- Oh, yeah.
Um, but you wanted to say something.
- Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Yeah.
Uh, listen You made it seem like you had jeans for both of us, and Claire hasn't gotten hers yet, so - I am so sorry.
- Don't worry about it.
Here you go.
- Enjoy.
- Kenny, you're amazing.
No, man.
Have fun.
You're amazing.
I love him.
Phil! - You think he likes me? - Phil! That is a date.
They're going on a date.
What? He's practically my age.
Uh, yeah, right, right.
And what middle-aged guy would be interested in a young, attractive, newly legal woman? Oh, that's right! All of them.
That's not true.
I wouldn't.
Really? Hermione Granger? - What? - Mm-hmm.
I'm just a "Harry Potter" fan.
Has she blossomed into a lovely young lady? Yes, but-- Luke, I'm never telling you anything! Oh, my God, Jay! Look how beautiful! Look at this.
But the bookstore is empty.
That's why China's kicking our ass.
Ay, no.
We're so late, and we still have to pick up the drinks.
Excuse me.
I'm terribly sorry.
Excuse me.
Sir? This is my cake right here.
How about I'll just leave money, I take it? Sir, if I did for you, I'd have to do it for everyone.
Not if you just did it for me.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
We're in a hurry.
We have a birthday party.
Oh, why didn't you say something? We don't see many of those around here.
You think you can intimidate me with that attitude? - What do I look like to you? - 34! Thank you, but the point is that my son is waiting in-- Gloria, it's not worth it.
We don't need these people.
- Jay, we need-- - Come on.
We'll get a better cake.
Are you crazy? How are we gonna-- I've got it covered.
Excuse me, miss? I'm sorry I raised my voice in there, especially in front of the baby.
I know how delicate they can be.
Oh, you're so nice to say that, - but you know they're sturdier than you think.
- Yeah.
In fact, every day I learn these little mir-- Yeah, take care now.
Hey, honey.
Daddy, what's in the bag? Oh, it's a present for Manny, and I also got your other daddy a little something 'cause he's been feeling down today.
How's your eye, sweetie? Oh, it's fine.
It's just a scratch.
Let's go this way, honey.
Oh, Cam, are you wearing a suit to Manny's birthd-- Oh, wow.
Okay, let's get your hospital band off.
I like it.
- Okay, that can be your "something blue" then.
- Cam? Daddy, I wanna drive my car.
A car? Oh.
A car.
Just a second, sweetie.
Okay, does anyone know a reason why these two shouldn't be wed? She's my wife.
Okay, so by the power vested in me by the state of Candy Land And Utah.
I now pronounce you husband and wife.
Daddy, I wanna play with my car now.
Of course.
Yes, sweetie.
But remember, we have to walk down the receiving line.
Oh! What a turnout.
Cam, y-you got her a car? I can't help it that you skimped on your wedding.
Okay, look, I-I know what's underneath all this, all right? Right now in your life, - you're feeling, you know, very-- - No.
Please do not turn me marrying my daughter into something ugly.
Lily is having the time of her-- Cam! Oh, please.
Do not blame me.
We always knew there was a strong possibility she'd be a terrible driver.
I know we're running late, Claire.
We'll be there soon.
Just start setting up.
What do you mean, "surprise, surprise"? - Ay.
Ugh! - Hang on.
I've gotta go.
You take care.
- What's the matter? - Jay, I can't find the parking ticket.
Calm down.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Oh, good.
It's a male attendant.
What does that mean? How would you get out of this situation if I wasn't here? - Mm! - Hey, pal, my housekeeper forgot her ticket.
You're going to need to back up, go up to the third level, and find the pay station.
Ay, you can't just let us go? I know I put it somewhere here but I cannot find it now.
Pay station.
Third level.
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