- [Indistinct talking, glass clinking]
- Claire: Speech! Speech!
- Okay, okay, okay.
Settle down.
It's hard to believe I'm 50.
A-A-As of today, I'm middle-aged.
What's he been the last 10 years?
He thinks he's a millennial, like us.
I've thought a lot about what's next.
- 51.
- Thank you, buddy.
And it's important
that I continue to grow
and that I stay mentally challenged.
Which is why I am starting
piano lessons,
so that by next year's birthday,
I'll be good enough
to perform in public.
Oh, great.
Another thing to go to.
Also, I'm gonna learn
how to speak Spanish.
Uh, I I haven't started yet.
Um, and finally, um
and I know it's a little bit
of a midlife-crisis cliché,
[Chuckles] I'm gonna learn
how to ride a unicycle!
Phil, you forgot to open
one of your gifts.
This one,
Jay picked it up for you himself.
He did?
- [Paper ripping]
- Hey, Dad.
So, what's going on with that hat?
Gloria thinks I look grumpy
in the photos that we take
when we go to these things,
so I'm searching for the right hat
that makes me look like I'm having fun.
Or you could just smile more.
- Eh.
- Wow!
"The Sommelier's Guide
- "to the Wines of France.
- Claire: Ooh!
- I love it so much.
- Nice!
Oh, my goodness.
It's inscribed.
"May you continue to age
as gracefully as a fine Bordeaux.
"Happy Birthday, Jay.
Love, Cam.
- Cam.
Jay, you re-gifted my gift?
- Dad!
- I didn't know he wrote in it.
- Because you didn't open it.
So now I feel like a jerk.
How could you be a jerk?
You're wearing that hat.
A year from now,
I'm gonna know what that means.
I got Gloria the greatest
Valentine's Day gift
a box set of DVDs of all
the Dean Martin Roasts.
I was so moved by the romantic gesture
that for Jay's birthday,
I invited a bunch of
people over to insult him.
Shorty: So, my ex-wife and I,
we were on vacation with Jay and Gloria.
They're walking down the beach,
and my ex-wife says,
"Whoa, look at all that skin.
And I said, "Baby, come on.
"What's wrong with that?
She's a beautiful woman in a bikini.
She said, "Oh,
I'm talkin' about Jay's scalp.
Jay is so not Latin
that every time that he dances,
people point him to the bathroom.
He has no rhythm.
That's what I mean.
But seriously, I love the whites.
No, but seriously,
Jay is quite the environmentalist.
Just this last year,
he recycled a gift of mine
a wonderful book about wine.
[Laughs, whimpers]
[Clears throat]
I-I don't want to say my father is old,
but he remembers panicking at Y-1-K.
My dad is old.
Together: How old is he?
He's so old that when
he started using it,
it was called Preparation G.
This is terrible!
I don't know why any of you
people think this is funny!
You may think these are jokes,
but it's way too real.
We need to respect Grandpa
instead of cutting him down.
None of us really knows
how much time he has left.
Do you really want these to
be the last words he hears?
Well, now I feel like hell.
And that's how you roast! Bam!
[Laughter and applause]
I don't understand why
adults make such a big deal
about their birthdays.
So this year, I asked for nothing.
No party, no fuss.
Just a quiet night by myself,
with my thoughts, all alone.
[Crickets chirping]
Just as I had hoped,
Mitchell is miserable.
He said he didn't want a party,
but it's like when you write
"No gifts" on an invitation
but you secretly want
everyone to bring something
big and expensive, Jotham.
I made a heartfelt toast at your party.
Yes, and those 12 words
were just as generous
as the actual physical
gifts everyone else brought.
Okay, I'm gonna go in.
When you hear me say
"Mitchell, you're not alone,"
that's when you come in
and you yell "Surprise.
We know what to say.
Do you? [Chuckles]
- How you doing? Okay?
- Yeah.
Now do you see what it's like
to spend your birthday alone?
[Sighs] I do.
And it's
- Yeah.
- amazing.
- What?
- Cam, thank you.
Thank you.
For once, you heard me and
gave me exactly what I wanted
instead of what you
thought I should want.
Honey, this is the best
birthday present ever.
- It is?
- Yes!
Oh, and you've
you've got to be relieved, too.
I mean, every time
we hang out with our friends,
they leave and you spend
the rest of the night
complaining about how every
single one of them annoys you.
I don't know what you're talking about!
Oh, please.
Jotham's cheap.
L'Michael has bad breath.
That doesn't sound like me!
Antonio's weave is falling apart.
Vincent's a sloppy drunk.
Oh, oh, Jeffrey won't stop telling
his one Bernadette Peters story.
You're the sloppy drunk!
Here's a thing I realized
You can't get older if
you never have birthdays.
Happy birth
- What'd I tell you?
- I thought this would be the year.
I told my family I just
wanted my birthday
to be me and Dylan this year
because at the time,
I was still keeping
my pregnancy a secret,
and I knew they'd get all suspicious
about why I wasn't drinking.
What was I going to say?
"I can't drink because
I have work in the morning"?
There's no way they'd believe that.
I got you a present.
Ooh! Thank you!
Get out!
Gucci baby sneakers!
They're adorable.
[Crying] Our baby's gonna be so hot.
Personally, I think it's weird
that there are shoes for
someone who can't walk.
But you know what, Haley?
I love that we're pregnannnt
- Hello!
- Hi!
What are you guys doing here?
At the restaurant? We got a
- We got a Groupon, but we
- Us too.
Yeah, we j
we just saw that you were over here.
- Wanted to say happy birthday.
- Happy birthday.
Didn't mean to overhear.
You didn't overhear anything.
We were talking about a TV show.
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