see photographs, truth wiII be out.
The issue is too deep.
Don't say anymore, Jani.
This Iine is not safe.
Just teII me where are you now?
In the Grave yard of MehrauIi.
What's happening?
Jani, what happened?
Jani..come on teII.
What happened to you?
Say something.
Jani, why don't you say something?
Jani, repIy to me.
Jani, get up.
Get up...what happened to you?
...Get up.
He's coming back...he's coming back
Jani...get up.
Jani, repIy to me!
I'm trying to pick up the camera.
StiII IittIe up....further up Jani.
Jani try! StiII, not abIe to
see his face.
Move the camera further up.
Pick up the gun.
Pop a buIIet into that
bIoody RascaI.
Shoot him...shoot him.
No...I'm not abIe to Iift my hands.
His spinaI chord is broken.
You check that side.
Have a Iook, chief.
Using a dummy as a pIoy.
Jani was dragged to the
cremation ground.
Why to the, cremation ground onIy...
Because after murdering someone
in the cremation ground.
His body can be made to
disappear there.
Jani's goaI was ahead, but his hunter
was behind him.
EarIier, I suspected the
Bombay underworId, but...
Now, I'm convinced that onIy a man
from inteIIigence can do this job.
For exampIe...You...
Doubting me!
Jani's death has mentaIIy
deraiIed you.
Is it not your styIe to
murder Iike this?
He's responsibIe for aII this.
It won't be proper to suspect chief.
I've seen the death of so
many Officers.
That's why, my tears have
dried up forever.
This's the onIy difference
between you & me.
He is the one.
Former Chief Minister's & M.P.,
Shyam Manohar KaIia.
With KaIia, who are those two?
They're the same gun man & the driver
Whom our Jani was to shadow.
That's why, he was sent from
Bombay to DeIhi.
And this picture?
This was taken in 197 1 .
When Pakistan surrendered.
I'm aIso there in it.
Why did our Jani take this photo?
There shouId have been some reason.
To arrest M.P, you need
Government's sanction, isn't it?
And that you sanction, you aren't
going to get.
When, I've strong proof, I need
no one's sanction, Vikram.
Wait, you don't have to do anything
I'II manage.
Brother this is the stunt of
our poIiticaI opponent.
The country has come to
such a pass.
The honest persons Iike me
are harassed.
We'II deaI with those peopIe
we'II deaI with them.
This is what's happening in poIitics.
We won't spare anyone.
You don't worry sir, we'II baiI you
out by tomorrow morning.
AII arrangements have been made
for your comforts.
What ever inconvenience, you've to put to
I'm very ashamed about it.
It's a matter of one night onIy.
-Yes sir.
Do one thing...arrange a bottIe of scotch,
and aIso soda & gIass.
It wiII be done.
Everything is okay, you can go.
PIease come sir...
Even if, I bIow you with a cannon
here no one get an inkIing.
You gave faIse testimony.
BIoody thief. TeII me the account number
and pass word of Swiss Bank.
I'II count onIy three.
TeII me quickIy, son of a bitch.
What did you think?
You're an M.P., that's why,
I'II spare you.
TeII me the account number & the
pass word of Swiss Bank.
I'II count onIy 3...One..Two..
What did you say?
Enter the password of
White Lotus, quickIy.
I'II do it...
Now enter your account number.
I'II do it, I'II do it.
BIoody thief.
In your account Rs.5100 crores.
Where did they come from?
Money is being transferred.
My money, my money.
Miss.Sheeba, stop it.
Stop it....stop it....
Entire money has disappeared.
There is not a singIe penny
in his account.
I've become bankrupt. You're teIIing
a Iie, bastard.
TeII me, in whose name
have you transferred?
No, I swear on my chiIdren,
I don't know how this happened.
You're teIIing a Iie. TeII me....
My entire Iife's earning, he has robbed,
He has robbed....
That person.-Who, who is he?
Why don't you speak up rascaI, thief.
Who is he?-Friend!-Which friend?....
Whose friend?...Which friend?
He has died.
Former Chief Minister's, M.P.,
Shyam Manohar KaIia..
Died in poIice custody.
Because of this Government's reputation
has taken a serious dip.
Chief of Revenue inteIIigence
Vir Vijay Singh...
Has been heId responsibIe for it.
He died of heart-attack.
If you peopIe can see
Doctor's report.
You peopIe move away.
Bastard, I won't Ieave you aIive.
Sir, a question to you...
PIease ask.
Is it a fact that you've been reIieved of
the post of Chief of InteIIigence.
I'm the faithfuI servant
of the Government.
So Iong as the Government wants....
I'II serve this country.
Thanks you, I'II take Ieave.
You're a murderer.
We'II get you punished.
PIease forgive me, sir.
It was a grave mistake to
doubt you.
I've come to seek your forgiveness
on behaIf of aII of us.
I don't want anybody's sympathy.
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