I'm out.
I'm out.
I'm out.
I can't.
Gloria, I forgot my towel! Here it is.
Nice and toasty from the dryer.
Gloria! She ran to the store.
Breakfast in 5.
Your underpants are pressed and on your bed.
Gloria! So, if I'm hearing you right, you're not so much mad about the prostitute in the kitchen as you are about my lying to you.
No, I'm mad about the prostitute in the kitchen.
- Hmm.
- That's my bad.
Yes, it is.
It's your bad, Frank.
Very bad.
Look, I'm a progressive woman.
I-I took a pole-dancing class.
I sent my daughter to college with condoms.
Wait, now, I think that sends the wrong message.
- Thank you very much.
- No! You don't get to judge! I Frank, I'm -- I know you're upset about Annie breaking up with you.
Wait, Annie didn't break up with me.
I broke up with her.
- W-what? - Why? I thought she was so great! Well, I got scared.
I didn't know how to be with another woman.
I thought your mother and I would be together forever.
- Ah - I'm sorry, dad.
I never would have gone through with it last night, but, uh, Jeannie was so nice and professional.
Well, thank you, Frank.
And for what it's worth, you got nothing to be nervous about.
You were wonderful.
Really? You think so? Yeah.
If you love that woman, you should go get her back.
She'll be lucky to have you.
Seriously, I see a lot of guys your age.
Most of them can barely -- Okay.
Let's get you in that cab.
I love your kids.
That Alex is like a little me.
- Yeah! - Oh, my God.
Good morning, boss, junior boss.
Grab a seat and check it out.
Egg-white omelet, high-protein smoothies, then I thought we could put on our running shoes and go -- I need to cut you off right there, chief.
Seems my wife overstepped her bounds.
- Now, you seem like a nice guy.
- Thanks.
But I don't think you're the best fit for this house.
- Are -- are you serious? - I'm afraid so.
It was the underpants, wasn't it? That didn't help.
Man, I came on too strong.
Gosh dang it! My dad warned me about that when I turned 14.
He said, "son, you're about to be the man of the family.
"You got to learn to give people time to see how special you are.
" Why were you the man of the family? - He sort of died.
- How? I don't want to bring you down, little man.
Neither did my dad.
He'd say, "my disease can't be all bad if it rhymes with 'answer.
'" those are the flaxseed muffins that I just baked.
I'll just take them out and get out of here.
Andy, wait.
We're never gonna eat them.
Well, then I'm sorry it didn't work out.
What didn't work out? My mission here.
It was really nice to meet you, though, Mrs.
You didn't even give him a chance.
We took a vote, mom.
You got to respect the vote.
No! You make me hire these nannies that I don't like.
But when I find one that I like, you fire him?! I am the one that spends most of the time around here! - So I get to pick! - Shh.
Sometimes the louder we are, the less we're heard.
- You're frustrated right now, aren't you? - Yes.
Because you feel like they're not hearing you.
Well, that's exactly how they feel.
I'm sorry that I ignored your feelings.
I promise that I will try not to yell so much.
- You're hired.
- What?! You better drink that smoothie.
We're going on a run! This isn't over.
Life isn't easy.
Sometimes we just need a little help.
Getting your confidence back, getting on the same page, getting out of your own way.
Or just getting moving.
And I'm pleased as punch to be the one -- Okay, this is tough enough without all the yammering! Sorry.
Whoo! What would you like to dance to? I have to tell you we have to have some sort of square dancing.
We're not doing country.
- No square dancing.
- We're not.
- There will be no hoedown tonight.
- Pepper and I are on My family is going to throw a fit.
- They'll riot.
- We're not getting married for them.
We're getting married for us.
And I think we have a decorative cake out front, and then we have sheet cakes in the back.
Oh, I see! Is that the theme you're going for -- tacky?! Sheet -- like a sheet.
Oh, "sheet.
" I thought he said "chic cake.
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