I said I was sorry.
Oh, no, no, Jay.
For now on, I only speakin' proper American so I don't embarrass you.
Did she just get back from the dentist? She's mad at me because I told her sometimes people can't understand her.
Make it right, Jay.
We're all just hanging by a thread.
Hey, Dad! Oh, you look great.
Oh, good.
Okay, Gloria's in position.
Hi, Gloria.
Here you go.
Right back here.
Claire, I don't know that I'm feeling up to this.
Why, Cam? What happened that is so awful you simultaneously can't speak of it and yet can't stop talking about it? - I can't.
It's too emotional.
- Okay.
Some other time.
- I was 10.
- Oh, God.
Dressed as Quasimodo, on a front porch with my best friend, Timmy Reglar a Ghostbuster.
There was a bucket of candy with a sign.
- It said "Take one.
" - One.
- Timmy took the entire bucket and put it in his bag.
- Mmm.
Timmy didn't play by the rules.
It's what I liked and feared about him.
- Oh.
- Then the bag broke.
As a crowd of kids rounded the corner, saw the pile of candy Timmy said, "Cam did it!" Trick or treat! Oh, good.
Aren't you glad you got that out? Okay, everybody, our first victims.
This is not a rehearsal.
- You ready? You ready? - Yes.
Come in, if you dare.
- Dad.
- Huh? Oh.
Let me see Thank you for joining us on our No, no, no.
First the thunder and the lightning.
Yeah, right.
I got it.
Thank you for joining us on our special night.
Other children haven't fared so well.
- Welcome to your nightmare.
- Ha, ha, ha, ha.
What the hell is that? Can we just get our candy? Okay, but beware of the fog, for you might not be able to see ahead.
Timmy starting running.
I wanted to run too but my hunch got stuck on a rosebush, and that's when I fell.
I fell hard.
I can see his feet.
Okay, here.
Here, children, have some candy.
Happy Halloween.
Okay, that was bad.
That was a bad start.
Uh, first of all, Dad, thunder, lightning, fog cue And we skipped Alex altogether.
And Gloria, since when do you speak English? Oh, so now you have a problem with the way I speak? Like father, like daughter in this dog-eat-dog family.
Trick or treat! Trick or treat! Okay, places! Places! Good.
Mitchell's good.
Honey, I love you so much Not now.
Not now.
Come in, if you dare.
- Dad.
- What? - Dad! - Oh, right, right.
- Phil, that's you.
- No, Dad Fog, fog.
Thank you for joining us on our special night.
Other children haven't fared so well.
Oh, help me.
Help me.
- Welcome to your nightmare.
- Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Now your treats are over here but with all the fog, you may not be able to see ahead.
And everyone was screaming, "That's him! Get Quasimodo!" And then the townspeople started chasing me and that's when I wet my pants! I wet my pants! I wet my pants.
- This place is weird.
- Yeah.
- Let's go.
- Yeah, come on.
Mother of God! - Son of a - What is wrong with everyone? Cam, "townspeople"? Really? I lived on a farm.
They lived in town.
They were the townspeople.
And Dad Dad, it goes lightning, thunder, fog cue.
This whole thing is a colossal fog cue.
Claire just doesn't understand, Cam.
Maybe she's never been picked on for been different.
When, Gloria? When have you ever been picked on for "been different"? Ask the gargle.
What is she saying? Gloria! - Think she went insane.
- She's not insane! - She's my mother.
- I'm your mother now! Gloria, I wanna tell you a story about a guy eating in a diner, alone.
Behind him he hears a woman talking.
He doesn't turn around.
Five minutes, 10 minutes, just listening for the woman, the life in her voice.
And before he even sees her, he realizes he's fallen in love.
Now I give you a guess who that guy is.
Oh, my dad was Oh, my God! - You know what? I'm just gonna go.
- No.
Come on, Cam.
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