- [Claire] Hear, hear.
[Phil] Oh, there you are.
When you don't Nope.
Not doing it.
Not doing it.
We're not doing it.
- [Cell Phone Chimes] - Oh.
One second.
[Chuckles] [Speaking Spanish] Gloria, watching you give that toast, I see you treat my family like your own.
And you're right.
I need to treat your cousin nicer.
- Thank you, Jay.
- Do me a favor, huh? Would you translate for me? Tell Armando I'm sorry I haven't been more welcoming to him.
Tell him he's a great guy.
And he can stay as long as he wants.
We forgive you.
You sure? I can give him a hug or something.
No, it's too much.
Hey! Okay, I've had enough.
I need to know.
- Who is this precious Spencer? - Oh, God.
How do you know about Spencer? So you admit it.
You are having an affair.
- What? - It's the braces, isn't it? I've driven you to stray.
I'm hideous.
- Cam, you're acting crazy.
- Am I? Mitchell, I found the receipt to the Avian Hotel.
- That's pronounced "avian.
" - Well, it sounds seedy.
It is.
It's a kennel for birds.
- It's where I picked up George.
- There's a George too? Calm down.
I'm talking about a cockatoo.
Oh! One or two.
Is that all? How blasé.
Cam, George is a bird and Spencer is an old man I've been hanging out with at the park because I - I got laid off.
- You lost your job? I'm sorry.
I just I couldn't tell you that I was out of work again.
I I feel like such a loser.
No, please.
My gosh.
As long as you're not cheating on me, that's all that matters.
Something will come up.
You're a great lawyer.
Oh, thank you.
I just I don't think that we can get that apartment right now.
Of course we can.
We already have the down payment.
And you know what? We could get renters.
We could turn it into an Airbnb.
Uh, really? Different people every week? - How exciting and new.
It'd be like The Love Boat.
- Oh! Hey, Mom.
Have a second? - Already am.
- [Chuckles] I wanted to give you a present.
Me? No.
Honey, I want to give you a present.
That's what I've been trying to do all day.
You're the last person who should give me anything.
You got me here.
You got me to graduation, to Caltech.
You did it.
You're done.
Thank you, sweetie.
Thank you.
I love you.
- I want you to go to Europe with me.
- What? Yeah.
We'll have a great time cafés, museums.
Plus, Europe is not safe for teenage girls.
You've seen Taken.
Could you imagine Dad getting that phone call? What is his particular set of skills? Juggling? [Laughing] - Hey, Dad, can we talk? - Sure, honey.
- In private? - [Mock Straining] Oh, not so hard.
I can't breathe.
[Chuckles] Little robot humor.
I noticed you didn't laugh at my robot joke.
What's going on? Everyone thinks Beth is so great, but I think she's crazy.
She's been after me all day.
Why would she be after you? She thinks I'm in love with Andy.
- Are you? - No! I mean, I care about him.
He makes me laugh.
I like spending time with him.
Well, do you think about him when he's not around? I guess.
Sometimes I see something funny and I think, "Oh, Andy would love that.
I wish he were here so I could share it with him.
" But Honey, I know I'm just a robot, but that sounds like love to me.
[Exhales] [Sighs] Well Doesn't matter anyway.
He's in love with someone else.
- Maybe I'm the crazy one.
- [Knocking] Don't mean to interrupt.
- Just came to say good-bye.
- Mmm.
Beth and I are going to take a drive, try to catch the sunset.
- Okay.
Well, have fun.
- Okay.
It's Haley.
Haley's the girl! You love Ha [No Audio] love each other! Come on.
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