Uh, if Uncle Cam's leaving, I'm just gonna go upstairs and study.
Yeah, I have a party to go to, so She punched me in the face! He came out of nowhere, and he scared the baby cheeses out of me.
Hey, you're talking normal again.
I love the story about the old man.
Nobody said "old.
" - Oh, Cam, can we please just go? - Yes.
Yeah, go.
I don't care.
- Oh, Claire - No.
I'm done! I'm done.
I'm not done, so not done.
Look, here's the thing.
We-We have fireworks at Christmas now because that's what they do in Colombia.
I don't mind.
Thanksgiving That used to be me roasting a turkey until the gays took it over with whatever new turkey cooking craze it is that you saw on the Food Network, and I'm fine with that too.
All I ask all I ask is that you leave me Halloween.
Yeah, Halloween.
I realize it is a crazy-ass holiday for a grown woman to care about this much but it is my crazy-ass holiday.
That's a lot of complaining from somebody who asked for thirds of our tandoori turkey last year.
- Claire - No! No, not ready to talk! No.
I know I haven't been much help today.
That whole Jerry and Judy thing, it really hit me hard.
Is that why you've been acting like such a nut all day? - You know, what if someday that's us? - Honey Look, you might not want to hear this right now after the meltdown I just had in there but you're kinda stuck with me.
- You promise? - Oh.
I do.
Oh, great.
Trick or treat! We should just put out a bowl of candy and have a cocktail, right? - Yeah.
- Yeah.
Come in, if you dare.
Thank you for joining us on our special night.
- Other children haven't fared so well.
- Hey.
- Help me! Help me! - She's doing it.
- Welcome to your nightmare, muchachos! - No! No.
With all this fog, it might be hard to see ahead.
Aaah! - Yeah! - Yeah! - Wow.
- We're back in the game.
- Let's go.
- I love it! I love it! Aah! That was for you.
That was for you.
- No, it wasn't.
- I did it for you.
Oh, and one time she says, "Don't choke Oh, and one time she says, "Don't choke or I'll have to give you the Hindenburg maneuver.
" Oh, one time she caught me staring off and she goes "Cam, what's wrong? You look like a deer in head lice.
" In the service, I had a job briefly handling explosives which sounds dangerous, but it's not.
You store them at the right temperature you have no problems If you tell her she doesn't have a choice she'll say, "Don't you give me an old tomato.
" - Or when she's - Okay, enough! You try speaking in another language! Everybody out of my house! Until you do.
English - US - SDH
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