- He probably already heard me.
His hobby is listening.
Jay, you don't treat people like that.
What, I should do what you do? Pretend to like someone you don't? I'm doing it right now.
Can I tell you something, Gloria? When you reach a certain age, you wanna spend what precious little time you have left with people you actually like, not some bozos who glommed onto you.
Tell me about it.
I've got a clingy fifth-grader I can't shake.
- See? Even Manny knows.
- I got your back, Jay.
Thirsty? - Manny, go to sleep.
- Can we just please forget about this now? And the worst thing is that you sold me out without warning and made me look like a fool.
Husband and wife are supposed to help each other not throw each other under the bus! I would never do that to you.
Gloria, wait.
Could you get my book for me? I left it downstairs.
There you are.
- Our cab is here.
- I am so sorry.
Not your fault.
Well, good-bye.
Ay, wait.
You left this.
- Oh, no.
That's for you.
- Oh.
In Cabo you mentioned you were a fan of Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez so we tracked him down and got him to sign a copy of One Hundred Years of Solitude for you.
That's amazing.
Well No, no.
Don't go.
I really want you to spend the night here.
- Jay clearly doesn't.
- Jay doesn't know what he wants.
I don't like to tell this to people but, uh, Jay's mind is going away.
- Oh, my God.
- No.
He's so old.
Some nights it's like he's not even here.
Oh, Gloria.
That's it.
We're not going anywhere.
- Come on.
- Mmm.
- You never came to bed.
- I fell asleep in the den.
Cam, we need to talk about Mitchell, wait.
Listen, I was up all night thinking about it and here's the thing.
If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be living with someone and raising a beautiful baby girl I would have said you were crazy.
But here we are and you and Lily are the best things that have ever happened to me.
So if you're telling me there's another kid how can that be anything but good? Oh, Cam, that's That means - No, it's okay.
- No.
I need to have my reaction.
- We're gonna be okay.
- Yeah.
- Oh.
- So what do we do now? I don't know.
I guess I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to call Tracy and tell her that we need to talk.
- Okay.
Uh, are you nervous? - I'm terrified.
I mean, what's this kid gonna think of me? I've been absent for the first eight years of his life.
How do you make up for time like that? Okay, slow down.
You're spinning out.
It's probably just a false alarm.
No, you're right.
This could be my going-bald scare all over again.
Yeah, and we know how that turned out.
- Honey? - Mm-hmm? What would happen if the greatest scientists on earth got together to mate nature's two most violent predators? - Are we talking about Croctopus in 3-D? - At 2:10.
- Book it! - Mmm.
Claire and I share a true love of cheesy cinema.
Our favorite categories include genetically engineered animals gone wrong - Old and young people switching bodies.
- Mm-hmm.
Uh, tough guys taking care of babies.
- Any sequel three and higher.
- Oh, yeah.
Usually get a new cast around five.
- That's where the magic really happens.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
Hey, honey, how'd your test go? - Second highest in the class.
- Hey.
- That's great.
- Sanjay Patel edged me out by 12 points.
Oh, honey, who cares what she did? It's a he.
"Sanjay" is a very common Indian boy's name.
There are like millions of them.
Sweetheart, it's still a great score.
I hope you're not beating yourself up.
- I'm not.
- That's our girl.
Sanjay's dad's a surgeon.
His mom's a professor.
I can't compete with that.
I'll just have to do the best I can with what I was given.
- Good for you.
- We're proud of you, honey.
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