Well, not tonight, Chad and Chip.
Not to Aaaah!
The bone's got to be sticking out,
No, it's not even swollen.
Look, Carl, we've all had rough days.
Why don't you let us finish
this delivery for you?
Okay, but we've only got,
like, 10 minutes.
Let's go, then! Come here.
- Okay.
- Come on!
It'll feel good to get
something right today.
Plus, I wouldn't mind sticking
it to some preppy, white jerks.
Hey! That life comes
with its own problems!
Don't be mad, Dad.
Gloria was just worried about you.
I don't want to talk about it.
Let's just have a drink and be quiet.
Lot of colors in that fire, huh?
Red, green
- yellow, blue
- Geez.
What is this yammering with you?!
I don't know.
I guess I just don't like being
alone with my own thoughts.
Maybe it's because I have a
couple of grandkids on the way,
but now, if if things get too quiet,
my mind goes to a dark place fast.
I start to worry about
the people that I love
and all the bad things
that could happen to them.
I suppose talking
pushes those thoughts out
and helps me feel okay.
I get it.
We can all spiral.
But you can't talk your way out of it.
You got to think your way out of it.
You know, find a happy place.
Try this.
30 seconds, no talking.
- Buddy, where are you?
- I'm back.
You know, I think
we can learn a lot from this guy,
because it's not the
the bears out there
that we're afraid of.
It's the bears in our lives
the fear that keeps us up at night.
And I think that's an interesting
topic we can return to
once I change into my
"Fireside Chat" look.
Another wardrobe change?
You're like a sultan's
bride on her wedding day.
Go ahead make fun of me.
I like my outfits.
Why so many?
Yeah, I guess when I was a kid,
I realized I wasn't ever gonna fit in,
so I decided to stand out.
I embraced my flamboyance
to let the world know their
insults won't hurt me.
Want to make a joke about me?
Go ahead, 'cause I'm in on it.
That's really beautiful, Cam.
And you're not alone.
Growing up, we were all
insecure nerds in our own way.
I was cool.
What? I thought we were sharing.
That's very brave, Cam.
That's good stuff.
Are you crazy?!
I shouldn't be the one driving!
There is no time to argue!
Just go! Come on!
Thanks so much for making
me part of your group.
It's not every day you
make four new best friends.
Why are they going so slow?!
I can't get past them!
This is one of Sigma's tactics.
They track my location on the app
and send pledges to try to slow me down.
Ugh! What am I gonna do?!
I'll handle this.
Carl, I'm taking your paintball guns!
Move! Or I move you!
I do still have my edge!
Will you join my paintball team?
What is that?!
Field of Minions.
Classic Sigmas.
Don't get distracted by the cuteness.
We only have five minutes.
Just go around them.
Oh, my God, I did it!
And you're all still in the car!
Okay, now, we can't give them
any reason to say
that we didn't fill the order perfectly,
so check the pizzas,
make sure they didn't shift.
Oh, Haley, I'm sure
you're worrying about nothing
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Carl, do you have a pizza slicer?
Only the commemorative one
I got for 10 years of service.
Give it to me.
I have a vision.
Shaq and Hendrix never got
past their blind spots.
Maybe they didn't want it enough.
Turning 9 pizzas into
10 was a simple matter
of removing one slice from each pie,
then trimming off a
V-shaped portion of pizza
from each of the remaining slices,
turning them from 36-degree
angles to 40-degree angles,
then putting together
the 40-degree angles
into nine slightly smaller pies.
After that, one had only to repurpose
the nine previously removed slices
into a 10th pie.
And 10!
It worked!
It really did.
I do have a visual brain.
That was your thing?
I do not miss having
white-people problems.
We're here! I did it!
We only have a minute to get
the pizzas inside.
Let's go!
Oh, wait, wait, wait!
Uh, the frat has a video doorbell.
If they see it's a delivery,
they try to run out the clock.
I'll handle this.
Stay on that side.
I go to U of A, and I'm super drunk.
Is there a place where I
can sober up for the night?
At least my looks can still
get me into a frat house.
Okay, guys, go, go!
10 pizzas on time.
Pay up!
You guys with Carl?
We are Carl.
Come on, hurry up! A bet's a bet!
I told you I could stand
on one leg longer than you!
You're the only one
whose balance gets better
after drinking a jug of whiskey.
All right.
My follower is gonna love this!
Everybody say "Cheese!"
- Cheese.
- Yes.
Okay, now,
that is how you build a brand.
Well, I guess we should kill
the rest of this whiskey.
But then we'll have nothing
to serve the murderers
when they arrive.
You know, you joke,
but you have a certain
paranoia about you.
What What's behind that?
Ooh! Are we about to hear
about Mitchell's bear?
Uh, okay.
It It's, um
I've never told anyone this, but, uh,
a fortune teller once predicted
that I would not live
to see my 46th winter.
Was that that kook that used
to live next door to us?
She's nuts.
She told your mother she was
gonna win a Tony one day.
But she was right about
a lot of other things.
She said that I'd become a lawyer.
She said that I would
marry a clown one day.
Laughed a long time about that one.
Anyway, I-I guess my "bear"
is the fear of dying young.
Uh, I mean,
if that fortune teller's right,
I only have three more years to live.
Well, y-you know what? The way I see it,
this little curse is actually a gift
a reason to live life to the fullest.
And have no regrets.
Okay, so we're all just accepting
this 46-year thing as true?
We've made our peace with it.
And so should you.
Why not just live your limited days
with leaving nothing unsaid?
Tell the people who matter
the most how you feel.
I tell you and Lily
I love you every single day.
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