I hate to think of you sitting in there alone running through all this in your head what could you have done differently? What could you have done differently? It's actually a little hard for me to talk about.
Don't push me away.
I'm not Judy.
- I could have been more spontaneous.
- Uh-huh.
I could have tried to have been more fun and sexy like it was in the old days.
Spontaneous and sexy.
I got it.
I'm here for you, okay? Oh! Son of a What the hell is that? What? You told me to put on an old costume.
Not from when you were eight.
Are you trying to get candy or Japanese businessmen? Change it.
Jerry is a no-go on the 'crow.
- You've been over there this whole time? - Yeah.
He was venting.
I couldn't break free.
You are sexy.
- Honey? - Not so fast.
I don't think we're done here, my darlin'.
Sweet pea, I need to get down.
Oh, we can get down.
We can get way down.
Oh, God! Phil! No.
No, no, no, no, no! Okay.
No, no.
No, no, no, no.
Okay, focus, Mitchell.
Focus, focus.
Hello? I'm trapped in a men's room, and all I have on is the Spider-Man suit.
Who is this? Somebody took my shirt, and all the rest of my clothes are all "toilety.
" - I'm screwed.
- Why don't you just tell Charlie the truth? I can't.
I already messed up once today, and I can't risk it.
I have another suit in my trunk but I can't get to the car without going through the office.
You know what's ironic? Who could really help you now is Spider-Man.
He's here.
No, no, no, no, no.
No, no, no.
Behold my creation! Behold my creation! Monster, do my bidding.
I do as you command, master.
Okay, Mom, you cannot have a problem with this.
I'm Mother Teresa.
- Are you kidding me? - What? I'm her back when she was hot.
I will pay you $10 to go put on more clothes.
Bet it's the first time you ever heard that one.
Okay, you know what? Here.
Here we go.
Let's just cover you up.
All right, now.
I just wanna run through this really quick with everybody.
Uh, first it's "Trick or treat" - and then Phil - "Come in, if you dare.
" Right, and then Dad does the thunder and the lightning and the fog.
Usher the children in, past Alex in her cage - I'm in a cage? - Yes.
You're in a house of horrors, being held against your will.
Yeah, I know.
So why do we need the cage? And then Gloria pops up as the evil village bruja and she says "Welcome to your nightmare.
" And then Cam and Haley do their thing.
Kids get their candy.
They are ushered out.
They think it's all over, but it's not because out on the porch, the scarecrow pops to life Pow! For one final "aah!" - And that's Mitchell.
You're the scarecrow.
- Oh, no.
I was in a costume all day.
It was awful.
It's nothing compared to when I was - You don't own bad Halloweens.
- Don't I? We get it, Cam.
Hard day.
Mitchell, please.
The costume's in the kitchen.
Come on.
- All right.
- Claire.
- Before you go, I just want you to know - Okay, the wig.
- I love you more - That's-That's - Thanks, honey.
- You're my best friend! - Hey, guys.
- Hey.
God, you guys look great.
Thank you, Phil.
I try my best.
You look very dead-like.
Gloria, stop it.
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