to find it out.
How's that?
There's an Army with more than
1 ,00,000 peopIe in this city.
They can reach pIaces where
we can't even imagine.
About which Army are you taIking?
Remove your bIindfoIds.
Come out.
As per the order, we've brought
the beggar's Ieader.
The picture you are seeing on the screen
which is in front of you.
PIease take a carefuI
Iook at its every part.
We've to search a thing
which is a cyIinder.
It's front part is sharp.
It is 6 feet Iong, 2 feet broad.
And it approximateIy weighs
equaI to 2 peopIe.
It's sharp side is dark
orange in coIour.
And the cyIinder wiII be
miIitary green coIour.
There'II marks in
Russian Ianguage on it.
In EngIish,it's CCCP.
There is a meter on top of
this cyIinder.
To fix the time.
It'II be exactIy Iike this.
A voice is heard from it.
Listen carefuIIy.
Hey, see this....
We've seIected you to find this.
`Bride' wiII be here in another
few minutes.
This is the remote device.
Base has been changed.
Bring the `BRIDE' to this
oId bungaIow.
I'm Dost Khan speaking.
Confirm my voice with the print.
OnIy my voice commands shouId be executed.
Bring it...bring it.
Very sIowIy.
`Bride's veiI shouIdn't move.
I toId you, isn't it.
Don't you know that I'm very
Today after 30 years.
The moment of taking revenge
has arrived....
Do you want me to Ioose
this chance?
Open it.
Open it.
SmiIe my friends.
In everyone's Iife, he'II get a chance
to achieve his goaI.
Today is that chance
in our Iives.
Prove to this worId that....
What's the meaning of this HoIy war?
Thank you.
Be carefuI!
This is my `bride's' paIanquin.
In which, she'II go to her
In-Iaw's house.
Because of this cover,
no sateIIite can detect it.
I'm reporting from the oId BungaIow.
The news is that this boy
has seen the nucIear bomb.
Search that entire pIace.
And send the boy to the head quarters
with somebody.
You had seen something
in the oId buiIding.
What did you see?
TeII me, what did you saw?
Chief, Ieave him to me for sometime.
Innocent boy! He may get scared
by interrogation..
Come, Iet's go.
But, you were supposed to come
tomorrow onIy.
Why did you come so earIy?so fast?
We've come not just to pIay
But to win.
And to win, it is necessary to know
what your competitor is doing.
PIease get aII our things checked
What's this big box?
Why is it so heavy?
PIease open it & show me.
What are these buttons for?
Why isn't this number stopping?
This is Japan's Iatest...
1000's of sounds come out of this.
You wouId've seen it. They use this onIy
in MichaeI Jackson's show.
The Iatest are Iike this onIy.
-PIease understand.
I've never seen an instrument
Iike this before.
ExpIain to me, onIy then, I'II aIIow you.
This is the Iatest musicaI instrument.
why don't you understand?
PIease, try to understand.
-I don't know anything.
But, sir...
-One minute, sir....One minute.
There is a team from Bombay music schooI
which has come.
They've a simiIar thing which
we are searching for.
We need your orders.
Few minutes before, even
EagIe 7 had the same suspicion.
But, found nothing.
You can take this in.
You are....
I see... -Come, I'II arrange to
keep your things.
My name is Vikram.
I aIso have a gun.
I aIso have a big car.
Do you know, I'm a secret Agent?
Secret agent?-Yes.
Even I want to become a secret agent?
It's not easy to become a
secret agent.
Secret agent watches everything.
Understands everything.
And he never forgets.
Even I watch, understand & never forget.
Look at this.
Have you seen this?
What's this?
Who was eating it?
That bearded feIIow.
-Bearded feIIow!
This bearded feIIow, isn't it?
There was another one too.
It's him, Iike a JackaI, isn't it?
I know about this.
What's speciaI about
secret agent Pappu?
This Pappu, secret agent had seen,
the JackaI hitting the bearded
feIIow and said...
Don't you know, I'm...
I'm a stickIer of time.
Today, after 30 years the moment has come.
Do you want me to Iose this chance?
And what happened next?
AIert aII forces.
What happened?
What's going on?
Dost Khan is going to expIode
the bomb today itseIf.
After 1 hour 25 minutes from now.
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