Oh, that's right --
Rainer Shine.
The cheesy weatherman?
No, the award-winning
He's the recipient of
back-to-back Golden Showers.
That cannot be
the actual name --
- It's their Oscars.
- Oh.
Anyway, I gave him my number.
He called.
- We're grabbing drinks tonight.
No big deal.
- I agree.
We both know
it's a super big deal.
I am happy that you have
a new friend.
Be good to have some guy time.
My makeup.
I have, like, three D's.
Well, it's better than
any report card
you ever brought home.
What are you guys doing?
I see where
he gets it from.
Wake me when it's my turn.
I thought I could finally
beat her because she's sick.
I just want her to lose so bad.
So do I.
(scrabble pieces rattling)
Are we really doing this?
That smug sister of yours
needs to be taken down a peg.
Ooh! Peg.
Think bigger.
(Exhales sharply)
Okay, Joe, repeat after me.
Red rover, red rover, red rover.
Wed wovah, wed wovah, wed wovah.
Okay, now I want you to try it
with a big smile on your face.
Red rover, red rover, red rover.
I am sorry.
It's just sometimes I feel
like my accent gets a little
[mumbles unintelligibly]
and it's gonna
rub off on Fulgencio Joseph.
Well, you shouldn't
blame yourself,
if that's what you just said.
I actually have some
exercises that can help you.
Like [Stressing consonants]
Betty bought a bit of butter,
but found the butter bitter.
(heavy accent)
Betty bought a bit 'a bootie,
but da bootie bittah.
(dog barking)
This is a pretty bad
neighborhood, Jay.
This is the story
that we're telling --
Scrappy young kid,
born into poverty
with the deck
stacked against him.
I have a calligraphy tutor.
Hop out.
I want to start shooting.
Hey, you're staying in car?
I'm gonna drive
alongside and film you.
Go ahead.
It's perfectly safe.
(door locks click)
Did you just
lock the door?
The car does that automatically.
Try on this hair net.
Isn't this a little
over the top?
Was "Stand and Deliver"
over the top?
Yes, it was.
Fine, then act angry,
like you're sick of
taking orders
from the white man.
Yeah, that I can do.
Walk along that wall,
read from your script.
(clears throat)
"Welcome to the streets
I call home.
It's tough out here,
so I've had to be tougher.
Because in a place where
violence is currency
and pain
is your best friend"
Okay, this is embarrassing.
Please don't shoot this.
You're doing good!
Hey, pretend like
you're climbing over the wall,
in case we want to say
this is Mexico.
Not gonna happen.
Here's some spray-paint.
Bubble letter me
something about gringos.
(doorbell rings)
Oh, I wonder who that could be.
Oh, Officer.
Is there a problem?
I'm here to arrest
Dwight Bullock
for underage drinking.
We wanted to give Lily a chance
to come clean on her own.
Luckily, we have
a friend of a friend
who dresses as a cop for work.
He also undresses
as a cop for work.
Remember, just act upset, okay?
Dwight Bullock.
I have to arrest you.
You've been a bad boy.
But I didn't do it!
I'm innocent!
I don't know how that bottle
got under the bed!
Now we're gonna
take it down a notch.
Hold out your wrists.
I've got to take you downtown.
Dwight, I am very
disappointed in you.
There's no more football.
No more school.
Lily, is there anything
you'd like to say to Dwight
before he's taken to jail.
I guess.
Martha Stewart said
she used the prison time
to work on herself.
That is enough! W-w-we know you put
the bottle under Dwight's bed.
You owe him an apology
this minute.
It isn't fair!
He eats everything,
he's always in the bathroom,
you're watching movies
with him, shopping with him.
And you two don't even
love me anymore!
- Lily!
- That is not --
Lily, honey!
Do you have the keys to these?
I usually let the person who
hired me find it in my pants.
Well, if that
is the custom, I --
Oh, my God.
Small bladder, big brain.
That's why we're tied.
I need a "T,"
an "L," and a "W.
"T," "L"
Hopefully she's too sleepy
to notice that she got
three W's on her board.
Also, can I take a pee?
Coming right up.
- Hmm.
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