I mean, I do.
I just- I miss my time with Lily, and I know it's selfish of me, but- No, I want the job.
You do? Oh, my God, yes.
I- I love Lily, but I hate baby talk.
I wuv baby talk.
[Both Laugh] Oh! Let's go get this job.
Let's get this job.
[Laughs] Okay.
Oh, no.
[Doorknob Clicking] It's locked.
- Well, just- - [Stereo: Dance] [Mitchell] Hello? [Cameron] Hey, guys? [Knocking] Oh, my gosh.
They're not gonna hear us.
We're trapped out here.
Just stop being so dramatic.
We'll just go through the garage, with the- That's why he wants to hire you.
You're good in crisis.
Ooh, yeesh.
What- [Whirring] - [Crash] - [Whirring Stops] [Whirring Resumes] It's not opening.
Push it again.
I'm hearing things, but it's not- Push it harder.
- [Crash] - That's not- Is it this one? I hear something.
What is that? No.
Stop touching- Stop- [Garage Door Opens] This- Oh, that was it.
All right.
Mitchell! Oh, my God.
Did- No! Oh, my God! No, Cam! Cam, we- Did we do that? What are we gonna say? Oh- Oh.
I will take the job.
Kinda think you have to now.
[Jay] Guys, you're on the same team! Time out! [Whistle Blows] - [Referee] Time out! - Get over here! Guys, earlier we practiced a few set plays.
Did any of them involve wrestling the ball from your own teammate? But you said to be aggressive.
Yeah! Not on your own team! Wait here.
You gotta coach.
I can't take it.
You talkin' to me? Yeah, I'm talkin' to you.
You gotta take over.
I'm about to lose it out there.
That sounds tough, Coach.
- What's your problem? - Hey, Coach! Ticktock.
I was dealing with the coach.
You pushed me aside.
I was dealing with the boys.
You pushed me aside.
Believe it or not, Jay, there are some things that I am better at than you are.
Bam! It's out there.
Oh, for God's sake.
Coach! He's calling you.
I don't blame you for being angry.
All right? I'm used to taking charge.
That's all.
I should have let you coach from the get-go.
And? I love you.
The barbecue.
Oh, for God's sake.
I'm sure your steaks would have been delicious and not chewy.
I'll do it.
And so the student becomes the master.
The once mighty- You know what? Forget it.
No, no, no, no.
I'm good.
I'm good.
Hey, hey.
Who wants to go out like a champ? Yeah! Me! I love it! Okay, Jordy, you inbound to Luke.
Manny, you set a pick on Luke's man and roll to the bucket.
Luke, you know what to do.
No, I don't.
Bounce-pass to Manny.
But, Dad- Coach, Manny hasn't taken a single shot all season.
Then chances are he'll be open.
[Blows Whistle] Okay, guys.
Let's bring it out.
Hey, hey.
Bring it in.
Let's show these guys what kind of team they're about to beat.
Huh? "Li'I Dribblers" on three.
[All] One, two, three- Li'I Dribblers! Okay, red ball.
Side out.
Here we go.
[Blows Whistle] [Phil] What's my coaching philosophy? - Give a kid a bird- - Yes! And he becomes one of those weird dudes who walks around with a bird on his shoulder.
But give him a pair of wings, he can fly.
[All Groan] Unless he has absolutely no hand-eye coordination.
Okay, I support you.
[Laughing] [Exhales] Hey, Mom.
That was 20 minutes.
[Exhales] Mom, I am so, so sorry.
I know it's no excuse, but I've been feeling a lot of pressure at school.
You know, with friends.
And I love you so much, and I appreciate everything you do for me.
I'm still your little girl.
Oh, honey! That was so sweet.
Can I get $20? A bunch of us are going to a movie, and we're gonna get something to eat afterwards.
Jenna's brother's gonna take us home.
Of course.
Sweetie, you know what? Take 40.
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