to find Talbot's son.
May: Yeah, Coulson, about that
[Tires screech]
[Engine shuts off]
I'm sorry.
Sorry I got a little
militant about the vaccine.
I-I don't know what's
going on with me right now.
You know, I'm envious of you.
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