By the time they pulled
the pigs off him,
[voice breaking]
he was only wearing one sock.
Joe, relax.
Animals don't attack people
for no reason.
Let go of me!
Oh, let go of me!
- Run, Jerry! They do terrible things!
- Shh!
Good news.
The box of hair products
we pre-shipped has arrived
and is waiting for us
at the resort.
I don't care about
our hair anymore.
That's crazy talk.
I still haven't gotten up
the guts to tell my parents.
My mom will be cool,
but my dad is gonna freak out.
Well, I'll tell him.
Your dad and I are buds.
And I am excellent at delivering
bad news with a smile.
And that means the Coast Guard
will be spending the holidays
with their families,
because the search
has been called off.
Wow, you're good.
I know we haven't been spending
enough time together lately,
but I scored this amazing villa
in Cabo for the weekend,
and I wanted to take
a special someone.
I know you have your big
family football game,
but it's right on the water.
Horseback riding on the beach.
I see us both in white shirts.
Claire, I know.
It sounds like the best weekend
of my life, mi amigo,
but I can't.
It's family time.
He wants to take Haley.
Did you think I was asking you?
What brother can't yank
a brother's chain?
You trippin'?
[ Laughs ] This guy!
[ Laughter ]
I'll send you some pictures.
- Okay.
- But not from the nude beach.
Oh, that's funny 'cause
it's my naked daughter!
[ Voice breaking ]
And you're taking her away!
It's okay.
See? They like it
when you pet them.
And when you look
into their eyes,
you can see that
they're very smart.
They have a very deep soul.
What's his name?
Name? It's a goat.
Just touch it.
I know it's a bummer,
Haley going to Cabo.
I wouldn't salt those
margarita glasses just yet.
Once I remind her how much fun
Thanksgiving weekend is here,
she's not going anywhere.
Well, I hope it goes better
than your big presentation
on why the Ice Capades
were cooler than Coachella.
- Hey, honey.
- Hi.
I heard you had some tentative
travel plans.
Actually, we just checked in
for our flight online.
Thanks for being so cool
about this.
Of course.
Potable water.
[ Chuckles ]
We take this stuff
for granted stateside, don't we?
It's a five-star resort.
I'm sure we'll be fine.
[ Sniffs ]
Smell those side dishes.
They're gonna be
even better tomorrow
at the post-game picnic.
You know what's not a picnic?
Putting on your bedroom slipper
and getting an ankle full
of scorpion.
Thanks, Dad.
I'll take my chances.
That's what you said
about Coachella,
and you missed Kristi Yamaguchi
doing a triple twist lift
with Jiminy Cricket.
[ Clears throat ]
You are not allowed to eat those
with your blood pressure.
Don't worry.
These chips won't
show up for a couple of weeks,
and by then
I'll have switched doctors.
Sorry, Gloria's orders.
Hey, Jay, looks like you could
use a little square dance.
That would be about the last
Ho, grab your partner,
swing 'em 'round
Put on your best suit
and go to town
Cam, why are you
Eat some corn
and ride a horse
Are we having fun?
Why, yes, of course!
That's it!
I'm out of here!
I need some aspirin.
I'm going to a pharmacy.
I'm coming too.
No reason.
Apparently, you don't need
a reason to leave your family.
I'll go too.
I'm out of Ramen and Xanax.
What's happening?
This is what we
in the weather game
refer to as a
"high-pressure system.
[ Churning ]
This reminds me of the time
I walked in on you
watching "Top Gun".
You need to stop
telling that story.
Whatever you did to Cam,
it can't have been that bad.
And it is not worth this.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe I'm worrying too much.
You are.
I gave Cam's Fizbo costume away.
Oh, my God, he's gonna kill
everyone in the house.
The truck was here,
and there were so many boxes,
and you know how excited
I get about a deduction.
Listen to me.
He's not going to believe
that this was an accident.
You can never, ever tell him.
He's gonna know it's missing.
I mean, he pulls it out
for everything.
Birthday parties, brunches,
hot yoga
- Blah.
- Mm-hmm.
I-I need to wait
for the right moment.
There's not gonna be
a right moment.
Hey, ain't nothing in the world
that can get me down
when I'm holding
a little piglet.
Look at her!
It's time.
- Don't do it.
- Don't do what?
I need you to sit down for this.
Take a bale.
Think of the children.
Lily, Dwight.
I gave Fizbo away.
[ Piglet snorts ]
I know how much that costume
meant to you,
and I am so, so sorry.
Well, it's a lot to process.
- I know.
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