Mitchell, she won't even look at me.
Well, she can't really look at anyone.
Oh! Look who's back Again.
What happened this time? He threw me in the pool.
- Uh-- oh, no.
- No, that's not what happened.
It kind of is.
Luke, come on.
We don't need to relive it.
- Daddy! - Oh, look at this.
- I'm coming! Daddy's coming! What's wrong with me?! - Mitchell.
When she fell in the pool, she screamed for daddy.
She calls you "dad.
" She calls me "daddy.
" - She got scared, and she called out for me.
- See? I guess daddy was worrying about nothing.
But, you know, I can be silly sometimes.
- You're always silly.
- No, you're silly.
No, you're always silly.
No, you're always silly.
Oh, my God.
What's wrong with me? The contractions are coming a little bit closer.
I think we have to call for a nurse.
No, no, Jay! No, please! I'm sorry.
For what? I don't know yet, but I know that babies make mothers crazy.
And I'm going to be making mistakes, and the I'm going to be blaming you.
Please don't leave me you're a little emotional right now.
But it's been so long for me, and a hundred years for you.
Are we still going to be good at this? It's gonna be an adventure, but that's what you and I do best.
Look at today.
I can't ever remember having more fun with you.
I'm so lucky.
Now get out.
- But I thought you wanted me to-- - No, not you.
Get out! Hey.
Let's go.
Oh, right.
Um Hey, guys? So Kenny and I were thinking about going to this restaurant.
Oh, sure.
I don't have a problem with that.
Do you, Phil? No.
In fact, it has been such a pleasure getting to know Kenny, it's our treat.
Are you kidding? No! Give them your credit card, Phil.
Also, uh, this restaurant is pretty far away, so we might be out late.
Well, sweetheart, you are only young once.
Oh, might even make sense to just stay in a hotel.
Put it on the plastic! Great! Okay.
See you tomorrow! Buh-bye.
It's my ex-wife-- Not the good one.
What do you want?! Nice game of chicken, Claire.
She's gone! She is coming back.
I am almost positive.
- Almost?! - Mm-hmm! Why do I listen to you? Why? You were wrong about the iPod being a failure.
You were wrong about tomato being a vegetable.
I don't even want to talk about your favorite "planet" Pluto! And unless she was lying to the good ladies of "The view," it's "De-mi," not "Dem-mi"! You were going to let me go with him?! Isn't that what you wanted, honey? What's the matter with you?! You've been acting so weird ever since I left college! For the record, you didn't leave college.
You were asked to leave.
Oh, which you guys never let me forget, especially dad.
Honey, your father-- Oh, you don't have to tell me what he thinks, okay? I'm a huge disappointment to him.
I see it on his face every day.
He acts as if he doesn't even want me around.
Give me the ticket for the car.
- Phil-- - No, I'm going after her! This little chicken game may work for you dad, but it doesn't work for me.
That's my little girl.
I need her to know that no guy on earth is good enough for her, let alone some slimy, middle-aged jean salesman! What's this? Just enjoy it.
There's all kinds of milestones in life, the kind you expect to live through-- the first kiss.
Birthdays Graduations.
If you're lucky, a wedding or two.
Or even a new addition to the family.
Then there's the kind you never dreamed you'd get to live through again.
So adorable! So sweet! Oh, my goodness! Look at him.
He's perfect! Look at him.
He's so cute! And that's the best kind of all.
Why am I spoiling it for you? You'll see for yourself.
- Oh, was it difficult? - Ay, si.
It was the most painful Oh, well, look at that! - You're skinny again.
- Yeah.
So wait.
He-- he's my uncle? No.
He's your half-brother-in-law.
He's our uncle.
Half-uncle or full uncle? What's a fuluncle? Okay, so don't feel like you gotta stick around.
- Okay.
We'll see you tomorrow then.
- Okay, we'll be back tomorrow.
- Bye, uncle.
- Congrats.
- Bye.
- He's adorable! Is he? - I don't like this one bit.
- We'll talk.
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