Just sweep it under the rug.
- I'm not a sweeper.
- Trust me on this.
I think you two need to talk it out.
I don't have anything to say to her.
She's the one with the problem, not me.
- Whose side are you on? - She's my daughter.
You're my wife.
Let's remember what's important here There's a football game on.
I just hate it when my two girls aren't getting along.
How exactly is she your girl? I got a few things for the party.
Is Lily ready to go? Yeah, she's ready.
What's wrong? I'm just really worried about CJ Hightower, with the bad ankle.
I don't know how he's gonna run his corner routes.
What did my boyfriend just say? Listen, I heard what you said, and I thought, yes, I should try to learn more about football.
That is very mature of you.
I figure if football fans can learn it, how hard can it be? That's very elitist of you.
I'm taking baby steps here, all right? I'm actually looking forward to it.
'Cause it's not just the game.
It's the bands and the drama and the the pageantry - Don't forget about the team mascots.
- They wear ascots? No, "mascots," with an "m.
" That could have been very embarrassing.
Am I straight? I am not sure what you are right now.
How you doing? Hi, beautiful.
Good to see you.
- Let me guess.
Game's on? - Just started.
For you.
It's nice to see you, Gloria.
Two times today.
She means we've seen them two times today.
Everybody, the food's in there, the drinks are in there, I'll be in here.
Hold on, Jay.
I think we should address the elephant in the room.
Bring it in.
Come on.
Huddle up.
Now, in light of what happened at school today, if you have any feelings you'd like to express, this is the proper forum.
For God's sake.
All right, both of you.
Now, in this family, do we kick and punch each other, - or do we love each other? - Love each other.
That's right.
I'll be in the den.
I brought dessert.
Thank you.
I make pie, too.
You can never have too many pies, right? Everybody, take a deep breath.
Let's think about getting real.
- Phil, no.
- Why "Phil, no"? - What is Phil doing? - I'm just gonna say it There's tension between you two.
Bam! It's out there.
I'm gonna kill you.
I think he's right.
And I think we should talk about it.
That's what I'm talkin' 'bout You two talking 'bout it.
I like football.
Haley hates it.
Which is weird because it's all boys, and there's no reading required.
Do you know that she spends at least 45 minutes every morning doing her hair? And then, sometimes, she Let's go, Illini! Let's go, right now! Oh, looks like I got to watch the game with Dick Butkus.
Dad! Come on, that's offensive.
He's one of the greatest linebackers to ever play at Illinois, and one of my personal heroes.
And his name is "Butkus"? Really, and we're just choosing to Okay.
All right.
I thought you were being homophobic.
- We got all night.
- Yes, we do.
Are you joing us here? Jay, you know what? He's been studying up.
I got to tell you, I am a little worried about CJ Hightower, with the bad ankle.
I'm wondering how he's gonna run his corner routes.
- Hightower's out.
- What? - Who is gonna run the corner routes? - I'll tell you who won't be.
That's low.
He's in jail.
Yeah, I dunno.
Double tight end.
It's gonna be a quarterback roll-out - They're gonna run it.
- He's got the slot, and the end zone! - Touchdown! - Lucky call! - They should have considered blitzing.
- Blitzing wouldn't have helped them.
- Get out of here.
- Oh, gosh.
So, my interest in football ended as suddenly and dramatically as the climax of "West Side Story.
" I'm a musical-theater fan.
Surprise! Okay, the truth? I sometimes feel like you don't like me.
Powerful, powerful stuff.
- Claire, tell us how it makes you feel.
- Right now, I'm feeling a lot of anger.
Don't tell me, tell her.
- Gloria, I'm really angry at Phil.
- Let's respect the process.
Gloria, I don't know why you think I don't like you.
Well, sometimes when you see me, you make that face.
- What face? - Like this.
- I do not make a face like that.
- That is so Claire.
See? She does that with everyone.
- It's just her face.
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