Maybe you can let us go now, and then next time I do you two times? The only way you're going to get out is to go back to the pay station.
Actually, there is another way.
- Aah! - You okay? Let's drive through something else! The gala celebration is only minutes away.
Delectable refreshments, excited classmates, and what's this? The most beautiful sight of all? Go away! He's old.
She's young.
It's gross.
Honey, nothing's happening.
Young people seek out older mentors all the time.
When I was 17, I was really close with my friend Stacy's mom.
Robinson was a former cheerleader, so she knew just how to massage my legs after practice.
She had her own homemade bengay that didn't burn no matter where she rubbed it on me.
If I had the chance to go over there, I never missed an opportunity.
I think maybe you did.
Oh, I forgot the present in the car.
All right.
I'm gonna go take a squirt while you grab it.
- Oh! Hey! - Oh, my - I know! - I love us! It's crazy! Mwah! - I'm gonna fight him.
- Phil.
No, Claire, I'm gonna fight him up real nice.
How about you start with a threat? Hey, Claire, um, could you help me with this? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, you gotta go around the other side.
- I need to keep my eyes on Phil.
- Ooh, what's happening? He's about to drop the hammer on Haley's new boyfriend.
He's twice her age, and it's disgusting.
Yeah, reminds me of a certain manager at the Cheesecake Factory that you dated.
- Oh.
- Mm.
He had a Camaro and power.
Ugh! He was nasty.
You just did it to get a rise out of dad.
Yeah, well, look how well that worked out.
It didn't bother dad at all, and then I was stuck with a guy who smelled like potato skins and said "supposably.
" Well, you have to admit, dad played that pretty brilliantly.
You know, after a few weeks, you got bored with him, and then you dumped him.
I did.
I dumped him up real nice.
- Phil.
- Claire.
Oh, come on.
Phil, you can't say anything to Kenny.
- What? - No.
I know why Haley is doing this.
She's doing it to get back at you for being so hard on her.
I did the same thing to my dad.
First of all, I'm not your dad.
And do you think I'm just gonna let this happen? Trust me.
The more it bothers you, the longer he stays.
The more we ignore it Up top, dad! Yeah! Nailed it.
The sooner Willie Nelson's on the road again.
I'm so conflicted.
What you're saying makes sense up here, but it's not what I wanna do here.
And I just feel so damn comfortable down here.
I forgot to tell ya I put that in the trunk.
- Oh, I know.
I had to reach under your jeans.
- Oh! - I can't believe that! - We're so crazy! It's adorable! Mmm! Wanna see outside? Yeah.
Sweetie, I brought you a cookie.
I ate at the emergency room.
You worked that in seamlessly.
Oh, come on.
It was-- it was an accident.
Stop beating yourself up.
Hey, let's go mingle.
You know what? Some of my students are here, and I'm just-- - I'm not in the mood.
- All right.
Cam, we're gonna talk about this.
I know what's going on.
You're obviously going through something at school.
You're struggling, and I have just made things worse by bragging about what a hero I've been at work recently.
And it--it's-- it's not a competition.
You know, my victories are your victories.
- Your defeats are my defeats.
- Hey, Mr.
Tucker! There he is! - We love you, Mr.
Tucker! - We love you! - You're the best! - Bye! Bye! - He's-- yeah.
Yeah, it's been a nightmare.
And thank you for assuming I'm terrible at my job.
Um Hey, everybody.
Sorry we're late.
We got caught doing a bunch of stuff.
Or not doing a bunch of stuff.
Okay, Manny is going to be here soon, so let's go over the plan.
When we hear him coming, we turn off the light.
Then when he comes in and turns it on, we all scream "surprise!" You got a pen? I wanna write this down.
He's coming up the driveway! He's here early! Hurry up! Hurry! Hurry! Shh, shh, shh, shh.
I don't want the neighbors to see us.
You're sure we're alone? Yeah.
They're not home till 6:00.
Good, 'cause I wanted to give you your birthday present.
Actually, I'd like to see your face.
It's harsh, I know.
I begged them to put in a dimmer.
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