This Smith & Wiley lock
is the gold standard.
All right, I think we are now ready
to put together our beautiful,
L-shaped crib.
I-I This can't be right.
One's way bigger.
And what, my babies are supposed
to come and go as they please,
like they're in a halfway house?
Um, so, a minor
misreading of the diagram.
I think we're just gonna need to
swap a short side for a long side.
And in the meantime,
we bent that bracket.
Alex, would you mind running
down to the hardware store?
No way.
I don't trust myself to drive anymore.
I signed up to be the student liaison
for a visiting scholar on campus
Sir Kenneth Penrose.
Yes, that Sir Kenneth Penrose.
Rock star of the microbiology world.
I know you must hear this a lot,
but you're the reason I took up snooker.
Do you still play?
I've had to lay down my cue lately.
I've been working for
months on an Ebola vaccine.
Just moments ago, I had a breakthrough.
I can't wait to get
to the lab and jot
- Hey!
- Aah!
Whoa! That was my chemistry advisor.
I would not want to be
known as the girl who
Sir Kenneth?
W-Where am I?
You don't know the shame.
Now they won't let me drive around
anyone smarter than a
sociology professor.
You know what else
hit the ground today? Me.
While I was bending over to
pickup a doughnut off the floor!
It was covered in dust balls,
but I didn't care,
'cause I'm a disgusting pig monster.
Oh, honey, please.
You're as
as beautiful as ever.
Tell that to MugScan.
MugScan is a face-recognition
program we use at work.
It was really mean to me.
Good morning, Wayne.
I'm not Wayne, you jerk!
You all right, Haley?
I'm fine, Wayne.
One of my shoes flew off in the fall,
and I couldn't put it back on
because my feet were so swollen.
You know who makes a great shoe?
New Balance.
I wear them when I
power-walk to Neil Diamond.
Hey, Mom,
is this divider a little too high?
No, it's supposed to be that way.
That way, if one twin
wants to visit the other,
he can just go,
"Ah, doot, doot, doot.
- Aaaah!
- Hey!
Couple thoughts.
- Pair of 7s.
- Ace high.
Everyone, I'd like you to
meet Don Lemon and RuPaul,
a pair of black queens.
Mitchell, that's the third time
you've wandered over there.
What are you doing?
- Nothing.
- He's got something in his mouth.
- Get him!
- No.
No, I don't.
- Come here!
- No, no, no!
- Don't Don't fight.
He has beef jerky!
That's the last of it.
I swear.
- He's lying.
Check his pockets.
- No, I
- Stop it, stop it, stop it!
- It's a family pack!
I hope the jerky was as
delicious as the irony.
- Give it!
- No, stop it! Stop it
We're sending beef smoke signals
to a forest full of bears.
I'm sorry! I should've shared!
there is a sack full of hiking snacks
just up the road!
Brie, prosciutto,
not to mention a wonderful
maple-walnut butter
that Gloria recommended
on her Pinterest board.
That's it.
I'm going out there.
Jay, wait!
If you see a bear, remember
blind it with the flash on your phone,
then lie on your back
in a submissive pose.
I'm not doing that.
If I come face-to-face with a bear,
he better run!
It's darker out there
Are you sure it was the best idea
to attach these before
moving them upstairs?
Yeah, I eyeballed the space.
It really should fit easily.
Except Alex apparently
has steered us into a jam.
Oh, that must be the pizza guy.
Coming, Carl!
You know the pizza guy's name?
- Hi.
- Hey, Haley.
Surprised to get an order
from you before midnight.
By the way, how'd you like that
custom shrimp and potato pizza?
I don't even know
what you're talking about.
Loved it.
Love you.
Gonna go get my wallet!
Alex, run downstairs
and get a screwdriver.
This whole thing will fit easily
once we take the cribs apart.
We don't even know
if this thing is gonna fit
through the bedroom door.
Of course it will.
But if it makes you happy,
I will measure again.
You always record over my programs
Gah! Aah!
- Oh!
- Ow!
Okay, no, how about this?
We all band together to form one big man
to go get the food.
- No!
- How's that supposed to work?
Okay, back to back, um, and
and then link arms.
- Okay.
- Turn around, give me your arm.
See, look? Like this, all right?
- Do we look big and scary?
- Well, I think so.
Let's move towards the door.
Nice and easy.
We're just one big man
out for a walk in the woods.
We made it.
Wait! Where's Mitchell?
He didn't make it!
One of you two need to go get him!
I'm better staying here as a bear decoy.
I give off a natural musk.
Birds land on me all the time.
Squirrels eat out of my hand.
Well, I can't go!
Lily needs at least one living parent!
How do we know it's not the bear?
It's me!
You just left me!
Oh, you weren't out there that long.
You didn't get the food?!
I almost was food!
Okay, I-I wish I never even
came on this stupid trip!
Well, who forced you?
It's my delivery ankle.
It's really bad, dudes.
It was already weak from
your paintball injury, Carl.
I told you to get it checked out,
but you and doctors.
Okay, fine, I know him a little.
When it rains, it pours, huh?
- Margaret-Anne left me this morning.
- Aw!
Then my dad called me
"Craig" on the phone again.
That's the name of his new son.
Oh, God.
Carl, can we
at least drive you home?
Not now.
I have 10 pizzas going to my enemies,
the Sigmas.
Those rich kids get their
kicks taking advantage
of our "30 Minutes or it's Free"
use every trick in the
book to slow me down.
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