丁丁历险记 The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn(2011)【完整台词】
丁丁历险记 The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn(2011) 全部台词 (当前第4页,一共 9 页)
"Three brothers joined.
"Three Unicorns in company
sailing in the noonday sun will speak. "
Sir Francis didn't make two models
of the Unicorn.
He made three!
Three ships for three sons.
Sakharine's after the third model ship.
Barnacles! Someone's locked the door!
- Well, is there a key?
- A key?
Yes, now, that would be the problem.
Mr. Jaggerman!
Top bunk in the centre. Keeper of the keys.
Careful, mind. He's a restless sleeper
on account of the tragic loss of his eyelids.
- He lost his eyelids?
- Aye.
Now, that was a card game to remember.
You really had to be there.
I'd do this myself, Tintin,
but you've a lighter tread
and less chance of waking the boys.
- Are you sure this is a good idea?
- You've nothing to worry about.
Provided they all stay asleep.
I wouldn't get too close to Mr. Hobbs.
He's very handy with a razor.
And I'd steer clear of Mr. Gitch.
Sacked as a shepherd
on account of his "animal husbandry. "
Not the sandwich.
The keys!
You're a brave lad, Tintin.
My heart was in my mouth,
I don't mind telling you.
Well, that is, if it was my heart.
Judging by my stomach,
it could've been anything, really.
Hurry up, Captain! We've no time to lose.
Just the necessities, of course.
To the lifeboats.
Ease it in!
Put your back into it!
Hold her there, steady!
Any sign of him, Jumbo?
Nothing yet. Watch yourself.
The boss says he's a handful.
Come on.
It's Allan.
- Is that the bridge?
- Aye, on the other side of the radio room.
Radio room?
Wait here, Captain.
Sound the alarm if anyone comes.
Careful, Tintin.
I can't see a thing!
Quit your whining and find the kid!
I didn't sign on for this!
Keep searching!
- Message just come through, boss.
- What's it say?
"The Milanese Nightingale has landed.
Waiting in the wings for action. "
"Milanese Nightingale"?
Now pray this cheers him up.
"Bagghar. "
What's this?
"The Sultanate of Bagghar
"ruled over by Sheikh Omar Ben Salaad,
"whose love of music and culture
is matched only by his love of... "
Great snakes!
The Port of Bagghar.
Hey! Put your hands up!
And let that be a lesson to you!
Help me!
In here! He's in here!
Here! By the lifeboats!
Out of the way!
After him! Get him!
Quick, quick, in here!
Over there!
Why, you little...
- He's up there!
- Go!
I can see him now!
Don't let them get away!
Help me!
- Turn this ship around!
- Aye, sir!
Get me a flare!
Captain, get down! Get down!
- There he is!
- Get out of the way!
Now! Full ahead! Full speed!
Got you now.
Stay down.
Look! Down there!
Idiots! You idiots! What have you done?
We killed them, boss, like you wanted!
No! Not like I wanted!
I needed Haddock alive!
Wait a minute, boss!
There are two boats missing!
So, that one must have been a decoy.
They're onto us, and our destination.
Find them! Make absolutely certain
they never reach Bagghar!
Yes, boss.
Get up there!
We have to get to Bagghar
ahead of Sakharine.
I know. I know.
Because he has the third model ship.
How do you know?
The Sheikh collects old ships. And this
is the prize of his collection.
Blistering blue barnacles,
that is the Unicorn!
Captain, do you see the distortion
around the model?
It means that Ben Salaad exhibits it
in a bulletproof glass case in his palace.
And Sakharine is going there to steal it!
Yes, he has a secret weapon.
The Milanese Nightingale.
But that won't be enough
to solve the mystery,
and that is why Sakharine needs you.
That's why he made you his prisoner.
There is something
he needs you to remember.
I don't follow you.
I read it in a book.
That only a true Haddock
can discover the secret of the Unicorn.
I don't remember anything about anything.
But you must know about your ancestors,
Sir Francis. It's your family legacy!
My memory is not what it used to be.
- Well, what did it used to be?
- I've forgotten.
can you get us to Bagghar?
What sort of a stupid question is that?
Give me those oars!
I'll show you some real seamanship, laddie.
I'll not be doubted by some pipsqueak tuft
of ginger and his irritating dog!
I am master and commander of the seas!
I know these waters better than the warts
on my mother's face!
Look at the pair of them. Fast asleep.
Typical landlubbers.
Aye, no stamina these days.
Never mind. I'll get you there, Tintin.
Look, Thomson. There's the fellow.
Oh, my.
- Mr. Silk?
- Yes?
- My name is Thompson.
- And Thomson.
- We're police officers!
- We're police officers!
Oh, crumbs.
Good gracious!
- Mr. Silk!
- Mr. Silk!
