Listen, while I appreciate
the idea of a massage
- You hate it.
- Well
You always hate my gifts.
I don't even know why I try.
No, no, please, uh, let me finish.
I've always appreciated the thought
of a massage in my office,
and now it's actually happening.
- Ah! [Laughs]
- Thank you.
Which one of you lovelies is Claire?
- She is!
- Oh, great.
Just give me the quick version, okay?
- 90 minutes.
You got it, hon.
- Okay.
My department is asking if
there's still gonna be coffee
or if they have to start bringing it.
Who who's this?
Uh, he's interviewing for
a job in the warehouse.
He's a, um, forklift operator.
That's right.
It's 2017.
There are plenty of
gay forklift drivers.
I'm not gay.
It's cool, bro.
I'm woke.
- It's cool, bro.
I'm woke.
- [Laughs]
That's funny!
You sound just like that guy over there.
- That guy?
- Okay, it's back-to-work time.
- We got to take a look at these.
- Yeah.
See ya later.
We'll catch up.
Okay, this is crazy.
I don't need an MRI.
The doctor ordered when you
told her you could taste colors
- in a French accent.
- Oh all right.
Well, I don't even do a French accent.
I didn't say it was a good one.
Guys, we usually try to
move the head injuries along.
- Yes.
- Okay.
Well, it's
it's just so small.
It's bigger than it looks.
See, there's nothing
wrong with my brain,
'cause I have three
funny comebacks to that.
Cam, come on, let's
listen to, uh, Bobby.
He knows what he's talking about.
I don't think we can really trust
anything a grown man named Bobby says.
Come on, honey, you got this.
Uh, Robert, hi.
Can I have question.
So, listen.
I know this is a giant magnet,
and I have a lot of fillings.
Are they just gonna fly out of my head?
- That never happens.
- Okay.
Um, I'm also on an iron supplement.
- Is that
- An issue? No.
Let's just get you on that table, huh?
- [Chuckles]
- Come on.
No, okay, not happening.
I'm having flashbacks.
I don't know if I ever told you this,
but when I was kid, I fell into a well.
Together: It happened the
same day as baby Jessica,
but she got all the press.
It still stings.
Everybody loves a baby,
but not one single
prayer for a husky teen
who's stuck head-first in a well
for the better part of an hour.
Okay, Cam, come on.
You have
got to calm down, all right?
It'll be over before you know it.
- In an hour.
- I'm I can't!
- I'm done, I'm out!
- Okay, wait, wait, Cam, Cam.
Okay, Bobby, is it
okay if I get in there
to show Cam that it's all right?
Do we have time for that?
Sure, my 4:00 hemorrhaged.
Can you not okay.
All right, look at this, Cam.
- Just be careful.
- It's comfortable.
- We've got you.
- Okay, I'm good.
Actually, Cam, this is very peaceful.
It was a torture chamber.
I was in there one minute, and I cried.
I feel so rested.
I do, I do, I really do.
Now you.
It's all good.
There you go.
All right.
And I will be right here beside you.
Uh, no one's allowed in
here except the patient.
I will be in the next
room right beside you.
Okay, so put your headphones on.
They're gonna play you something
- to get your mind off of it.
- Yeah.
- This is a panic button.
- Oh.
- Just push it if you need to get out.
- Oh, okay.
Well, I think I can do this.
[MRI beeping]
"This American Life," I'm Ira Glass.
Today's program "Puppy Love.
We'll hear the story of a man
who met his soul mate
through a lost schnauzer,
a beagle from Coos Bay, Oregon,
who, for one week, was mayor.
And we start with Act 1,
a search-and-rescue collie
looking for his owner,
who was buried alive for 18 days.
Woman: After drinking
his own urine for a week,
Horace Laughton could no longer
ignore the terrible truth
he was running out of oxygen.
Help! Get me out of here!
Hey! I will kill you!
Ohh! (groans)
Cam, come on, this is serious.
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