Come to the point.
Mr.X is stiII aIive.
He is the same person who briefed
KaIia on aII matters.
C.B.I. is after KaIia.
He wants to send his Ioot
out of this country.
He wants to send his Ioot
out of this country.
"Birds of the same feather have
fIocked together".
And joined the fray.
They were quite at par
in their game.
In spite of best of our efforts,
we couIdn't apprehend Mr.X.
Fate pIays strange games
with a man.
Sometimes it coIIudes with him
sometimes, confronts him.
Inspite of Jani's death,
we obtained that reeI.
That was our good fortune.
KaIia died without teIIing
us anything.
That was the good fortune of Mr.X.
We can't change our fate sir, but
we can atIeast fight.
How much times do we have?-7 days.
OnIy 7 days.!-Yes, onIy 7 days.
And if the job is not done during
these days, then...
If it's not done then....
For the crime of KaIia's death
I'II be arrested & sent to jaiI.
We'II not aIIow that
to happen, sir.
Vikram, Sheeba, Victor & Chief...
I want more personaI detaiIs.
Sir, according to your instructions...
I've screened aII the empIoyees
of Euro Swiss Bank.
CoincidentaIIy we found an Indian girI
in New-ZeaIand branch...
She is on quite an exaIted position.
Sir, I don't think, we'II
benefited to any extent.
Bufor's Case has been going on
for 15 years.
They haven't yet reveaIed, who has
swaIIowed 50 crores.
Ours is the case of 5000 crores.
Even if a gun is put on their head
they won't reveaI.
Since, we've covered so much ground
some soIution may come out.
This worId thrives on seIfishness.
What was the name of
that girI you said.
My name is SonaI, and yours?
Why have you come to New ZeaIand.
To win you over.
Hey Vikram, teII her correctIy.
I want to keep away from my father.
He stays in London, that's why, I....
I can't teII you aII that.
Try & understand the psychoIogy
of these modern girIs.
What shouId I understood?
That SonaI has come to here to
stay away from her parents.
If I teII her that Iine,
She wiII faII in my arms,
And we shaII be dancing
around streets.
That's what'II happen, isn't it?
How can you fathom the heart
of a woman.
Then, teII me teacher, about the
fancies of a woman's heart.
Every woman craves for true Iove.
In search of that Iove,
she goes far & wide.
This SonaI has aIso come to
New ZeaIand in search of that.
How is possibIe?
To win a pretty young girI,
educated, from a good famiIy,
Hundreds of boys must be craving.
Lamps of Iove, iIIuminate
aII the pIaces.
The one who gets Iove, is
reaIIy fortunate.
It's very difficuIt to get
reaI Iove Vikram.
There is darkness in SonaI's heart.
Seeing you, she must feeI that
you're aIso searching, true Iove.
We've to take advantage of
this situation.
How much we've to Iie for that!
To Iie for a good deed is not
wrong, sir.
And after this mission...
What wiII happen to that poor SonaI
have you reaIized?
What eIse wiII happen.Like others,
she'II aIso be heart broken.
What more can happen?
According to inteIIigence reports.
Every officer of Euro Swiss Bank has a
computer micro chip.
By that they can scrutinize the
Bank accounts.
This micro chip Iooks
Iike a Sim-Card.
Which is Iodged in every mobiIe phone.
With that, aII the secrets of
Shyam Manohar KaIia's Bank account...
....Can be known.
And Vijay Chowhan is a reaI man's name.
He Iives in London.
He is quite a big business man.
New ZeaIand branch of Euro Swiss Bank
has been informed..
That Vijay Chowhan is going to start
a big business there.
They're waiting for him.
And SonaI is the onIy Indian
working there.
So, you'II definiteIy be sent
to meet her.
This is the passport, case fiIe &
for you,
Vijay Chowhan's portfoIio.
Vikram, our mission has onIy 3 days.
Within 3 days, you've to meet SonaI.
Then friendship and finaIIy
the game of Iove.
And through the game of Iove,
you've to find out.
As to where the Sim Card is
kept hidden.
Fourth stage is grabbing
the Sim Card...
And fifth...
To find out aII the secrets of
Shyam Manohar KaIia's bank account.
InteIIigence report is correct
She Iives in AuckIand...
And every morning around 9'o cIock
goes towards the bank.
I've heard a Iot about you.
CompIimentary or defamatory.
CompIimentary of course.
You've come to New ZeaIand for
the first time.
On behaIf of our bank, I wish to
invite you for dinner.
Have you come to New ZeaIand
on WeaIth grounds.
No. ActuaIIy I want to keep away
from my father.
He stays in London, that's why
I came here.
Strange coincidence, I came here
for the same reason.
Oh! our sentiments are so simiIar.
What are you thinking?
OnIy this. God has strange ways.
How he makes strangers meet, isn't it?
I was thinking the same.
My heart is singIe string Instruments
My heart is a vagabond
My heart is a fainted nomad
It is unaware of heart beats...
It's totaI wiIderness
It's unaware of the tune
of your Iove
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