- Something wrong?
I texted Rainer,
like, three hours ago.
He hasn't responded.
I'm sure he's just
playing hard to get.
It's just weird.
We had
such a great time last night.
I bet he's busy.
He's a weatherman
in southern California.
He has to be ready in case
temperatures plunge
below 70 degrees.
For your information, there is
a wind advisory tonight.
In fact, I'm gonna
go take down my chimes.
(cell phone dings)
- Oh.
- Not him?
I sold a house.
He's probably
just having dinner.
He could be on a date.
he's quite the player.
Makes sense.
That could
charm the pants off --
What the what?!
Hey, Dad.
There he is!
(laughs nervously)
What is happening?
Why are you kissing him?
He dropped some
serious cash at dinner,
so I figured, what the hell?
And you.
How could you do this?
Do what? Actually,
I'm -- I'm taking it
kind of slow because
she's your daughter.
Yeah, she is,
and she's half your age.
You're despicable.
Oh, come on.
Now, listen.
Rainer, come in.
We'll just talk this out.
I would like that because
I -- I don't quite understand --
What friendship means?
Look, Phil, I --
I want to figure this out,
but right now, I have to
get to Chavez Ridge
- and cover this wind event.
- Mm.
You know what?
We're not friends.
You're being ridiculous.
You really want to leave
things like that?
From now on, we're getting
our weather from Tricia Tazaki!
(door slams)
(annunciating exaggeratedly)
Fred fed Ted bread.
Ted fed Fred bread.
What am I looking at?
Joe's doctor gave me some
sp-heech exer-cises
to help me speak
more clear-ely.
The problem is I fee-ear
I have forgotten
how I used to talk.
Well, if it's any consolation,
this isn't any worse.
Check this out.
I think I took a stab at
finishing your video essay.
JAY: In a world divided
into the haves and have-nots,
a boy was born.
It's tough out here,
so I've had to be tougher.
JAY: On the streets,
you can't trust anyone.
Even your closest compadre
could turn on you.
Please don't shoot!
Every day was
a battle for your s--
I can't send this to Juilliard.
It's all lies.
That's right, Manny.
Do not change who you are
or you will lo-o-ose
what makes you spe-cial.
Am I still do-ing it?
They're not all lies.
I hear you the stories
you two tell about
the neighborhoods you lived in,
growing up on
the passenger seat of a cab.
Sure, I put in what
we professionals call "sizzle,"
but this is a part of
who you are.
And it's a lot easier
to root for
than a kid who insists that
72% of his chocolate is cocoa.
It's "cacao.
I believe that
that is his point.
What was that?
How about I ask the questions.
When did you two set up
this little rendezvous?
While I was killing it
on the air?
He called me today.
How'd he get your number?
He said you gave it to him.
That lying sack --
(both laughing)
Anyway, I dated
my makeup girl for a while,
but, uh, then
she had to leave town.
Well, if -- if
it's not crossing a line,
can I give you my daughter
Haley's number?
- Really?
- Yeah, she's available,
and she actually
expressed some interest.
Well, I'm definitely interested.
(chuckling) Well, then
let's make this happen.
- Phil Denphy, you are the best!
- No.
I thought it was about
a makeup job.
I like him.
He's a good guy.
No, he's not.
He's a great guy.
Dad, run to him.
(inhales sharply)
Claire, I'm going out!
(door closes)
Admit it, it's over.
I'm ahead by 50 points,
and you have two tiles left.
There's got to be something!
I -- ugh --
Why can't I see it?!
Six months ago, I was at
Caltech, and now -- ugh -- work.
Relax, honey.
It's just a game.
What if it's more than that?
What if mono permanently
changed my brain?
I've always defined myself
by my intelligence,
and if that's gone, who am I?
A loser.
Luke! No!
We cheated.
Luke and I messed with
the tiles.
- What?!
- Yeah, it's just that,
you're the smartest one
in the family,
and you always rub it in,
and it doesn't
make us feel good.
I am so sorry.
I feel terrible that I've been
making you guys feel this way.
Thank you for opening up
to me about it.
Otherwise, I never would have
known that you cheated,
which means that
I win, you lose! I win!
You lose! I win! You lose!
I win [panting] you lose.
God, I'm so tired.
If you want to shave off her
eyebrows, I'm cool with that.
Lily, honey, what're you doing?
Her first ice out.
Be strong.
G-- Lily.
All right, all right, come on.
What you did to Dwight
was wrong, okay?
We're very disappointed in you.
Yes, and there's
gonna be consequences.
- Mm-hmm.
- No electronics for a week.
That'll be worse
for you than for me.
No dessert.
Okay, that hurts.
That being said, we could've
handled things a little bit better.
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