- No, it's not just the face.
From the beginning, I feel like Manny and I are not welcome in this family.
That is so crazy! No, it's not so crazy.
It's how I feel.
I am sorry if you feel that way.
I really am.
Because from the moment I met you, I have tried to make you feel comfortable with us.
You think it's all in my head? Kind I don't know.
I mean We really love having you and Manny in our family.
- Really? - Really.
So you don't have to be so defensive.
I do that, don't I? A little.
A little bit.
I'm feeling a hug.
I was thinking group hug, but this is nice.
I'd be there if I could Oh, my God, there's hugging.
Get off the phone already.
- Where did you go? - You heard him.
- He said, "get out of here.
" - You're such a girl.
Dad, loo I was coming to get a beer, anyways.
- Nice apology.
- Nice beer.
There's our little roustabouts! You look like you patched things up pretty good, huh? We can learn so much from the children.
I bet it seems kind of silly now what you were fighting about.
- I made fun of his accent.
- What accent? I made fun of him for having the same thing for lunch every day.
I made fun of him because his mom used to dig coal.
What? - He said you were a coal digger.
- Okay, I think we can move on! - Who said I was a coal digger? - That's what my mom told me.
- What's a coal digger? - He heard it wrong.
It's "gold digger.
" I'm gonna have to call you back.
I really do not think that I remember ever saying that.
Well, you said it in the car, you said it at Christmas, you said it in the Mexican restaurant Okay, Mr.
"Leaves his sweatshirts at school every day" suddenly remembers everything.
Thank you.
And it was all in my head, huh? Listen, Gloria, it was like a year ago before - I knew you - Nice going.
Now my mom and my sister are fighting.
If I say something everybody's thinking, does that make me a mean person? Or does it make me a brave person? One who is courageous enough to stand up and say something Behind someone's back to a 10-year old? Well, she's pissed.
She wouldn't even come out of her room.
Did you really have to call her that? A gold digger.
You know what, dad? It was a year ago.
And it was a natural question to ask.
She's a beautiful, hot woman, and you're not exactly You know.
Not exactly what? - Mitchell, a little help? - No, you are doing great.
See, this is exactly why we sweep things under the rug.
So people don't get hurt.
Until you sweep too much under the rug.
Then you got a lumpy rug.
It creates a tripping hazard.
You open yourself up to lawsuits.
Boy, you can go a really long time without blinking.
It's Phil.
Can I talk to you for a second? Claire likes to say, you can be part of the problem or part of the solution.
Well, I happen to believe that you can be both.
Listen, Claire feels terrible.
Why don't you talk to her? Why? I know what she thinks - A coal digger.
- She's saying "gold digger.
" I know she said that, but that was a long time ago, - before she knew you.
- Does Jay buy me nice things? Yes, of course! All beautiful things! Look at this.
Yellow, red, blue All the colors.
Do you think I can't live without these? Take them away, Phil.
We all know you'd be fine without underwear.
I mean, we know it's not about that.
It's about me not being accepted by my new family.
That is not true.
Gloria, look, you're a beautiful woman.
In fact, you're probably one of those beautiful women who doesn't know it.
I know it.
So it's natural for Claire to wonder about you and her dad.
This family is very protective of each other.
I remember the first time Claire brought me home.
Do you think Jay thought I was good enough for his little girl? No way.
But, over time, he realized that I loved Claire as much as he did.
And by then, Mitch had brought Cam home, so I was golden.
Claire just needs a little time.
And then, trust me, she'll be the most loyal friend you've ever had.
- You're not leaving, are you? - There's kind of a lot of drama.
- So we're torn.
- Let me ask you something.
Your sister said that Gloria would never go for anybody who looked like me.
Now, you guys basically are like women.
You look at guys.
So what do you think? You're seriously asking us if you're attractive? I know I'm no Erik Estrada or anything.
I'm just curious is all.
So, if I was in one of your bars and Righteous Brothers were on, would you I don't know Check me out? Dad, you're really close to ruining gay for me.
- All right, fine, whatever - Now, listen, I think it's I just think it's a little weird for a son to say this to his father, but, for the record - You're smoking hot.
- Really? dangerous, gettable.
You have a little cashola in your pocket.
- Face, body, the whole - The whole kit and caboodle, I think, really.
- What, about a 7? - 9.
For sure 9.
But you knew that.
I might have lowballed a bit.
Isn't there a game on? - Touchy.
- I know.
Gloria? Come on, let's talk about this.
I've seen her kick in a door before.
I don't know what my husband is saying to you, or why he's covered in your underwear Obviously, I'm trying to seduce him for his money.
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