We should've talked to you
before having Dwight move in.
You mean I could have
stopped it?
Well, no, but at least
we would've know how you felt,
and we could've made things
easier for you.
Sweetie, look, I, of all people,
know what it feels like
to go from being
the center of attention --
I went through it with
my parents back on the farm,
when they brought home
a seven-pound
little pink
bundle of joy and said,
"You're gonna
share your room --"
We all know it's gonna be a pig.
Anyway, he would snore
Okay, I'm sorry I lied.
(sighs) Thank you.
You have to apologize
to Dwight, too.
I'll try to catch him
in between bites.
Hey, I have an idea.
Let's think of something we can
all do together, okay?
Just the four of us.
Anything you want.
Absolutely anything.
Three years ago, they gave me
an "absolutely anything,"
and I wasted it on a Popsicle.
That was not gonna happen again.
Well, now, this is
a lovely party.
- Mm.
- It's a splendid afternoon.
- More tea?
- No thanks.
My cup is still full.
No, it isn't.
But I didn't drink it all.
Just take the tea.
(wind howling) Anyway, after
the lightning strike,
I had the perm for,
like, two years.
How's that?
What are you doing here?
You're not one of those
storm chasers, are you?
Not since the movie "Twister"
exposed how cutthroat it is.
I came here to apologize.
Oh, you don't have to do that.
Yes, I do.
I was confused,
and I said a bunch of stuff
that you didn't deserve.
It did hit me,
right around the mid-section.
Listen, Haley's old enough
to make her own decisions.
I really like her, but if dating
her is gonna be a problem
I don't love
the 25-year age difference.
It's actually 20 2 --
Le-- I would just
hate to think
that dating her meant
that you and I
still couldn't be,
you know, friends.
You still want to be friends?
I do!
Phil, I know a million people,
but I really don't have
a lot of real friends.
Not even the sports guy?
You guys are always
laughing so crazy hard
out of the commercials.
Chip Fielder?
That's all fake.
Fake as Tricia Tazaki's
shelter dogs!
Careful, buddy.
Look, maybe you should go.
I'm not going anywhere!
I'm going live in a second.
You're in my shot.
I get it.
Call me.
Call me!
(wind howling)
That's right, Steve,
but you're gonna want
to leave your kites
at home tonight.
My wind-erful forecast
right after this.
(Uplifting music plays)
My name is Manny Delgado,
and I'm two people.
I'm the child
of an immigrant single mother,
who taught me to believe
in myself and dream big.
I'm also the step-son
of a businessman
who opened his home
and his heart to me
and showed me, by example,
how to make
those dreams come true.
Whatever I am,
whatever I have to give,
is a product of these two
very different worlds.
It was so sweet
that Jay cried a little bit.
He's a good kid.
And it's gonna be weird
around here without him,
but at least I'll always
have my special girl.
And you'd never leave me,
would you, baby? Mm!
I just want you to know
I'm really okay with you
dating Rainer.
Thanks, Dad.
Yeah, he's got
a really nice house --
Jacuzzi tub in his bathroom.
Don't love that you know that.
Look up.
Hey, he mentioned
this hair spray
that's just oil
and a little sea salt.
Oh, that's more for
conditioning that hold.
Okay, wow, that was a close one.
All right.
Now, brush
(smacks lips)
(smacks lips)
- And beautiful.
- Thanks, honey.
It's really great they're
having you back on the news.
No, no, I'm getting
a new driver's license photo.
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