I know.
What's- What's this thing? I don't know, but it's fancy.
Stop- Stop playing with it.
Come on.
Just- Don't break it.
- [Doorbell Rings] - [Stereo: R & B] Hey, Mitchell! Yes.
Charlie Bingham.
Nice to meet you.
This is my partner, Cameron Tucker.
So, we just went ahead and parked on that round thingy in the driveway.
Is that- That's fine, right? No problem.
It's a turntable, so you don't have to back out.
[Chuckles] You have a car turntable and you're wearing rubber.
You're like Batman.
[Laughs] I really am.
Come on in.
Turn the music down! [Muttering] Wow.
[Groans] Pardon the get-up.
Killer waves today.
You guys surf? Um, only for bargains on the Web.
Everybody say hi.
That's Jolie.
She's head of my Europe division.
She cheats at poker.
You do.
And that's my girlfriend, Jenny.
She makes a hell of a margarita.
Want one? Absolutely.
Oh, not right- Okay.
Everybody, Mitchell Pritchett and his partner, Cameron.
Business partners.
Mergers and acquisitions.
[Chuckles] I'm kidding.
We're gay.
Stop talking.
When things are relaxed, I'm great in social situations.
I would have fit in at the Algonquin Round Table.
But when the stakes are high, I get a little tense.
I'd be the guy that would knock over the round table.
Then Dorothy Parker would make a quip, James Thurber would laugh, and then I would end up leaving, crying.
How long you been on the lam? What? Honey, you are looking around like the feds are after you.
No, I'm not.
Let's just get this over with.
All right.
Oh, no.
It's them.
[Chattering, Laughing] Oh! Oh, you know those girls from school.
Hey! Let's go! Over here.
What- What is your problem? [Sighs] Nothing.
I'll meet you at the car in an hour.
Please, Mom.
Hi, Jenna.
[Girls Laughing, Chattering] [Claire] And just like that- my baby girl became a teenager.
[Snaps Fingers] She entered that dreaded phase where my very existence embarrasses her.
I-I think I can help.
[Sighs] You're not your mom.
That's your mom.
Oh, I just got chills.
So, first off, I'm a fan.
- Saw you in court once.
- [Chuckles] Seriously? Yeah.
Mayhew versus Propyltech.
- You are a good lawyer.
- I don't know.
If you'd handled my divorce, this house would be twice as big.
Oh, he's better than good.
Try winning an argument with him.
Last night I wanted to have Indian food- And we're talking again.
Top of your class at Cornell and Columbia Law.
Had your pick ofjobs, but instead chose to work in environmental law- until last month.
Well- And he used to be a really great figure skater.
- Why'd you quit? - His sister lost interest, and then there was- He means my job.
Could tell me about figure skating too.
Um, well, it was- She did lose interest.
That's enough.
Ay, qué linda.
Ay, qué linda.
Oh, my gosh.
I didn't know you guys were gonna be here.
Hola, Claire.
Mwah! Hi, Lily.
[Kisses] I had enough basketball for one day.
Oh, I know.
Come here, sweetie.
Oh, sweet thing.
You love me and you want me to buy you a dress.
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