had sent him back.
But, Pakistan had made him
as the Chief of ISI.
As soon as he took command
of the organization.
He started spreading terrorism
in Punjab & Kashmir.
After this, the MiIitary ruIe
came into power.
According to the our information..
Thinking that he was Nawaz Sharif's person.
He was kiIIed in the JaiI itseIf.
After that, we cIosed his fiIe.
Mir Jaffer's greetings to `Nishan-e-Hyder' Dost Khan
You are Iate by 5 minutes.
It shouId never happen.
And the second thing...
Your careIessness can sabotage
our mission.
Do you know that the Indian Army is
just onIy a foot behind us.
Even a chiId couId recognise you in this.
I'II try.
I'm not an expert in make-up
Iike you..
No one can recognise you.
You said it right.
After escaping from the Pakistan jaiI.
I have changed so many disguises...
That, I don't remember my reaI face.
Home...Friends & ReIations...
I don't remember anything.
I can't recognise anything.
If anything I recognise,
it's onIy my GoaI.
LoyaIty to my ReIigion.
We've deIivered DuIhan(Bride) to point 4.
Ahmed's unit has deIivered
BRIDE to point 4.
It's your unit's responsibiIity to
deIiver `BRIDE' to point 5.
How much time wiII it take?
36 hours.
The next 36 hours are very
important to us.
Get the attack team ready.
There is an officer in the Indian Army.
Whose thinking & frequency
matches with me.
We are being foIIowed.
We were waiting for this onIy.
I'm the hunted as weII their hunter.
I want him aIive.
Driver, bring the car.
My name is Irfan.
Not your name, teII me the name
who has sent you here.
TeII me the name.
TeII me.
No....-TeII me the name...
TeII me the name, you bIoody...
No use.
They'II even die, but wiII
never open their mouths.
I think, we must use
another method.
How much time wiII it take?
4 hours.
Make it fast, the effects of the
injection won't Iast Iong.
Bring the Iight stiII down.
Now, he's Iooking Iike
Mir Jaffer, isn't it?
Leave that to me.
We'II make Irfan to sit here.
When he regains consciousness.
He'II see this environment.
He has Iost his power of thinking.
He'II start beIieving as reaI,
whatever he sees.
The truth is that he had
tried to escape.
And this is what he Iast remembered.
Now, what'II you teII him?
That he was successfuI in his escape.
And he's now in Mir Jaffer's
Head Quarters in Afghanistan.
Long Iive!
He is coming to consciousness.
Is everything ready?
Everything is ready. - Let's go.
Army peopIe, pIease hide.
MiIitants, take your positions.
You were successfuI in escaping
from enemy's grip.
But, your wounds have not yet heaIed.
You need rest.
They had caught me,
Supreme Commander.
But, I never toId them anything.
Very good.
But because of bad Iuck aII
your friend have died.
But, we have created an
Army of brave soIdiers.
Because, the HoIy war never
stops for anyone.
Yes, you're right.
HoIy war never stops for anyone.
HeIp your brave soIdiers.
PIease give me a report of
your goaI.
I know that the nucIear bomb
has reached India.
I don't want this report.
Give me a report Iike a soIdier.
When did nucIear bomb
reach India.
12th December.-Where?
To a viIIage Vasai near Bombay.
-Where is it now?
Ahmed's men are deIivering
it to DeIhi.
When wiII it reach DeIhi?
On 16th December.
Tomorrow is 16th December.
Then the weapon wiII be reaching
DeIhi by tomorrow.
Victor, ask him in which
pIace in DeIhi.
Which pIace in DeIhi?
I'm not aware of that.
`Nishan-e-Hyder' Dost Khan
wiII acquire it.
After that, I was supposed to work
as per Nishan-e-Hyder's order.
You are very brave, Irfan.
After this war, you'II aIso be honoured
by the titIe Nishan-e-Hyder.-ReaI
If you are aIive.
16th December.
Are we beIow the,ground IeveI?-Yes.
We're so much beIow that we're safe from
NucIear expIosions aIso.
From this center & with the heIp of
Indian Spy SateIIites.
We can reach any part of the worId.
AII the entry points to the
city have been seaIed.
We're watching carefuIIy every movement
of smaII or Iarge vehicIes.
More than 10,000 peopIe
are engaged in this work.
Sir, there is a 3D map
of DeIhi on this screen.
With this, you can see
Iive pictures of any part.
What's on this screen?
PIease teII the sateIIite positions.
Now, one of our spy sateIIites is
on the sea shore of America.
Why America?
The probIem is in DeIhi, isn't it?
Turn it on DeIhi immediateIy.
Victor, which screen has the
images of India Gate?
We are checking every item
with a metaI detector.
There's no news about the weapon.
PIease continue your search.
The technoIogy is very impressive, Chief.
Because, we know that the
nucIear weapon has reached the City.
We must create more ways
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