A cloud of suspicion hangs over this administration.
Were there cover-ups? Lies? Oh, God.
I hate impeachments.
They're so '90s.
Well, the president now has the Senate and the House after him.
Gonna rain pain.
So what's POTUS's next move, Jonah? Oh, these lips are on lockdown.
You don't know.
No, I just have a "don't ask don't tell" policy about the things that I know.
Or that I don't know.
Jonah, don't talk, don't stay.
You need to fuck off and go back to Westworld.
- But, ma'am-- - You need to fuck off.
- But, ma'am-- - I said fuck off.
- Three fucks, you're out.
- Yes, ma'am.
Uh, guys, everybody in my office, please.
Um, Gary, why don't you come sit here next to me? Okay.
I've already told Amy this, but I have something that I need to tell you all.
I think I know what you're gonna say.
I've decided I'm not going to join POTUS in the next election.
I'm gonna get out.
Ma'am, you have my deepest, deepest sympathies.
Okay, well, I'm not dead.
My plan is that I'm gonna leave in two years, but then I'm gonna run for president four years after that.
But in the meantime, I obviously can't keep everybody on.
No, it's okay.
So if you need to look for other jobs, then you need to be thinking about that.
No one's thinking about that right now, ma'am.
Furthest thing from our minds.
I'm still digesting the information.
Although I should really take this call.
- Yeah? - Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Well, your devotion to this job - Yeah.
- it's just inspiring, Dan.
He's not getting a call.
He's making a call, right? Hi.
Can you please tell Governor Chung that Dan Egan is ready for the Chung chat? Hi, Senator McKensie.
How are you? You really think she'll go? God, that's such a shame.
No, it means I have absolutely nothing to do.
I meant for her.
Still, this might mean that we could spend more time together.
Let's take it one day at a time.
Sweet Jesus.
Thank you so much for seeing me at such short notice, Mr.
Happy to, Miss Wilson.
I'm an ardent admirer of your efficiency and precision.
Oh, well, in that case, let's get right to it.
I respect your brevity.
It's almost threatening.
Yes, Congressman Kosynski.
Or should I say mentor Kosynski? Yes, sir.
Well, I always thought of you as a mentor.
The father figure my own dad was too weird and distant to be.
Like that night that you stayed over and we read the papers the next morning? - Uh-huh.
- That was really nice.
And I thought, yeah, that is something that I could do for the rest of my life.
Yeah, well, you know, I like sleep and newspapers - as much as the next person, but - Right.
the rest of your life? You know, you're gonna get bedsores.
I would have no problem finding you a position within my Dream Metric team.
Sound good? - Yes, sir.
- We are simpatico.
- We have a deal.
- Pleasure doing business with you, sir.
Yes, yes.
Justice Blackwell, how are you? Thank you so much for calling me back.
- You fast? - Oh, yeah.
They call me the Washington Flash.
I doubt that.
All right, let's get this over with ASAP.
It's not gonna be easy with this big, gangly piss flap over here who moves like-- hey, what do you move like, Will? I move as slowly as a Mississippi detective investigating the murder of a young black man.
That's right.
Ready, Mike? Yeah, abso-- oh.
Right behind you.
Hey, ma'am, you know you're gonna break the president's heart with this news.
Wish I could break his spine.
But I can't, 'cause it's made of Jell-O.
Come on, you being veep is the best thing that's ever happened to America.
Gary, it has been shit.
- No, it hasn't.
- It has.
I'm getting out.
- Oh, Madam Vice President.
- What did I tell you earlier? - Again? - Yeah.
Excuse me, Ben.
Gonna go see the president.
Uh, no.
No, you're not.
He's canceled.
And you're gonna meet with me instead.
Ma'am, that is what I was going to tell you earlier today - until you told me to-- - Fuck off.
Are you finishing my sentence or are you telling me that again? Both.
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