He means well.
Now, let's talk about your entrance.
The idea of two men being able to marry seemed like a fantasy, so I see you riding down the purple aisle on a - Unicorn.
- Unicorn.
Are you sure, grandpa? It might be fun.
Sorry, Luke.
I just don't think I have it in me today.
Did you see that? When has your dad ever not wanted to pull Luke's finger? He's hurting, Phil.
I think he needs to see a therapist.
Claire, he doesn't need a therapist.
Why? Honey, that's what they do.
They help people cope with loss.
They'll even come to the house if we need them to.
I should talk to my dad.
You know what? He was pretty down after the divorce.
- I bet he has some insight.
- Yeah, 'cause your dad's so in touch with people's feelings? When a man is overcome with emotion at a Celine Dion concert, - you do not tell him to grow a pair! - Phil! - The ship went down, but their love lasts forever! - Shh! Dad? Hi.
Yeah, listen.
Uh, Frank is really depressed.
I think he should see a therapist.
- What do you say? - He doesn't need any of that! Yeah? Uh-huh.
T-that's exactly what I said.
- Give me that.
- I-I Jay, what did you just say? Take him out and meet some women.
what Gloria did for me.
Oh, I agree.
Claire was wrong.
I'll tell you what.
I know a fun place.
Tonight, you, me, and Frank out on the town.
Oh, fun! A three-way! I already regret this.
Well, I'm excited, too.
I got to get going, though.
- Mnh-mnh.
- All right.
Gloria, we're back! Here! Let me lighten your load.
- Who are you? - I'm the new Manny.
Am I being replaced? Jay, Manny, meet Joe's new Manny, Andy.
- Can I talk to you a second? - No, thank you.
We're gonna need to discuss this.
I get it.
I understand it's a big decision.
But if it eases your mind at all, know that I'm not just here for baby Joe.
I'm here for you, too.
Doesn't ease my mind at all.
My mission is to make all of your lives happier and healthier.
Is this because I ate that party sub? Ohh! Crackers! I left my phone upstairs in the nursery.
Could you grab it for me? I know people get all squirrelly when they hear the word "healthy.
" Actually, Manny? My phone is in my pocket.
Sorry, bud.
But my goal is to get you healthy without -- Nope! It is just a pack of gum.
My phone is still upstairs.
Without you even realizing what's happening.
I'm such a dodo.
I didn't even bring my phone today.
- I know what you're doing.
- We're gonna talk about it.
Okay, well, you have my number, so I can start tomorrow.
- Call me.
- I will! Take care! That's a nonstarter.
Keep looking.
But he's perfect.
He's a man.
It's weird.
He's a weird man.
He's like Phil, only I have to pay for him.
This is not a dictatorship! It's a democracy! We vote! No way.
You always bully Manny, and he caves.
He's weak.
No offense.
Whoever thinks that we should hire Andy, raise the hand! No, sorry, mom.
Not this time.
I can't have that energy in my house.
Cook your own dinner! We will.
We'll be fine.
So, what are we having? You're on your own, kid.
I'm going out tonight.
So, what do you think? I like it.
Also, is it a little Willy Wonka? You're tired.
I'll come back tomorrow when you're ready to be more constructive.
- Pepper, no.
- Pepper.
Ronaldo, strike this.
I thought I was wearing a cape today.
- Oh.
- Oh, my gosh.
What are we gonna do? I-I think we have to fire Pepper.
That would kill him.
- He's on the brink as it is.
- Why? Since the proposition ocho was overturned, he's done 50 gay weddings.
The man is exhausted, searching for new ideas.
You said "ocho" and then you said "50.
" You see? Gays are so nit-picky.
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