- Tell me about you.
What business are you in? Bueno.
Well, let's just say,
I'm just a lady that works
in the evening.
But I am not available to any man.
So charm me, Mr.
This hotel
has the finest closets in all the land.
We have lighted rods
and soft-close doors.
I was once married to a man
that endlessly talked about closet.
You're boring me very much.
- Okay, well, um
I need one secondo, huh?
Hotel businesso, huh?
Oh, my goodness.
The waitress She left a menu here.
Now, I'm wondering
if we should have got
[HUSHED] Oh, my God! Where's his date?
Do you think he got stood up?
- Let me see that.
- [NORMAL VOICE] Right here.
[HUSHED] It's so embarrassing.
What do we even say?
They're not soundproof menus.
She's standing me up.
Women are impossible, you know?
[NORMAL VOICE] For us, they are.
Well, now [CHUCKLES]
I made it work once,
although there was a-a Rob Lowe
poster behind her.
You know what? I say to heck to heck
- with this gal.
- Mm-hmm.
- Get back out there, go to a bar!
- Yes!
I hear that.
- A guy like you, great head of hair
- Yep.
Nah, I'm too depressed.
Besides, I prepaid for my meal.
I guess I'll order.
Just forget I'm here.
Anyway happy Valentine's Day.
- Thanks.
- You look so handsome.
Ugh! This sucks.
I can't believe I let you talk
me into doing this crap.
- I need help!
- PHIL: It's okay.
Underneath it all,
it's just you and your wife.
That's the problem.
I don't know how I got her
to begin with.
And I'm starting to feel
if I can't pull this off,
she's gonna figure out
she got duped the first time.
Let me start by saying "thank you"
for being so vulnerable with me.
I hate you.
Also, I'm no expert at this,
but I have a friend here who is.
[AS CLIVE] Clive Bixby here.
How can I make your night sexier?
If I can't role-play with her,
I'm not doin' it with you.
Whatevs, Daddio.
I'm gonna give the phone back to Philip.
[NORMAL VOICE] Phil here.
It's all about
commitment and confidence.
What's What's your character?
Raoul Matadore, hotel owner,
like Andy Garcia
In "Ocean's Eleven"
I love this for you!
Did you go with the timepiece?
Yeah, I thought at some moment,
I'd pull it out,
smash it on the bar, and say,
"I want to remember the exact
moment I fell in love.
- I'm an idiot!
- No.
That silence is me picking
my jaw up off the floor.
We're all walking,
and you're flying, mister.
Seriously? You think so?
1,000%! But don't take it from me.
[AS CLIVE] Clive again.
Matadore, I tip my turtleneck to ya.
ARVIN: All right, no peeking.
- HALEY: Oh, no peeking.
I hope you're not disappointed.
[GASPS] Wow! It's so pretty!
You know what else is pretty?
Oh! Stop.
- Oh.
Well, I was going to say "Venus.
But sure, let's go with you.
[CHUCKLING] Come on, have a look.
- Oh! Okay.
- Yep.
Yeah, there's a new moon,
so it's the perfect night
to observe faint star clusters.
- And And right in the middle,
there's a variable star
that I discovered.
[SIGHS] It's right next
to a white dwarf.
[GASPS] Oh, I don't think you're allowed
to say that anymore.
Yes, tricky times we live in.
Wow, this is so cool.
Have a
Have a think about this
There is a theory that suggests
the universe is so large
that everything that can happen
is happening all the time.
Do you smoke weed?
Sor Sorry, I'm a little
obsessed with space.
I-I built my first Dobsonian telescope
when I was 10.
You made a telescope?
The only thing I've ever made
was an ashtray for my mom
that says, "Rub your butt here.
[LAUGHS] Oh, like cigarette butt.
What are you doing next August 27th
at, uh, 8:00 p.
I have no idea.
NASA is giving me an award
for a radiation shield,
- and
- NASA's giving you an award?
I need a date.
There's no pressure.
But it saved the lives
of a bunch of astronauts.
Wow, you've done a lot.
Well, I'm I'm sure you've had
your share of accomplishments.
Oh, yeah! Yeah, of course.
[STAMMERS] Let's see.
There was, um
That is a
That is a bad road.
Well, uh, uh, okay, so professionally,
I've been kind of sort of
dabbling in, like,
a lot of different Pass.
Um I-I-I-I once flew
next to the bass player of The Killers.
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