Okay, well, I'll let you know.
All right.
[Phone Beeps] Uh, so, Charlie Bingham just invited us over to his beach house for a little get-together.
Uh, what did you say? I said I'd check with you.
I mean, what do you think? [Mouths Words] What do you think? [Sighs] Well, I think it'd be rude not to hear him out.
I mean, yeah.
You're probably right.
- Okay.
- Cool.
And don't worry.
You know, I'm not gonna take any job.
[Laughs] You better not.
[Sobbing] I just miss- I just- I just- [Babbling] I just miss my grilled cheese sandwiches! You're doing great, Luke- if your goal is to suck! Phil, you- I'm on it.
Wait for me.
[Whistle Blows] Hey, Coach.
Yeah? Uh, look.
We appreciate your passion, but some of us are worried that the yelling is getting counterproductive.
I got this.
Come on, stupid! No, you don't "got this.
" What you got is a bad attitude.
Who are you? I happen to be the stepfather of- - [Ball Swooshes] - [Crowd Cheers] Doesn't matter who.
What you need to start doing is a little more coaching and a little less yelling.
'Cause if I hear you call one of these kids stupid again, I swear to God, I'll throw a shoe at your head.
Screw it.
I don't need this.
You think you can do a better job? You coach.
Jay, you know, I was handling it.
Yeah, I saw how you broke out Peaches and Herb.
It's the Captain and- [Buzzer Sounds] [Cheering] Okay.
So, your old coach had to leave for a little while.
Why? Is he sick? - Yes.
He's very, very sick.
- Is he going to die? Everybody dies, boys.
Let's focus on what's important.
Our next game is in one hour.
We are going to go from being five fingers to being a fist.
How does that sound? [All] Great.
I can't hear you.
Great! That's what I'm talkin' 'bout! All right, gentlemen.
I talked to the referee.
I'm coaching.
Oh, really? 'Cause I- Phil, I coached football.
Jay, I actually coached basketball.
I think I can get these guys- Relax.
You've already got the assistant job.
Now you think you can round us up some waters? - Yeah.
- Go ahead.
Gentlemen, this is what I need.
I want you to hit 'em, and I want you to hit 'em hard.
[Phil] Father-in-laws are tough, because you can't let 'em push you around and you also have to show them respect.
It's like walking a tightrope.
Which, by the way, I can do, because I went to trapeze school.
Did Jay? I doubt it.
All right, when you back into- Hey.
Honey, I'm gonna take off.
I'm gonna buy Alex some clothes.
How come you're not coaching? 'Cause your dad coached football.
I'm sorry.
And I am going to make it up to you tonight.
And I'll be thinking of your dad while you do.
[Mitchell] Hey, Phil.
[Cameron] Hey.
How's it going? Ay.
Your dad coached football.
A fellow victim.
Thank you again for taking care of Lily.
I know it's last-minute.
Don't be silly.
We'll probably just stick around for a few minutes.
You know how fussy she gets when we pass her off, so- Oh.
She seems fine.
I think she's getting used to being away from you now that you have the new job.
[Whimpers] [Laughs] Mwah! So proud of you.
We need to talk.
What happened? Mom, I love you, but your words of encouragement encourage the other kids to make fun of me.
I won't say anything else on the next game.
We both know that your Latin blood makes that impossible.
I think it would be better if you didn't come to the next game.
[Whimpers] Oh.
I know.
I hate our house.
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