Batman doesn't get picked on because he's a muscular genius.
Manny can't make it to the top bunk.
We're taking this poncho to manny at school.
It's important that he knows that we support m.
And then we go get those massages.
That sounded good.
I always take the stairs two at a time.
I don't even think about it anymore.
The regular way would seem weird.
Phil, let it go.
I'm faster than you.
If only there was some way we could settle this Once and for all, but how? Huh.
You seriously want to race me? I ran a half marathon last year.
I'm half scared.
Okay, we do need to do this.
I'll go change.
Not now.
I got a conference call.
But how about after that? Great.
This afternoon.
Sweet! Two at a time, two at a time, two at a -- Son of a gun, got to fix that step.
Two at a time, already at the top, so Hi.
I'm dr.
I'm on call today.
Looks like we have a little head bump.
Yeah, it happened a couple hours ago on a doorjamb.
Oh, ouch.
We used to do this thing in school Where they would give you an egg, And you -- you know, you couldn't break it.
And it was supposed to teach you how hard it was to be a parent.
But The real thing, it's -- it's -- it's so much harder.
We did that in my school, too.
It didn't turn out so well.
Went through a dozen eggs.
Yeah, well, he's a nervous eater.
No, I broke a dozen eggs.
I'm sorry.
I just assumed that -- I know.
I know what you assumed.
There doesn't seem to be any mark.
Well, her head was Somewhat protected.
Protected? Was she wearing a hat? Yes, yes.
It was like a hat.
It was a wig.
Actually, sort of a ghetto-fabulous afro thing.
I thought it might be medically relevant.
Really? You thought "ghetto-fabulous" might be medically relevant? Maybe I should just finish with the exam? Yes.
You'll be pleased to know That mitchell and I intend on raising lily With influences from her asian heritage.
That is fantastic.
Have you noticed any vomiting since the head bump? Uh, no.
No, no.
We've hung some art in her room, some asian art, And then when she's ready for solid food, There is a fantastic pho place Right around the corner from our house.
Am I pronouncing that right? Is it "pho"? [fuh] It's a soup.
I don't know.
I'm from denver.
We don't have a lot ofPho there.
Just to be sure, Could you show me how hard lily got hit? And u-- use your head.
Oh, yeah, so, I mean, really, it was It was just sort of like, um Could I see that again? Um, it was just -- just a head bump, you know? How are you feeling? Uh, fine.
So is lily.
Babies are designed to survive new parents.
So stop worrying.
You guys are doing great.
Thank you.
I don't see any ponchos, Which means either the kids don't wear them Or the ones who do wear them disappear.
We're doing the right thing.
I support manny no matter what.
Children need to know that you believe in them.
It's the most important thing.
If you tell them they have wings, They will believe they can fly.
Oh, really? I had a buddy went to woodstock, Believed he could fly -- didn't end great.
It's why hotel windows don't open anymore.
Is something wrong? Who's died? No one, manny.
Why would you even think that? In colombia, manny went to pablo escobar elementary school.
If you were pulled out of class, It was definitely to identify a body.
Well, we got your poncho here.
I thought you said it made me look like My neck was wearing a dress.
That was a joke.
Oh, good it's still in the pocket.
What do you got there, buddy? My pan flute.
I'm going to play some colombian folk music For my new classmates.
I've never been more proud of you.
I'm sure your friends are gonna love it.
Break the flute.
What? The poncho by itself is fine.
The poncho plus the flute plus the stupid dance -- My son will die a virgin.
That's right.
Hey, sport, can I take a look at that whistle? Oh, geez, look at that! And now you stepped on it! What? Oh, darn! Wh-what's wrong with me?! Here, let me get it.
Thank you.
You know what, actually, maybe you should do this.
Why? I-I don't want to bump her head against the door, You know, pinch her with the seat belt.
Mitchell, how long are you gonna beat yourself up over one mistake? Is this gonna be like the bld highlights all over again? I just I think I suck at being a father.
What are you talking about? We're new at this.
Yeah, but you're such a natural.
I mean, look at you.
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