But I'm gonna buy her some shoes first.
What's that, Lily? Do you want me to buy you a dress? She said "yes.
" "Yes"? She did not say "yes.
" Okay, "Win" on three.
[All] One, two, three- Win! Don't forget the pick and roll.
These guys won't know how to defend it.
Phil, try not to confuse my boys, okay? Okay.
I sleep with your daughter.
What? Good luck! [Whistle Blows] All right.
Let's go! Let's go! Come on.
Let's go! - Let's get out there.
Hustle up.
Get the tip, get the tip.
- [Whistle Blows] [Boy] Watch, skip and go.
[Jay] Oh! All right.
Keep the hustle, keep the hustle.
Come on, boys.
Don't let 'em push you around.
Oh! All right, little defense! Play defense! I did a little scouting, and the other team only has two shooters.
If we isolate both of them- Good, Phil, good.
Thank you.
Manny, pay attention! What are you looking at? What? [Crowd Gasps] Oh! [Mitchell] And that was in 2004.
So, tell me this.
What are the regulatory challenges of a solar farm? Uh, well, you know, it could be anything- uh, agricultural- [Slurping] Military, protected species, ironically, even some, uh, environmental groups.
I think you got all of it.
Think you got it.
I'm just gonna freshen this up.
Let me ask you a question.
How do you like the beard? I'm thinking of growing one.
Jenny's against it.
Well, I-I've been very happy with mine.
That's it.
I'm doin' it.
Look, I've made a fortune.
I want to use it for some good.
I need a lawyer to help me navigate.
I like you.
You get me.
So, in or out? Wow.
I just- [Clattering] - I'm very sorry.
- It's okay.
Um, that's a very big question.
You know, I'm obviously gonna have to go talk to my- [Clattering] Bull in a china shop.
I'll be right back.
Talk it over.
It's a major life decision.
Hey, Jenny! The beard is on! Okay, Lily, it's time to buy you beautiful shoes.
Oh, no, no, no.
I saw another really cute dress for her.
But she has already six new dresses.
What she needs is strappy shoes.
Oh- Oh, oh.
There's Alex.
I'll-I'll see you later.
Alex, honey.
Mom, I said I'd meet you at the car.
[Alex Sighs] Mmm.
Thank you.
Still wish you had a daughter? Manny didn't want me at the game today.
Oh, I'm sorry.
It's okay.
No, it's not okay.
It sucks.
I miss babies.
They never tell you to go away.
Or wait in the car.
I don't know about you, but I'm not gonna stand here and feel sorry for myself.
You know what we should do? Get pregnant.
I was gonna say go for ice cream.
We'll do yours first.
[Whistle Blows] Luke! Luke! It's hard to guard a player if there's no player near you! [Grunts] We good in the hood? This is a uniquely frustrating group of boys.
I hear you.
Um, one thing that might help- instead of a zone, if you switch to a simple man-to-man.
I got this.
Really? 'Cause according to the scoreboard, the only thing you got is four points.
Good luck.
[Ball Swooshes] I need to talk to you.
I need to talk to you.
Nice top.
Come here.
You- You- Cam- Cam, you have got to relax.
I told you I wouldn't take a job without- Take the job.
What? I want you to take the job.
I thought you liked having me home with Lily.
I- I don't.
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