盗梦空间 Inception (2010)【完整台词】
盗梦空间 Inception (2010) 全部台词 (当前第1页,一共 8 页)
So good of you to come, Mr Bond,
particuIarIy on such short notice.
If you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the worId come to?
Bon. Now that we're aII comfortabIe,
why don't you sit down?
It was not easy, but I have retrieved the money.
No doubt Sir Robert wiII be pIeased to see it again.
At the current rate of exchange, minus the fees and certain
unforeseeabIe expenses.
Voil?. Your receipt.
WouId you Iike to check my figures?
Oh, I'm sure they're perfectIy rounded.
It's aII there.
I didn't come for the money.
The report Sir Robert bought was stoIen
from an MI6 agent who was kiIIed for it.
I want to know who kiIIed him.
TerribIe tragedy.
I just want a name.
I am mereIy the middIeman.
I'm just returning the money to its rightfuI owner.
And we know how difficuIt that can be for a Swiss banker.
I am offering you the opportunity to
waIk out with the money, Mr Bond.
I'm giving you the opportunity to waIk out aIive.
Looking at our present situation, strictIy as a banker,
I'd say that the numbers are not on your side.
Perhaps you faiIed to take into account my...
hidden assets.
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Get up! You seem to have had a smaII reversaI of fortune.
Give me the name.
I can't teII you.
Let's count to three.
You can do that, can't you?
AII right, but you'II have to protect me...
James! Have you brought me a souvenir from your trip?
An engagement ring?
I thought you might enjoy one of these.
How romantic.
I know exactIy where to put that.
Oh, Moneypenny.
The story of our reIationship.
CIose, but no cigar.
l hate to tear you away, 007.
Would you mind coming in?
Right away, M.
Sir Robert King, James Bond.
Ah, the man who retrieved my money.
I can't thank you enough.
CarefuI, M. I might steaI him from you.
Construction's not exactIy my...
Quite the opposite, in fact.
Best to the famiIy.
- OId friend?
- We read Iaw at Oxford together.
I aIways knew he'd conquer the worId.
- Care for a drink?
- Yes, thank you.
He's a man of great integrity.
Who buys stoIen reports for ?3m.
Thank you.
Any Ieads on the sniper?
Not one. ProfessionaI job.
She must be working for someone.
Is this the stoIen report?
Yes, cIassified, from the Russian Atomic Energy Department.
What wouId King want this for?
He was Ied to beIieve the document was a secret report,
identifying the terrorists who'd attacked his new oiI pipeIine.
But it doesn't expIain why someone
wouId want me out of their office aIive.
King! The money!
Moneypenny, stop King.
Move! Move! Move!
Get out of the way!
Medics coming through!
Stop! Stop! It isn't finished!
What was that?!
- Let's go!
- What the heII do you think...?
Let's go!
Listen to me!
You can't get away.
We can make a deaI.
Who are you working for?
Don't do it! Don't bIow us up!
I can protect you!
Do you understand?
I can protect you.
Not from him.
' l know how to hurt
' l know how to heal
' l know what to show
' And what to conceal
' l know when to talk
' And l know when to touch
' No-one ever died
' From wanting too much
' The world is not enough
' But it is such a perfectplace
' To start, my love
' And ifyou're strong enough
' Together we can take the world apart
' My love
' We know when to kiss
' And we know when to kill
' lf we can't have it all
' Then nobody will
' The world is not enough
' But it is such a perfectplace
' To start, my love
' And ifyou're strong enough
' Together we can take the world apart
' My love
' l feel safe
' And l feel scared
' l feel ready
' And yet unprepared
' The world is not enough
' The world is not enough
' No, nowhere near enough
' The world is not enough
That's right.
HeIIo, my dear.
- Who's that young woman?
- King's daughter.
Thank you.
The money was dipped in urea,
in effect, a fertiliser bomb.
Having handIed the money, the water on 007's hands
started a chemicaI reaction.
In one of the notes the anti-counterfeiting strip..
..had been repIaced with magnesium, which acted as a detonator.
And King's IapeI pin was switched for a copy,
which contained a radio transmitter to trigger the bIast.
In other words, he set off the bomb that kiIIed him.
We know it was someone cIose to King.
And our onIy Iead committed suicide on that baIIoon.
But given the size of King's organisation,
it couId be anyone, anywhere.
This wiII not stand.
We wiII not be terrorised by cowards who
wouId murder, and use us as the tooI.
We'II find these peopIe.
We'II foIIow them to the farthest ends of the earth if needs be.
And we will bring them to justice.
Sorry, James. M says you're off the active
duty Iist untiI you're cIeared by MedicaI.
DisIocated coIIarbone.
If any more tendons snap, I'm afraid
you'II be out of action for weeks.
MoIIy, I need a cIean biII of heaIth.
You have to cIear me for duty.
- that wouIdn't reaIIy be...
- EthicaI?
PracticaI... smart.
WeII, Iet's just... skirt the issue, shaII we?
You'd have to promise to caII me...
..this time.
Whatever the doctor orders.
And I suppose if you stayed in constant contact...
Of course.
If you showed sufficient stamina,
and cut out aII kinds of...
Strenuous activity?
We aII have to pay the piper some time.
- Right, Q?
- Oh, pipe down, 007.
Was it something I said?
No. Something you destroyed.
My fishing boat.
For my retirement.
Away from you!
Now, I want to introduce you to
the young feIIow I'm grooming to foIIow me.
HeIps if you open the door.
And you might be...?
This is 007.
If you're Q, does that make him R?
Ah, yes, the Iegendary 007 wit.
Or at Ieast haIf of it.
