I even have a ring.
So what's the holdup? Well, there's this other girl and I feel like I have a serious connection with her but I just don't know how she feels.
Andy, back when I was dating Claire, I used to think What if I'm in the Laundromat one day, and Robin Givens walks in? [Laughs] She asks me for a quarter.
I hand her one.
Our fingers linger.
She wonders if maybe after Iron Mike what she's really yearning for is the touch of a gentler man.
I'm not following.
It's natural to wonder about a different path but if you truly love Beth, you should propose.
You're right.
I'll do it.
There's this place she loves by the ocean.
I'll take her there and propose at sunset.
- Great! - Thank you so much.
- Bring it in.
- [Laughs] Oh, come on.
Get a Roomba.
- [Andy Laughs] - [Laughs] Honey, the key chain was a bust.
I need something else.
Got it.
You want to sing the song.
Good thing I brought my ukulele on the trip! Trip! Oh! When Alex was little I took her for brunch at that cute little Dutch town up north.
- I-I could take her there again.
- [Ukulele Strums] A trip for just the two of us.
It's perfect! When you don't Claire? - [Shrieks] - [Jay Mutters] - [Laughs] - Alex, honey, do you remember Oh, my God, Mom! Grandpa got me a trip to Europe for my graduation! - I just wanted her to know how much she meant to me.
- [Shouts] [All Laugh] I hate this family.
Phil, I need to talk to you, man-to-man.
- I think Mitchell's having an affair.
- What? I was going through his wallet, and I found a receipt to the Avian Hotel.
It's probably some fancy French place where he's meeting his lover for their secret weekly rendezvous.
Has he said anything to you about the unit upstairs? - [Gasps] - [Gasps] You gasped.
- Only because you did! - Phil, tell me what you know right now.
I don't know anything.
Put me down.
[Whispers] Talk to your husband.
This is my wallet.
You never saw me.
[Stella Barks, Growls] Stella, no.
Bad girl.
- [Growling] - Bad girl.
Stella, no.
- Stella, no.
- [Barks] Lily spilled some juice on the counter.
- Should I frisk her for guns? - Oh, geez.
- Oh, sorry.
- Jay, no! Haley! Come check it out.
I was just showing Luke and Manny some things that I learned in Coast Guard training.
- Mm-hmm.
- You look so pretty.
All right, Manny, take this pen from me.
So you just want me to grab it? - [Shouts] - [Grunts] [Sighs] See? That's what you do when someone tries to take something that's yours.
My turn.
Hey, what happened? Did I get the pen? Hey, your hair's burning! - What? [Screaming] - [Luke] Oh, my God! - ¡Ay! Your hair! - I got it! - Ow! Ow! - It's out! It's out! - What happened? - It must have been that candle.
- Why'd you sit so close to it? - She told me to! Ay, Beth, thank God that you were here.
- I'm just glad I could help.
- [Gasps] [Luke] It's getting crazy in here.
You want to cool things off in the pool? [Coughs] Jay! - Oh, thank God.
- There you are.
Okay, you are You're never You're never gonna believe what my dad did.
- Lock you in the bathroom? - No.
He gave Alex a trip to Europe for her graduation present.
There's no way I can now give her a weekend of Dutch pancake balls after that.
Can you open the door? I'm feeling claustrophobic.
Phil, you're in a hotel room in Seattle.
I'm desperate.
Just teach me the song.
Well, well, well.
Look who came crawling back.
- Just teach it to me.
- Okay.
It's called "Go Ask Alex.
" - [Strumming] - When you don't know what a word means, go ask Alex If you need someone to hem your jeans, go ask Alex I can't believe I'm even saying this but instead of "hem your jeans," could it be "steam your greens"? No, it can't.
The jeans come back at the four-minute mark.
How you feeling? Heard about the hair fire.
Sounds scary.
- [Nervously] Uh-huh.
- [Beth] Poor thing.
I left you a gift on your car to help you feel better.
- It's the red one, right? - [Nervously] Uh-huh.
Hey, can you do me a favor? Can you go start my car? - Uh, I guess.
- Thanks.
He's alive.
It's fine.
- Okay, everybody gather 'round.
- [Phil Chuckles] Phil and I have prepared something very special for our brilliant graduate, Alex.
You ready? - When you - [No Audio] Why is that not Okay, there's no sound.
Phil, honey? There's no sound.
Okay, so, while Claire fixes robot Phil, I make toast.
When I first came into this family I didn't think I was ever going to be accepted.
Then, one day, Alex needed to write a report about a family member and she picked me.
That was the first time I really felt part of the family.
Ay, Alex, you were the first one to reach out to me and I will never forget that.
They all call you the smart one, but to me, you're the kind one.
- I'm so lucky to have you in my life, baby.
- Gloria.
- Hear, hear.
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