Yes, uncIe.
I've a doubt that both of them read
the numbers from the same book.
And both of them wiII be
having the same book.
For exampIe take this dictionary...
I want to say, Car is parked
at FIora Fountain.
How wiII I say it?
First, I'II find the word `Car'.
It's here! Page No.1 1 1
And word -2!
Then, what wiII I say
on phone?
1 1 1 .....16...2!
Which book can it be, which
both of them are having?
To find this out, I've deveIoped
a computer programme.
And in that I've gone
through 500 books.
What happened next?
No resuIts, uncIe.
You know that there are MiIIions of
Books in this worId.
How many can I investigate?
Then, one day Vikram asked
Prof. Banerjee's number.
And where did my eye faII?
On Mumbai TeIephone Directory!
I hit the jack pot.
As we broke the code,
The picture became cIear.
Which picture?
The picture of Iooting, Rs.100 crores
from morning to evening.
In Mumbai City, everyday 10 cars...
..Carrying each Rs.10 crores in cash.
WiII reach spots specified
by Suresh Shetty.
There'II be a driver and a
gun man in each car.
Driver & gun man are changed and
cars reach the spot specified by Dhiren.
So the couriers of money don't know
where's the money is being forwarded.
Here the drivers are being changed.
They reach a spot specified
by Suresh.
Look here, it's Bata, WorIi.
Look here, Page No.410
..Line No.12...CoIumn No.3.
Then, this car wiII reach a spot
specified by Dhiren Gupta.
That means...Iinking Road
....Music worId.
But, where does this money
come from?
From New DeIhi!
How did you find it?
Buy, fish...fresh fish. fresh fish.
Hey! Hide the pistoI.
Hey! Can't you see?
Sir, I was driving properIy.
Hey, Don't teach Law to sir.
Take out your Iicense.
What's this sir?
Who's this?
-It's me sir!
Come with me.
Hey! Do you need a speciaI invitation?
-Hey! Come out.
...Fresh Fish..fresh fish.
Hey! This side....
Whose photo is this?
-Sir, it's mine onIy.
Go & come after shaving your beard. car...
Hey! Bhoothnath! don't you've
any brains?
Your car wiII be here onIy!
Shave your beard & come, go!
Sir, I've made a vow! Hey, BaId Man!
-What's it? What's there in the car?
Nothing sir!
ShaII I open the dicky?
Where was your car registered?
DeIhi, Sir!
Why did you come to Mumbai?
I've a smaII Industry, sir.
Sir...sir...pIease Iisten
to me, sir.
Sir...This bribe is for you.
And for sir?
This is for sir.
For the car?
This is for car.
And for me?
This is yours, sir.
For the Iicense?
I've emptied my pockets.
Give your Iicense & go.
Yes, take this aIso.
Sir, what shaII we do now?
Go...go away! Hey BaIdy! go...go
...away -Thank you, sir.
You keep this.
Buy champa's fish!
Fresh fish.
Buy fresh fish!
What's in your basket?
Fresh fish. Do you want to eat?
Give.-Take it.
Then, have you aIso started
taking bribes?
If we hadn't taken it, they
wouId've suspected us.
Okay, no probIem! Deposit in
the Government Treasury.
One second...What's written
in this sIip?
To faciIitate the money to
reach Mumbai from DeIhi.
....That means Rs.5 crores everyday.
That's what is entered in
this sIips everyday.
But, where does the money go?
After changing the drivers
for the third time.
They'II deIiver the money at Ram
Taurani's Indian Trust Bank.
Here money is counted.
The counting ends around 2 AM.
And Ram receives a phone
caII from there.
That's the wrong number phone caII.
From which Ram comes to know
that account is okay.
Next day!
RoughIy about Rs.80 crores
from Indian Trust Bank.
WiII go out of India in
DoIIars as Draft.
And reach Euro Swiss Bank's
secret number account...
For this work Jagdish Mathur
gets Rs.5 crores everyday.
Who's this White Lotus?
Don't know.
Who's sending this Rs.100 crores
from DeIhi?
Sir, we've not yet found that.
Chief! In between this, there has
been an accident.
Where are you?
Near Jai Bharavi Laundry.
May be, the pigeon is going that way.
You take over from there.
First, it was onIy one.
Then, it became two some.
Now there are 5 Romeos on hunt.
How's that?
That's the suspense.
Sheeba you proceed to TempIe.
Victor, foIIow her.
Get into my vehicIe!-Get Iost.
The rats have come out of the hoIes.
Why're you foIIowing the girI?
Hey, what's she to you?
Get Iost!
Come on get up...get up.
Come on...come on...
BIoody...speak out.
Speak out...Who had sent you?
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