ORR: Hey, Yo-Yo!
Holy moly.
You won't believe what happened.
Oh, I think I will.
I heard
you got everybody out.
Six of us on the inflatable,
so I tucked 'em in,
made 'em a little tea, and
read 'em a bedtime story.
Nately's dead.
Holy shit.
Yo-Yo, that ain't right.
What happened?
I took us back around
He didn't he didn't
die the first time,
but it found him the second time.
And well, if I hadn't gone back,
I wouldn't I wouldn't have found him.
ORR: No, you didn't kill him.
He died because there's men
down there shooting at us.
Dunbar's gone.
Clevinger's gone.
Kid Sampson's gone.
McWatt's gone.
Now Nately's gone.
For a minute there I thought it
was just gonna be me and Aarfy.
I wouldn't do that to you, buddy.
Yeah, I know.
Why goddamn twice?
I missed it the first time.
- You missed it.
- Yes, sir.
That's why I went back.
You didn't miss it.
You didn't
even drop your bombs.
11 planes were relying on you,
when clearly they shouldn't have.
So then they panicked.
And dropped 44,000 pounds
of bombs on goddamn nothing.
KORN: We give you a $6,000 bombsight
and apparently you don't
wanna look through it.
Oh, and you lost your tail-gunner.
Nice fucking flying, soldier.
Do you have any idea how much
each 500 pound bomb is worth?
- I do not, sir.
- Well, neither do I,
but they don't grow on trees.
I took out the bridge, sir.
The bridge is gone,
that was the objective.
It was a goddamn thorn
in our side, that bridge.
So what to do now?
KORN: We punish the hell out of him.
Well, you goddamn right we
punish the hell out of him.
Although, if we punish him,
we'd be admitting something went wrong.
Something did go wrong,
they lost a goddamn tail gunner.
What I mean to say, sir,
is that if we punish him,
that would be sending a message
that the mission didn't go right.
We don't want that.
The mission did go right.
So what to do?
We could give him a medal.
What would we give
him a goddamn medal for?
For going around twice.
Well, I suppose it did
take some courage
to go around the target twice,
and he did hit the target.
good, this is very good,
act boastful about something
we should be ashamed of.
That's a tremendous idea, sir.
That's good, very good.
And we'll make him a captain, too.
Do we need to do that?
Well, if we're gonna do this,
we're gonna do it with gusto, Korn.
Besides, what's a
goddamn captain anyway?
Lieutenant, you'll be
pleased to know that
we have made the decision to
promote you to the rank of captain.
- O-Okay.
- Effective immediately.
Colonel Korn, here,
organize a medal ceremony.
- KORN: Yes, sir.
- We've got a brave man here.
- Thank you, sir.
- And we wish we had more like you.
YOSSARIAN: Thank you, sir.
Uh, sir? If I may, sir?
I wonder
you see, my friend Nately,
the tail-gunner who died,
was engaged to be married.
And his fiancée, as you can understand,
will take the news very hard.
And your point is?
Well, I'd like to apply for
a 48-hour leave, sir.
If I may, given the circumstances.
I'd like to go to Rome
and inform Nately's fiancée
of the terrible news.
"Fiancée," that's rich.
You mean the whore?
Her name is Clara.
CATHCART: Let me see
if I get this straight.
We give you a promotion
of the rank of captain,
we're gonna give you a medal, and
you wanna go to Rome to see a whore?
To see my dead friend Nately's
bereaved fiancée.
Yes, sir.
Who is a whore.
YOSSARIAN: I was set
to be best man, sir.
And so I'm formally
requesting permission, sir
CATHCART: Yes, yes, yes.
Permission denied.
Boys, I'm looking for Milo.
- LORENZO: Signore Milo?
- Yeah, Milo.
Where is he?
Signore Milo no is here.
He's in Barcelona, España.
He's in Spain?
Si, si, "Spain.
LORENZO: Can we help you with something?
- AARFY: Hello, John.
- What are you doing here?
AARFY: You know, the usual.
- I didn't know you had leave.
- Yeah, I have leave.
Why? What are you doing?
You wanna do something?
Maybe later.
I'm gonna go find Nately's girlfriend.
Oh, good for you.
You're like a rabbit.
MICHAELA: Signore?
There she is.
Good girl.
Why don't you stay and
have a drink with me?
Che cosa?
AARFY: A drink.
It's after 7:00.
Have a drink.
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