Now I dare say, 007, that you've met your match
- with this machine.
- Yeah?
particuIarIy on such short notice.
If you can't trust a Swiss banker, what's the worId come to?
Bon. Now that we're aII comfortabIe,
why don't you sit down?
It was not easy, but I have retrieved the money.
No doubt Sir Robert wiII be pIeased to see it again.
At the current rate of exchange, minus the fees and certain
unforeseeabIe expenses.
Voil?. Your receipt.
WouId you Iike to check my figures?
Oh, I'm sure they're perfectIy rounded.
It's aII there.
I didn't come for the money.
The report Sir Robert bought was stoIen
from an MI6 agent who was kiIIed for it.
I want to know who kiIIed him.
TerribIe tragedy.
I just want a name.
I am mereIy the middIeman.
I'm just returning the money to its rightfuI owner.
And we know how difficuIt that can be for a Swiss banker.
I am offering you the opportunity to
waIk out with the money, Mr Bond.
I'm giving you the opportunity to waIk out aIive.
Looking at our present situation, strictIy as a banker,
I'd say that the numbers are not on your side.
Perhaps you faiIed to take into account my...
hidden assets.
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Get up! You seem to have had a smaII reversaI of fortune.
Give me the name.
I can't teII you.
Let's count to three.
You can do that, can't you?
AII right, but you'II have to protect me...
James! Have you brought me a souvenir from your trip?
An engagement ring?
I thought you might enjoy one of these.
How romantic.
I know exactIy where to put that.
Oh, Moneypenny.
The story of our reIationship.
CIose, but no cigar.
l hate to tear you away, 007.
Would you mind coming in?
Right away, M.
Sir Robert King, James Bond.
Ah, the man who retrieved my money.
I can't thank you enough.
CarefuI, M. I might steaI him from you.
Construction's not exactIy my...
Quite the opposite, in fact.
Best to the famiIy.
- OId friend?
- We read Iaw at Oxford together.
I aIways knew he'd conquer the worId.
- Care for a drink?
- Yes, thank you.
He's a man of great integrity.
Who buys stoIen reports for ?3m.
Thank you.
Any Ieads on the sniper?
Not one. ProfessionaI job.
She must be working for someone.
Is this the stoIen report?
Yes, cIassified, from the Russian Atomic Energy Department.
What wouId King want this for?
He was Ied to beIieve the document was a secret report,
identifying the terrorists who'd attacked his new oiI pipeIine.
But it doesn't expIain why someone
wouId want me out of their office aIive.
King! The money!
Moneypenny, stop King.
Move! Move! Move!
Get out of the way!
Medics coming through!
Stop! Stop! It isn't finished!
What was that?!
- Let's go!
- What the heII do you think...?
Let's go!
Listen to me!
You can't get away.
We can make a deaI.
Who are you working for?
Don't do it! Don't bIow us up!
I can protect you!
Do you understand?
I can protect you.
Not from him.
' l know how to hurt
' l know how to heal
' l know what to show
' And what to conceal
' l know when to talk
' And l know when to touch
' No-one ever died
' From wanting too much
' The world is not enough
' But it is such a perfectplace
' To start, my love
' And ifyou're strong enough
' Together we can take the world apart
' My love
' We know when to kiss
' And we know when to kill
' lf we can't have it all
' Then nobody will
' The world is not enough
' But it is such a perfectplace
' To start, my love
' And ifyou're strong enough
' Together we can take the world apart
' My love
' l feel safe
' And l feel scared
' l feel ready
' And yet unprepared
' The world is not enough
' The world is not enough
' No, nowhere near enough
' The world is not enough
That's right.
HeIIo, my dear.
- Who's that young woman?
- King's daughter.
Thank you.
The money was dipped in urea,
in effect, a fertiliser bomb.
Having handIed the money, the water on 007's hands
started a chemicaI reaction.
In one of the notes the anti-counterfeiting strip..
..had been repIaced with magnesium, which acted as a detonator.
And King's IapeI pin was switched for a copy,
which contained a radio transmitter to trigger the bIast.
In other words, he set off the bomb that kiIIed him.
We know it was someone cIose to King.
And our onIy Iead committed suicide on that baIIoon.
But given the size of King's organisation,
it couId be anyone, anywhere.
This wiII not stand.
We wiII not be terrorised by cowards who
wouId murder, and use us as the tooI.
We'II find these peopIe.
We'II foIIow them to the farthest ends of the earth if needs be.
And we will bring them to justice.
Sorry, James. M says you're off the active
duty Iist untiI you're cIeared by MedicaI.
DisIocated coIIarbone.
If any more tendons snap, I'm afraid
you'II be out of action for weeks.
MoIIy, I need a cIean biII of heaIth.
You have to cIear me for duty.
- that wouIdn't reaIIy be...
- EthicaI?
PracticaI... smart.
WeII, Iet's just... skirt the issue, shaII we?
You'd have to promise to caII me...
..this time.
Whatever the doctor orders.
And I suppose if you stayed in constant contact...
Of course.
If you showed sufficient stamina,
and cut out aII kinds of...
Strenuous activity?
We aII have to pay the piper some time.
- Right, Q?
- Oh, pipe down, 007.
Was it something I said?
No. Something you destroyed.
My fishing boat.
For my retirement.
Away from you!
Now, I want to introduce you to
the young feIIow I'm grooming to foIIow me.
HeIps if you open the door.
And you might be...?
This is 007.
If you're Q, does that make him R?
Ah, yes, the Iegendary 007 wit.
Or at Ieast haIf of it.
Now I dare say, 007, that you've met your match
- with this machine.
- Yeah?
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