Yeah, somebody's hungry for a little bit more.
We should have just told them we're straight.
We met them because you accurately identified the bride's perfume.
You two ready to tear it up? Oh well, we're kind of doing our own thing right now, - but thank you.
- Come on, boys! Who are those gays? I don't know, but I like their look.
- Do you? - Really? Yeah.
I can feel it.
This guy's gonna get us the deal we want.
I had the deal we want, and now it's gone, - just like your imaginary friend who never worked here.
- Calm down.
We're already up three hot dogs and a pair of sunglasses.
Okay, guys, I ran some numbers, and I can't come close to the price you had over there.
He was losing money on that car.
- Oh, my god.
- Not helping.
All right, Tony, let's cut to the chase.
You either start negotiating, or we're gonna walk back over there and take that other deal.
Well, if you can still get it, yeah, Th-that's what I would do.
You want to dance.
I don't mind.
I'll lead.
$500 down.
Sir even with the deep discounts we offer during the hot dog-a-thon, I have never seen a deal like that.
Hear that, Jay? I won.
What did I win? Not a car! I got to call that first guy back.
Tony, clock is ticking.
Your move.
What's that? Could that be from your manager, huh, perhaps? Uh, yeah, he says that unless you buy a car, you can't have any more hot dogs.
Okay, so, a boy and a girl meet at a frat party and they both think each other is totally hot, so they pound their beers and head upstairs.
Luke, stop.
She's not hearing this from you.
- Why not? - You're too immature.
I'm not immature, butt face.
And how would you say it? Well, I would say they meet through friends, and after dating for an appropriate amount of time, he takes her to a romantic French bistro.
- Then maybe, if the mood is right -- - Maybe? I just bought you a big French dinner.
That was your choice.
I owe you nothing.
Your hand was on my knee the whole time.
What was I supposed to think? I was expressing affection, not signing a contract.
This date is over.
Come on, sexy, don't be like that.
Make a baby with me.
What is going on in here?! Nothing.
Can I just say that I'm glad they didn't come get us? Exactly.
Who needs those clingy broads? "Broads"? Does anyone say "broads" anymore? I don't know.
I was trying something.
You know, maybe they just saw us with Haley and they were like, "hey, let's give those guys some space.
" Or they already knew those gays.
Or they thought those young guys would be better dancers than us.
No, no.
Since when does young equal better? Oh.
Let's show them what we got.
Hey, real quick what have we got? Um, well, I can raise the roof and do the cabbage patch.
Okay, and I can do the "single lady" hand thing.
Yeah, but put your neck into it or you just look like the Queen waving.
- Oh, good point.
- Okay.
Now you're ready.
Okay, let's go.
- Hey, ladies! - Hey, single ladies! Hey, guys! Oh, thank god.
We need to tap out.
Yeah, these chicks latched on and won't let go.
You know how they are with us.
No, you don't have to tell us.
We couldn't get rid of those three all night.
So, why don't you guys go ahead and split? We'll take over.
- Are you sure? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Go, go.
- Yes.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Thank you.
- We'll hold it down.
- Yeah, yeah.
Boys, where are you going?! - You guys, don't go! - Oh, yeah, don't worry about it, ladies, because we are here now and we are ready to boogie.
- Great! - Whoo-hoo.
So fun! We're gonna go hit some clubs now.
Oh, clubs.
That sounds rad.
- Cool.
Super dope.
- Yes.
- You guys have fun.
- Huh? What happened? Oh, my god.
We're gancient.
Really? Dylan? - Dylan? - Yep.
Swear it.
Like you cannot believe.
You know what? I kind of get him now.
- Right? - Yes! I always got Dylan.
You're like my grandma.
Grandma? Easy.
I have stabbed closer relatives than you.
I can't believe I'm talking to my mom about this.
Honey, I told you, you're a grown-up now.
I'm gonna respect your decisions, and let you live your life.
It's the best gift I can give to you on your 21st birthday -- my friendship and unconditional acceptance.
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