- Dear, oh, dear, oh, dear.
- Are you okay?
Poor fellow!
"Three Unicorns in company
sailing in the noonday sun will speak. "
Sir Francis didn't make two models
of the Unicorn.
He made three!
Three ships for three sons.
Sakharine's after the third model ship.
Barnacles! Someone's locked the door!
- Well, is there a key?
- A key?
Yes, now, that would be the problem.
Mr. Jaggerman!
Top bunk in the centre. Keeper of the keys.
Careful, mind. He's a restless sleeper
on account of the tragic loss of his eyelids.
- He lost his eyelids?
- Aye.
Now, that was a card game to remember.
You really had to be there.
I'd do this myself, Tintin,
but you've a lighter tread
and less chance of waking the boys.
- Are you sure this is a good idea?
- You've nothing to worry about.
Provided they all stay asleep.
I wouldn't get too close to Mr. Hobbs.
He's very handy with a razor.
And I'd steer clear of Mr. Gitch.
Sacked as a shepherd
on account of his "animal husbandry. "
Not the sandwich.
The keys!
You're a brave lad, Tintin.
My heart was in my mouth,
I don't mind telling you.
Well, that is, if it was my heart.
Judging by my stomach,
it could've been anything, really.
Hurry up, Captain! We've no time to lose.
Just the necessities, of course.
To the lifeboats.
Ease it in!
Put your back into it!
Hold her there, steady!
Any sign of him, Jumbo?
Nothing yet. Watch yourself.
The boss says he's a handful.
Come on.
It's Allan.
- Is that the bridge?
- Aye, on the other side of the radio room.
Radio room?
Wait here, Captain.
Sound the alarm if anyone comes.
Careful, Tintin.
I can't see a thing!
Quit your whining and find the kid!
I didn't sign on for this!
Keep searching!
- Message just come through, boss.
- What's it say?
"The Milanese Nightingale has landed.
Waiting in the wings for action. "
"Milanese Nightingale"?
Now pray this cheers him up.
"Bagghar. "
What's this?
"The Sultanate of Bagghar
"ruled over by Sheikh Omar Ben Salaad,
"whose love of music and culture
is matched only by his love of... "
Great snakes!
The Port of Bagghar.
Hey! Put your hands up!
And let that be a lesson to you!
Help me!
In here! He's in here!
Here! By the lifeboats!
Out of the way!
After him! Get him!
Quick, quick, in here!
Over there!
Why, you little...
- He's up there!
- Go!
I can see him now!
Don't let them get away!
Help me!
- Turn this ship around!
- Aye, sir!
Get me a flare!
Captain, get down! Get down!
- There he is!
- Get out of the way!
Now! Full ahead! Full speed!
Got you now.
Stay down.
Look! Down there!
Idiots! You idiots! What have you done?
We killed them, boss, like you wanted!
No! Not like I wanted!
I needed Haddock alive!
Wait a minute, boss!
There are two boats missing!
So, that one must have been a decoy.
They're onto us, and our destination.
Find them! Make absolutely certain
they never reach Bagghar!
Yes, boss.
Get up there!
We have to get to Bagghar
ahead of Sakharine.
I know. I know.
Because he has the third model ship.
How do you know?
The Sheikh collects old ships. And this
is the prize of his collection.
Blistering blue barnacles,
that is the Unicorn!
Captain, do you see the distortion
around the model?
It means that Ben Salaad exhibits it
in a bulletproof glass case in his palace.
And Sakharine is going there to steal it!
Yes, he has a secret weapon.
The Milanese Nightingale.
But that won't be enough
to solve the mystery,
and that is why Sakharine needs you.
That's why he made you his prisoner.
There is something
he needs you to remember.
I don't follow you.
I read it in a book.
That only a true Haddock
can discover the secret of the Unicorn.
I don't remember anything about anything.
But you must know about your ancestors,
Sir Francis. It's your family legacy!
My memory is not what it used to be.
- Well, what did it used to be?
- I've forgotten.
can you get us to Bagghar?
What sort of a stupid question is that?
Give me those oars!
I'll show you some real seamanship, laddie.
I'll not be doubted by some pipsqueak tuft
of ginger and his irritating dog!
I am master and commander of the seas!
I know these waters better than the warts
on my mother's face!
Look at the pair of them. Fast asleep.
Typical landlubbers.
Aye, no stamina these days.
Never mind. I'll get you there, Tintin.
Look, Thomson. There's the fellow.
Oh, my.
- Mr. Silk?
- Yes?
- My name is Thompson.
- And Thomson.
- We're police officers!
- We're police officers!
Oh, crumbs.
Good gracious!
- Mr. Silk!
- Mr. Silk!
- Dear, oh, dear, oh, dear.
- Are you okay?
Poor fellow!
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