My heart
My heart is a vagabond...
My heart is a fainted nomad
Sheeba, Victor speaking.
How is our hero's romance progressing?
Means, Hand in hand,
eyes in eyes.
Something Iike that is happening?
Keep your eyes open, see that, he
doesn't reaIIy faII in Iove.
I Iearnt from you the
meaning of Iove.
Shadows are accompanying
At every moments & at every step...
My breath wears your aroma, darIing
Our romantic reIationship
ShouId not snap for any reason...
My Iife has got iIIuminated today
My heart...
My heart is a vagabond
My heart is a fainted nomad
The micro chip that
we're Iooking for.
She wears it in the neck
Iike a neckIace.
Our hero's hands have a Iong reach.
They'II reach aII over.
Don't get defeated in the gIitter
of the neckIace.
Even in defeat, I'II win.
Today is the Iast day.
WiII you abIe to get the micro chip?
I don't know.
But, what are you going
to teII her?
I don't know.
You must've thought of something.
But, Vikram!-What shouId I teII her?
Whatever is required,
I'II do it.
I've no desires...
I've no requests...
You continue to be faithfuI to me
You've understood after a Iong time
That I'm your worshiper
Like a bIank paper, my heart
has become bIank
You shower the rain of Iove today
How do I appeaI to you?
Very fetching.
Is that aII. Nothing eIse.
You appeaI to me very much.
ShaII I....teII you my reaI feeIing.
Meeting you Iike this...
We've met each other onIy
two days ago.
But, I'm feeIing as if
I know you for years.
ProbabIy...This is caIIed Love, isn't it?
Do you feeI the same way?
ShaII I teII you the truth?
The truth is that my name is not
Vijay, but Vikram.
I've come here on an important
mission of Indian InteIIigence.
You're putting her in danger.
Don't do Iike that.
You're joking.
This is not a joke.
The other truth is...
That, I'm fed up of teIIing Iies.
You're very pretty SonaI
You're very innocent.
But, I don't Iove you.
Two days nearness is not Iove.
Love is that buiIding.
Which, by siIent sacrifices, is
buiIt brick by brick.
And the one who has buiIt this buiIding
for me, I can't break her heart.
The Iast truth is...
That, I haven't come here for you
but for this chip.
For this Computer Micro Chip.
With this! What do you want?
You want to rob the bank?
A corrupt poIitician of our country had
stacked 5000 crores in your bank.
We arrested him.
But the money was transferred.
But, before reveaIing anything, the
poIitician died of heart-attack.
It is important for us know as
to where the money went?
If such a big sum...
FaIIs in the hands of the enemy.
It couId be very dangerous
for the Country.
When I weighed India, & SonaI's heart
in my heart.
I found SonaI's heart very Iight.
But, today I've reaIised that every man
& every heart has a greatness.
And women's heart can be
weighed Iike this.
Today, I broke your heart.
But, seeing you, I was forced
to reveaI the truth.
I promise on God.
Whatever, I said today...
I've said nothing but the truth onIy.
Take this.
With this card, you can know any accounts
secret from any computer.
Bank wiII open by 10 A.M.
Return back this card
after one hour.
Otherwise, Bank peopIe wiII
get suspicious.
I too weighed India against
SonaI's Iife in my heart.
And I reaIIy found it very Iight.
Why did you put our mission
into danger?
I can't Iie anymore.
I Iove you.
Just onIy you.
Yes, teII me, Vikram.
We've come to know the
whereabouts of Money.
There was Rs.5100 crores in
Shyam Manohar KaIia's account.
From that Rs.100 crores was transferred
to Mir Jaffer's account.
You mean to say, that terrorist.
This is a very bad news.
There's more bad news than this.
What's it? TeII me.
Rs.5000 crores had been transferred
to some unknown KaIa Khanjar account.
Chief, who is this KaIa Khanjar?
Who is this KaIa Khanjar?
This KaIa Khanjar is one of the Iargest
terrorist organization in the worId.
To spread terrorism in
every corner of the worId.
It heIps every terrorist organization.
TeII me, what made you
to come here?
Minister, you've to come with me for
few minutes.
We are now going to access InterpoI
Web site through the Internet.
This is KaIa Khanjar.
One of the most wanted terrorist
organization in the worId.
There are Iot of terrorist
organization aII over India.
With whom our brave soIdiers are
fighting for years steadiIy.
What is the necessity to be afraid
of this KaIa Khanjar?
Necessity is there.....
According to InterpoI report, KaIa Khanjar
not onIy possess deadIy weapons...
But, they aIso have a
NucIear Bomb with them.
That group has priced this
NucIear Bomb at Rs.5000 crores.
How did they get this NucIear Bomb?
10 years ago, when Soviet Union
broke down into pieces...
Many NucIear Bombs Iike this
One of those bombs feII
in their hands.
Now, the bomb had been soId.
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